Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 8 I Hate Living Alone!

Xiao Zhengda came to the living room and threw the dirty duffel bag on the expensive leather sofa, then caught a glimpse of the bright and delicious fruit salad on the dining table, grabbed a piece of fruit pulp and threw it into his mouth, chewing: " Less salad dressing."

Then he put down the dark roasted pork kidney, sat down at the table, and asked curiously, "This is not your dinner, right?"

Words and deeds give people the illusion that the home is his, and only his name is written on the real estate deed.

Lin Huayin, whose bottom line was torn to shreds, was completely stunned.

Why did he come in? And she didn't even change her shoes, so she cleaned the floor for a weekend when she stepped on it? Why did he throw that last century duffel bag on her favorite sofa?

Why does he eat his own dinner? And it's not hygienic to grab it with your hands?

The most important thing is - he still lives here?

Lin Huayin walked into the kitchen with a cold face, took out a kitchen knife with a cold glow, and approached the dining table, holding the knife in both hands and pointing at Xiao Zheng who was about to eat supper: "Get out!"

Xiao Zheng nibbled at a bunch of pork kidneys with relish, and said without raising his head, "You should know that I was swept out by the landlord."

"It has nothing to do with me!" Lin Huayin said coldly.

"I'm homeless." Xiao Zheng ignored the kitchen knife that was shaking in front of his forehead. said rather frustratedly. "There is no money to open a house."

"This is your business!" Lin Huayin gasped and said angrily. "Get out of here immediately! Or I'll—"

"How's it going?" Xiao Zheng ate two greasy pork kidneys, lit a cigarette, and smiled at Lin Huayin.

"I'll call the police!" Lin Huayin said coldly. After speaking, she seemed to feel that she was not strong enough, so she added. "Find a lawyer to sue you! I sue you for trespassing and attempting to steal!"

"Stop joking!" Seeing that Lin Huayin, who is high above the Xinao Group and regarded as the goddess of the iceberg, now looks helpless, Xiao Zhengle is happy. "We're legal husband and wife. Even if you call the police, I'll start a fight. Who do you think they believe?"

"Who are you and the couple!?" Lin Huayin said angrily.

Xiao showed a sad look on his face, and sighed: "It's said that the most poisonous woman's heart, the ancients honestly don't deceive me. We only signed the marriage agreement at noon, I didn't expect you to turn your face and not recognize you so quickly. It really broke my heart. ."

Lin Huayin became annoyed and scolded tightly, "I will warn you one last time, pick up your package and get out!"

"Don't go." Xiao Zheng broke the jar and threw it with the posture of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. "If you can do it, chop me with a knife. I don't blame you. Anyway, I'll die from freezing or starvation when I leave here. It's better to hurry up."

Lin Huayin's beautiful eyes widened, her whole body trembling with anger.

Isn't this a shameless face? How can this guy be so shameless? He even threatened with a knife, but he still refused to leave. Are you determined to live at home?


Not to mention letting the clean and territorial Lin Huayin take in a sloppy bastard man, even if relatives and friends come to stay at home for a long time, she may not agree.

It's too hard, Lin Huayin said in an almost pleading tone: "How on earth do you want to leave? You don't have money to stay in a hotel, I can give you money."

"You are insulting my dignity as a man. Don't think you can trample on my personality with a few stinky money. I don't eat that!" Xiao Zheng said with a stern face and righteous indignation.

Dignity without money? Why do not you go to hell!

"Then I'll rent an apartment for you.

Lin Huayin resisted the anger in her heart and said calmly. "The location and environment are up to you. "

"I don't like living alone, lonely, lonely, and unpopular." Xiao Zhengming said sadly. "I hope that after a busy day at work, there is a steaming meal waiting for me at home. I also hope that in the middle of the night, when I am dragging my exhausted body home, there is a light in the house for me - —”

"Enough!" Lin Huayin was so angry that he almost fainted, his face turned pale. "Xiao Zheng, are you finished!?"

"That's what I want to ask you too." Xiao Zheng grabbed a water cup called a handicraft, deftly flicked the soot, and said expressionlessly. "I was forced to sign a two-month marriage contract with you, and I was compelled to stay in your company, which is even colder than hell. Don't think I don't know, you deliberately arranged me in the security department, just want to use the guise Bai Yujiao's hands torture me. Well, I can endure all of this. As for you, hire a private detective to follow me around the clock. Even when I urinate. Follow me home. Why, treat me as a murderer Don't you think about it? Don't forget. I didn't take the initiative to hook up with you that night. If I wasn't afraid that you would be taken advantage of by scumbags with ulterior motives, I wouldn't be bothered to pay attention to you."

Do you have any ulterior motives? Take advantage?

You are that scumbag with ulterior motives! In the end, the cheap is all taken by you! And the face said so righteously?

Lin Huayin's plump breasts rose and fell in her home outfit, and she was very angry. But on second thought, what I did was really too much. As Xiao Zheng said, the accident that night was not unilaterally planned by him. If it wasn't for his weak sense of defense, how could he be taken advantage of by this bastard?

"Since you want to know everything about me so much, what's wrong with me taking the initiative to send it to your door to monitor you? Not only does it save money for hiring a private detective, but I can have more companions at home. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?" Xiao Zheng said softly and hard. "Of course, if you have to make a big deal of it, I'm not afraid to smash our relationship out. Then the jade and the stone will be destroyed. It won't do anyone any good. What do you think?"

Lin Huayin's delicate jade face had a rich expression, but the hostility and anger in her eyes gradually faded away. Indifferently: "I can take you in for a few days, but you must find a house immediately."

"No problem." Xiao Zheng raised his eyebrows with joy, and he closed it as soon as he saw it, no longer irritating Lin Huayin, who was clearly on the verge of collapse.

"Besides, you can't touch anything in the house." Lin Huayin was domineering.

"Can't even watch TV?" Xiao Zheng tried to fight for his welfare.

"No!" Lin Huayin suddenly raised the volume and fell into a state of collapse again. "You can't touch the TV! You can't touch the sofa! You can't touch the kitchen! Except for that room, everything in the house doesn't belong to you! You're not allowed to use it!"

Xiao Zheng nodded again and again: "Agree, understand, don't touch it, don't need it."

"You can't even go upstairs!" Lin Huayin's eyes spurted out anger. "If you dare to go upstairs, I will kill you!"

"Unless you invite me upstairs." Xiao Zheng raised his head and issued a military order. "Otherwise I will never go up without permission!"

Lin Huayin's eyes darkened with anger.

invite you upstairs? Are you crazy! I won't say a word even if I die upstairs!

"Okay. The negotiation is over." Xiao Zheng kindly grabbed a black and greasy pork kidney and said enthusiastically. "Would you like one? This thing is good for the waist. If you sit in the office for a long time, the strain on your lumbar muscles must be serious."

If murder is not illegal, Lin Huayin will definitely hack this bastard to death!

Glancing at Xiao Zheng with disgust and disgust, Lin Huayin turned and walked away, returning to the room angrily. Slam the door shut. No more movement.


The new book of the seedling needs to be taken care of. The eggplant wishes everyone a happy 61. The longer it grows, the more tender it becomes. ask for support~

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