Bold Evildoer, Poor Monk Fahai

Chapter 498: Empty city plan, harassment war

The 498th chapter empty city plan, harassing war

The whole camp was silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

Zhenwu Zhenjun asked solemnly: "But what the Bodhisattva said is true?"


Fahai took out the golden bowl, "Ajialu is here."

Zhenwu Zhenjun glanced, his expression slightly moved, "It really is Ajialu."

"The Bodhisattva is so powerful that she can capture Ajialu alive. She is a strong man counted by the Demon Clan. Now being captured by the Bodhisattva, the Demon Clan should panic."

Fahai shook his head, "True Monarch, just capturing A Jialu will not make the Demon Race panic."

"What does the Bodhisattva think?"

Zhen Wu Zhenjun asked.

Fahai thought about it, and said: "Fight against the Demon Clan with all his strength, and the more sweeps, the more the Demon will panic. The plan to destroy the Demon King's Court may succeed."

Zhenwu Zhenjun nodded his head in agreement, "The Bodhisattva said it is very true, only by doing this can the demons have a sense of crisis, and our plan will be possible."

"The true monarch orders the army to pull out the camp, and march towards the next city of the Demon Race."

"The God Sovereign Qinglong Mengzhang, in accordance with the instructions of the Bodhisattva, ordered the army to pull out the camp and march towards the nearest devil city. The speed must be fast, and the demon must have a strong sense of crisis and send troops to rescue."


Qinglong Mengzhang Shenjun nodded his head and immediately took the token from Zhenwu Zhenjun and left the camp.

"Bodhisattva, if you capture Ajialu, you must be careful of the demons' sneak attacks."

Zhenwu Zhenjun said to Fahai.

Fahai smiled and said: "True Lord, don't worry, the poor monk holds the Baolian magic lamp, even if Mo Luo makes a move, he can't take me down in a short time."

"I'm relieved with the words of Bodhisattva."

Zhenwu Zhenjun sighed, "Next, the Bodhisattva needs to act."

"It's okay."

Fahaidao: "The poor monk entered the Demon Realm to kill the Demon Race."

"The Bodhisattva should be about to become a Buddha."

Zhenwu Zhenjun suddenly asked.

Fahai nodded.

"The mana of the poor monk has reached a bottleneck, and the growth rate is limited. Only proving the Buddha's Attainment is the only way out."

Fa Hai swept over everyone in the camp. "Everyone knows that the Buddhist philosophy of the poor monks is very different from the methods practiced by the Lingshan Buddhas. Sooner or later, the Lingshan Buddhas will take action against the poor monks, and the poor monks can only become Buddhas. The ancestors can truly contend with Lingshan."

After hearing Fahai's explanation, everyone understood why Fahai suddenly entered the demon world.

The demons are not recognized by the heavens. Killing the demons is the most effective way to accumulate merit.

Fahai is at ease in the world, but his situation is not good.

Only when you become a Buddha can you be at ease.

"Poor monks do many things, on the one hand, to cultivate great freedom, on the other hand, to protect the common people of the Three Realms."

Fa Hai said solemnly: "You all serve in the heavenly court. Don't blame the poor monks for speaking badly. Today's heavenly court is smoggy. Many gods rely on their identities to oppress the people on the earth, and even tolerate the evil demon's murder. The Jade Emperor ignores all this. ."

"Poor monks never show mercy to the gods who regard human life like a grass."

Yang Jian and they all nodded in approval.

Lu Dongbin said: "The gods have the constraints of the heavens and will constrain them. The disciples of the Immortal Mountain Cave Mansion are the ones who really brazenly bully others, and their actions are abominable."

"The real person is right."

Fahai nodded, "A disciple of the Taiyi Sect once pointed everyone to be a demon, and the poor monk hit the Taiyi Sect in a rage and almost killed Taiyi's soul together."


When this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

After the Battle of the Self-Proclaimed God, the position of the evangelists in the Three Realms is very important.

It was incredible that Fahai nearly smashed a ghost of Taiyi.

The golden light lingered in Fahai's eyes, very oppressive.

"We won't talk about the extra words, but focus on the immediate matter."

Everyone knew that what Fahai said just now was a warning to them. If you dare to oppress the common people with your own immortal status, you will have to pay a price.

Devil's Desolate City is about five thousand miles away from Sky City.

However, when the soldiers rushed to the Demon Desolate City, they were greeted by an empty city, and there was no Demon Race in the city.

They speculated that it was because of the capture of the witch Ajialu.

After learning the news, the demons abandoned the city and fled.

Because the demons know that the heavenly soldiers and horses cannot always attack the city in the demons.

The removal of the demons was not good news for Fahai and the others.

Without this restraint, the two soldiers and horses of General Tianyou could hardly move, let alone destroy the Demon King Court.

Zhen Wu Zhenjun paced, thinking of ways to deal with it.

Heavenly soldiers and horses are impossible to run rampant in the devil world, not only because of the limited marching speed, but also because their running around greatly affects the combat effectiveness of the heavenly soldiers.

The demons had obviously thought of this, and only then made a emptiness.

While Lu Dongbin and others were angry, they were also extremely anxious in their hearts.

Fahai sat still, without the slightest panic.

It is not surprising that everyone sees him so calm, after all, Buddhist practitioners have always had better concentration than them.

"Marshal, the Demon Race obviously anticipated our plan. The Demon Desert City is an empty city, and other Demon Race cities are very likely to have no Demon Race."

Guangmu Xingjun reminded.

Zhenwu Zhenjun's expression is lackluster, "You are right, but I am commanding this soldier under the decree of the Jade Emperor, and it is impossible to leave the post without authorization. Moreover, it is extremely detrimental to us to travel long distances in the Demon Realm."

"True Monarch, his subordinates feel that they can mobilize some of the elites and rush to other Demon Cities under the command of True Man Chunyang."

Broad Eye Xingjun explained: "The purpose of this is not to attack the city, but to interfere with the demons. Moreover, with the magical powers of real people, they can cast illusions and transform countless heavenly soldiers to confuse the demons."

Zhenwu Zhenjun went silent, and fell into deep thought.

The method Broad Eye Xingjun said can solve the problem in front of him.

But it is also very risky to do so. Once the demon's calculations are taken, it is very possible to lose troops and horses.

Except for this, I can't think of a better way right now.

After careful consideration, Zhenwu Zhenjun said, "There is no better way besides this, you can choose a suitable heavenly soldier, Guangmu Xingjun."

"Subordinates obey."

Broadeye Star took the order and ordered Arrow to leave quickly.

This matter is very urgent and can not tolerate any delay.

Zhenwu Zhenjun looked at Lu Dongbin and the others with a wry smile, "Everyone, I am afraid I will trouble you."

"The true monarch is polite."

Lu Dongbin and the others said in unison: "It is my destiny to kill the demons."

"With your words, I can rest assured, my Heavenly Court soldiers and horses will definitely be invincible, making the demons frightened."

Zhen Wu Zhenjun is powerful and roars up to the sky.

He commanded the elite soldiers and horses to contain the demons and gave the Tianyou General Marshal Zhenjun the two soldiers and horses to fight for opportunities, but he has been repeatedly blocked since attacking the cities of the demons, and his heart is also very aggrieved.

He really wanted to go to the Demon Clan to kill the Demon Clan in person, but he was the commander of the three armies and he must focus on the overall situation.

Mr. Guangmu Xing soon selected 20,000 more powerful celestial soldiers from the tens of thousands of celestial soldiers, and divided them into six teams led by Lu Dongbin, Yang Jian, Fahai and others.

At the same time, the six teams rushed to the nearest six cities at the fastest speed.

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