Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 5 The Overlord of the Security Department!

The ENN Security Department is located on the east side of the 78th floor of the Empire State Building. It is only separated by a wall from the marketing department of the beautiful cloud, and it is still a fully automated glass wall. As soon as a person approaches, the glass wall will separate from it and slide left and right. Full of technology.

Xiao Zheng approached in two steps, and was about to pass through the evil glass that affected the development of friendship between departments. With a glance, he found a warning sign on the door: Women and dogs are prohibited from entering.

"What's the situation?" Xiao asked with a confused look on his face. "Everyone works in the same company and is arranged to work on the same floor. This is a great fate, why should the security department be so aggressive and prohibit the girls in the marketing department from going through the door and running amateur programs that are good for physical and mental health? I began to worry about this. The job is called into question.”

Xiao Zheng shook his head and entered, breaking into several offices in a row, only to find that there was no one there, and it was unusually deserted.

"Where did everyone go? Didn't Lawyer Deng greet the security department? I thought my enthusiastic colleagues would hold a unique welcome ceremony for me..."

Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette and walked to the depths of the security department.

By mistake, Xiao Zheng pushed open the doors of the conference room, the tea room, and the monitoring room that played a vital role. Confused, Xiao was heading towards the office marked by the security chief. Can't help complaining: "It seems that lawyer Deng's face is not as big as he imagined."

dong dong.

Xiao Zheng, who was walking to the door, raised his hand and knocked on the door, and asked politely, "Is anyone there?"

"Come in!"

A yin and yang contralto sounded from the door, the volume was low, but it was horrifying to hear. It's like holding a belly of bad water, causing people to be defensive.


Xiao Zheng opened the door and was immediately taken aback by the shocking scene inside the room.

The team leader deserves to be the team leader. The office is several times larger than the standard four-person room of an ordinary security guard. Huge floor-to-ceiling windows make the office appear spacious and bright, with excellent natural light.

At this moment, there are more than 20 security guards on standby in the office, their legs are spread out, their arms are behind their backs, and they are lined up in two rows facing each other, the atmosphere is solemn and solemn.

At the end of the two rows of security guards, a young girl with neat short hair was sitting upside down, her plump and slender legs were rudely placed on the desk, her arms were folded over her chest, and her eyes were sharp as she looked at the people who were walking into the house. Xiao Zheng.

The girl's skin is wheat-colored, which is very different from the sweet or fashionable girls in the marketing department. Wearing a security uniform on her bumpy body, she just wears a military style. The girl has beautiful facial features and a pretty face, but she has a heroic spirit rarely seen in modern women. Only the eyes under the thick eyebrows are fierce and cruel, which greatly reduces the appreciation.

Xiao Zheng sorted out his clothes and recognized the girl as the head of the security department. He greeted with a smile on his face: "I'm a new security guard. I'll ask the elder sister to take care of me in the future."

"Who's your eldest sister!?" Bai Yujiao sat down with her buttocks down, the feet of the chair touching the ground at zero distance, making a dull crashing sound. Liu Mei stood upright. "Stop giving me a hippie smile!"

Xiao Zheng's expression froze, and he was about to defend himself when he saw Bai Yujiao suddenly stand up, her palms resting on the table, her eyes glinting and said: "Do you know that you are half an hour late?"

"Ah?" Xiao Zheng opened his mouth wide and said incredulously. "I'm not officially hired yet..."

"Deng Jian called me half an hour ago and said you would be there soon. But you arrived half an hour late!" Bai Yujiao slammed on the table and shouted. "Don't think that you are a related account, so I don't dare to fire you! In the security department, there is only one end for offending me, Bai Yujiao,

Tell him what it is! "

"Fuck off!"

Nearly twenty security guards with straight waists roared in unison.

Xiao Zheng was really shocked by the roar that went straight into the sky. The corners of the mouth twitched.

Is this the security department of ENN Group, or a pyramid scheme? Why are they all brainwashed? Xiao Zheng wondered if he had gone to the wrong place.

But since this was the first serious job he had won at the expense of his color, Xiao Zheng, who had no diploma and no work experience, decided to smash his teeth and swallow his blood. Not having the same knowledge as this young girl with endocrine disorders, she nodded and said, "Even if I eat bear heart and leopard gall, I won't dare to offend President Bai."

