Bold Evildoer, Poor Monk Fahai

Chapter 429: Little gain, **** suffering

Chapter 429: Small gains, **** suffering

The incarnation of Dijiang went crazy, jumping up and down, disturbing this small world upside down.

The incarnation of Di Jiang went crazy when he saw him, which Fahai hadn't expected. It seems that the incarnation of Di Jiang was very confident about his appearance, but the reality made him understand the sinister world.

As the incarnation of Dijiang jumped up and down, Fahai felt that the power of the law of space above the desert became stronger and stronger, and even every grain of yellow sand was full of a sense of space.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at the incarnation of Dijiang, his eyes blooming with shock and excitement.

The incarnation of Dijiang is actually the power of a space law?

He settled down, and then used his magical powers to attack the Dijiang incarnation. He had to capture the Dijiang incarnation. This was a great opportunity that could not be met.

Comprehending the power of a space law can make his various supernatural powers stronger, reaching the point of unpredictability.

Fahai flicked his finger, and the Demon-Descent Bowl flew into the air to face the storm and shrouded the incarnation of Dijiang. The incarnation of Dijiang suddenly disappeared, and immediately flashed in another place in the next moment.

Fa Hai went to capture again with magical powers, but he still escaped.

"It's really worthy of being the ancestor of space speed."

Fahai couldn't help but sigh, I'm afraid that only by realizing supernatural power can he have the speed that rivals the incarnation of Dijiang.


With a move of his mind, the merit robes flew out of the sky and covered the sun. At the same time, his figure disappeared from the same place, and he grabbed to the edge of the robes and suddenly gathered. The incarnation of Emperor Jiang is a law of space, with the ability to escape from space, it is not easy to capture it with merit robes.

Therefore, Fahai directly urged the world of Buddhism to cover the entire desert, making the incarnation of Dijiang inevitable.

Since the incarnation of Dijiang is the power of a space law, the fighting consciousness is not strong. Fahai opened his palm, and the Buddha light spread out infinitely.


In the next instant, he suddenly shook his palm and grabbed the incarnation of Dijiang in his hand.

Although he captured the incarnation of Dijiang, he still did not dare to take it lightly and did not take away his supernatural powers. Carefully spread out his palms, seeing that the incarnation of Dijiang couldn't break the barrier of the Buddha kingdom in his palm, and he was slightly relieved.

Chi Ze changed, and he refined the incarnation of Di Jiang away without stopping.

Half an hour later, Fahai opened his eyes, and the dazzling brilliance flashed away. He flipped his palm, and a big golden hand suddenly appeared thousands of feet away.

After getting acquainted with the supernatural powers of space, he gathered up his thoughts and went to find other ancestral witch incarnations.

What he looks forward to most is the incarnation of the ancestor of time, Wuzhu Jiuyin.

The power of time is very overbearing...

Fa Hai traveled across this small world to find the incarnations of the other ten great ancestral witches, and learned their original magical powers. So far, he has fully understood the original magical powers of the twelve ancestral witches, and made the original magical powers of the twelve ancestral witches he comprehended from the blood of the ancestor witches more perfect and more powerful.

"The good fortune given by Houtu Niangniang is enough to become a poor monk's card tool."

While speaking, Fahai directly used the supernatural power of space to leave this small world and returned to the well of reincarnation.

The figure of Empress Houtu also appeared at the same time.

She looked at Fahai with a little surprise, "Leaving so soon? It seems that your understanding is beyond my expectations."

"Niang Niang is absurdly praised, but a small gain."

Fahai bowed.

"How much you can comprehend depends on your own understanding, no need to say more."

Houtu Niangniang smiled slightly, "Fahai, how sure about the Ten Thousand Buddhas Conference held in Lingshan?"

Fahai calmly said: "If you come, you will be at ease. The poor monk is also trying to take this opportunity to promote the Dharma in his heart and fulfill his ambition."

"You are very good."

Houtu Niangniang praised.

"Thank you Niang Niang for the good luck, the poor monk bid farewell."

After Fa Hai met Hou Tu Niangniang, he left the Reincarnation Well and went to the eighteenth hell.

Now that I have come to the underworld, I should go and meet the Ksitigarbha.

Fahai's achievements today cannot be separated from the **** of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

He respected the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva as much as the Zen Master Lingyou.

Fahai came to the bank of the eighteenth level of hell, and the figure of the Bodhisattva of Earth Store King came into view, "Disciple Fahai, worship the Bodhisattva."

"You came."

The Ksitigarbha King spoke slowly.

"The disciple protects the Wu Clan, and the Empress Houtu bestows good luck on the disciple."

Fahai answered truthfully.

"Are there gains?"

"Small gains."


The Ksitigarbha king nodded, "Although the magical powers of the witch clan are not as exquisite as Buddhism and Taoism, they have merits. With your understanding, you can surely incorporate the magical powers of the witch clan into the Dharma."

Fahai bowed and saluted.

"After you killed the Dao Ling Buddha, the World Venerable Tathagata violated the decree of the Buddha and convened the Ten Thousand Buddhas Conference at Da Lei Yin Temple. What do you think about this?

Fahai will say something to the Empress Houtu, and tell it to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"You are a creative talent, I hope you can change the current situation of Buddhism."

The King of Ksitigarbha spoke quite a bit about Lingshan today.

"The disciple does his best."

Fahai is combined.

"That's good."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled and said, "Although the Dharma and supernatural powers of this seat are not comparable to the Tathagata, it can save your life in times of crisis."

"Disciples, thank you Bodhisattva."

Fahai bowed again to thank you.

With the words of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he had no worries when he went to Lingshan Daleiyin Temple to participate in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Conference.

After that, Fahai sat cross-legged and listened to the Buddha Dharma explained by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to perfect his own Dharma. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva suppressed the **** and saved the sufferings.

The sufferings of **** are very much tolerable, and only those with great perseverance can persevere.

And when the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sits on the bank of the eighteenth hell, there are countless Yuanhui.

On this basis, he is worthy of the admiration of Buddhists in the Three Realms.

"Amitabha Buddha, the Bodhisattva teaches the Fa, and the disciples have benefited a lot. Please be worshipped by the disciples."

After Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva finished his teaching, Fahai stood up and bowed.

Preaching is also a teacher.

After Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's enlightenment, Fahai's mood perception has been improved again. Because what he cultivates is the law of self, supernatural power is only the second, and more importantly, the state of mind, a slight error may be forever.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva waved his hand, and then solemnly said: "This time the Ten Thousand Buddhas Convention, the cause and effect between you and Lingshan will be more profound and unable to be self-sustainable. You must follow the Buddha's mind in your heart. You should follow the Buddha's mind in your heart. Create another path of Dharma, and you should walk on thin ice."

"The disciple remembers the mantra of the Bodhisattva and will be careful."

Fahai answered seriously.

"Lingshan Buddhas once involved a great cause and effect, and this karma will appear after the Buddha's luck stabilizes."

Fahai naturally knows what Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said about cause and effect.

Mo Luo Wutian.

Wutian returned to the Three Realms, and the Buddha was reincarnated and rebuilt. The Three Realms were reduced to darkness, ushered in catastrophe, and countless innocent sentient beings suffered.

This was originally a cause and effect created by Lingshan, but all beings in the three realms must bear it together, which is contrary to the Buddhist doctrine of compassion.

Sometimes Buddhas and demons are no different.

Fahai did not agree, so he was bound to intervene at that time.

He is not trying to resolve the cause and effect between Lingshan and Mo Luo Wutian, but to protect the world with his own power.

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