"Call me Team White!" Bai Yujiao corrected.

"Yes. Team White." Xiao Zheng answered with his chest out. Then I found that it was easy to be brainwashed by bowing my knees like this, and slowly relax the tense muscles. In a state of rest.

"This is the first time you've been late, and I hope it's also the last time. Do you understand?" Bai Yujiao shouted with a stern face.

"Understood." Xiao Zheng gave a cowardly look.

"Be louder! I can't hear you!" Bai Yujiao slapped her palm on the table again, so frightened that the two security guards who were next to the desk swayed their legs. Sweaty.

"Understood!" Xiao Zheng stomped his feet and was about to salute Bai Yujiao.

"Very good!" Bai Yujiao was satisfied with Xiao Zheng's correct attitude, she sat back in the chair and said to the group leader who was leading the group on the left. "Tang Ming. Take him to get his uniform. By the way, teach him the rules of our security department."

"Yes!" Tang Ming answered loudly. It seems to have formed a good habit...

"Disband! Go back to your post!"

The security guards were relieved and left the captain's office one after another. Xiao Zheng also walked towards the locker room under the leadership of Tang Ming.

"Brother. What is your relationship with Lawyer Deng?" Tang Ming asked casually on the way.

"Neighbor. He found me this job when he saw that I was idle all day." Xiao Zheng said nonsense.

"You have no grudge against him, right?" Tang Ming asked curiously.

"Of course not." Xiao Zheng asked. "Why do you say that?"

"Can't you see it?" Tang Ming lit a cigarette and muttered. "Our security department is not that easy to mess with. There are a lot of rules. If you don't talk about other things, just talk about the jobs you have been looking for before. Which one would be like our Xinao security department, when you just joined the security department, you gave such a big man a slap in the face? You said, last month a buddy was scared to cry by Boss Bai on his first day at work. He resigned the next day."

Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette and joked: "I'm not scared to cry by a young girl."

Younger girls?

Tang Ming felt his scalp go numb, and hesitantly said, "Brother, don't speak ill of Boss Bai behind your back. If she hears it, it will torture you to the point of death."

"Isn't it? I think she is only in her twenties. Can she have that ability? Maybe she was just abandoned by her boyfriend, so let's vent the depression in his heart." Xiao Zheng raised his head and exhaled a ring of smoke. It doesn't matter.

"It seems that you really don't understand Boss Bai's past." Tang Ming shook his head, his face full of fear.

"What happened in the past?" Xiao Zhengqi asked.

Tang Ming looked around like a thief, making sure there was no one around, and there was no ear in the wall. Then he lowered his voice and said, "Boss Bai's real name is Bai Yujiao. A retired female officer. It is said that she had the opportunity to become the first batch of female special forces in China. Strongly opposed, was forced to retire from the army. Later, he changed his career to become a criminal police officer. He beat a street hooligan into a concussion because of violent law enforcement while on duty, and was dismissed by the police again. That’s why we came to ENN as a security guard. Head of the department. Don't look at Boss Bai, who is only twenty-three years old. She is the only female champion in the free-fighting world in our Pearl City. Three, five, seven, or eight strong men can't get close at all."

"God of war!" Xiao Zheng pretended to be surprised.

"It's not. And she hates our relationship the most. If there is a chance, she wants to kick us out of the security department. The original word is that a pot of porridge can't be ruined because of a mouse feces." Tang Ming said helplessly.

"So you are also a related household?" Xiao Zheng smiled knowingly. joking. "Disrespectful disrespect."

"My little brother is not talented. Director Qian of the Personnel Department is my aunt." Tang Ming smiled.

"It's harder than me. You have to cover me in the future." Xiao Zheng politely handed out a cigarette.

Tang Ming readily accepted: "Tell me about the rules of our security department." After a pause, he continued. "The first and most important rule is that it is forbidden to chat with female employees of the company. Have you seen the slogan posted by our security department? Women and dogs are not allowed to enter."

Hearing this bad news, Xiao Zheng is extremely disappointed. Even if our colleagues in the security department can hold back, don't we think about the mood of the young girls who are in the peak of hormones? What the hell is a daughter country, it's a nunnery at all!

Moreover, Shitai Mie is in the security department, her name is Bai Yujiao!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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