Book of Gods and Demons

Chapter 455: Break into (2)

The 455th chapter of the main body of the Book of Gods and Demons broke into Joe and walked quickly with Margaret III.

  While walking, he looked down at the saint badge hanging on his chest, and fumbled a few from time to time.

  The saint badge is extremely exquisite in design and exquisite workmanship. The badge weighs less than two ounces, but it is made of extremely rare and extremely expensive'shen silver'.

   ‘Divine Silver’ itself is a kind of strange metal that is extremely similar in shape and properties to silver, but has a great storage capacity for various strange energies and a strong ability to pass various strange energies.

   The original form of this strange metal is called ‘true silver’.

   The so-called ‘real silver’ means that it is the real ‘silver’, and the common metal currency ‘silver’ in Medland is just a ‘fake’.

Place the'True Silver' in a special extreme environment of high temperature, high pressure, full of divine power, and absolutely no other alien energy. After a long period of refining and infiltration, the'True Silver' will be transformed into an extremely pure nature. The'sacred silver' whose attributes have been greatly improved.

   In the mainland of Maidland, the cost price of an ounce of "Silver" is about 500 pounds of gold. The price fluctuates occasionally, but the fluctuation range is not large.

After the master craftsman in the church, the'shen silver' was made into a badge, the baby's fist-sized badge was built into a **** array, and then supernatural power was injected to activate it. The final cost of a saint badge reached two thousand. The pound is the level of nearly a ton of gold.

  The cost is just a million gold marks.

  According to the virtues of Yingui Church in selling divine potions, we can see that such a saint emblem, if you want to get it from the hands of the archbishop of this church, what is the price you need to pay.

   is extremely hard, the hardness even exceeds that of diamond; the badge with extremely strong toughness and extensibility even surpasses that of gold, the hand is sensitive to light, a clear coolness lingers on the badge, refreshing and refreshing.

   A small badge of saints, on it is blessed with several useless, but rather ingenious eternal magic.

   A ‘cleansing technique’ is activated once a day in the morning, at noon, and at night, and the sand and dirt on the wearer’s body will be washed away by the Holy Light. In other words, if you want to save trouble, you don't need to take a bath after wearing the badge of Saints.

  A ‘lighting technique’, in the dark, the badge of the saints will emit bright white light to illuminate the surroundings. And the brightness is not small, enough to illuminate the range of a hundred feet. People who walk at night don't need torches or oil lamps... But this feature brings no small trouble. For some night-walking professions such as assassins and thieves, the badge of the saints is simply a burden.

  Of course, generally speaking, practitioners in the trades of assassins and thieves are basically unable to get the badge of saints.

   A ‘detect evil’, which is a more practical magical technique. As long as you wear the badge of saints, when you come into contact with certain people and things that have an affair with evil forces, the badge will warn itself.

Therefore, the badge of the saints really has the effect of'group evils and exorcism'...Of course, this is under the public, in full view, wherever a saint wearing a saint badge goes, all heretics will hear the wind. So as not to expose their identity.

   But in a desolate place, a ‘saint’ wearing a saint’s badge will naturally become the target of a heresy... this is something that can be understood with the ass.

   Among the small badges of saints, the last eternally blessed divine technique is the ‘restoration technique’.

This is a healing magic with medium power. As long as the heart is not pierced and the head is not cut off, ordinary injuries can be cured by this magic... even if it is injured by certain poisons, this healing technique It can also dispel the poison and save the life of the saint.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Of course, in the small badge, there is not much magical power stored in it. The restoration can only be activated once to save a one-time life... Once activated, either wait For nearly a year, let the badge of the saints slowly recover their divine power, or go to the local cathedral and ask for clergy with sufficient cultivation level to replenish their divine power.

  It’s just that the divine power is so precious, even if you are a saint, you want to quickly fill up the divine power in the badge, some indispensable ‘incense money’... This is a clear rule that everyone knows.

   In short, this badge is a good thing.

  Owning it means that you can pull out the big tiger skin of the church as a banner to scare people at any time.

   made Joe even more satisfied, and he was really happy that he got a saint badge from the great priest Xia without spending a copper. This kind of costless business is really refreshing and happy to do.

   Joe looked at the back of Margaret III in awe.

This old grandmother with a fierce fame...tsk, she is so majestic, and the great priest Xia can only bite her teeth...I don’t know that she is equally famous in the mainland of Maidland, another member of the Ice Sea Kingdom. What kind of style is the old grandmother?

"Are you thinking about the old sea monster in Binghai?" Margaret III felt Joe's gaze, and then guessed what he was thinking: "Hey, that's an old witch, you'd better Don't provoke her, otherwise, be careful that your tender bones are sucked up by her."

   Qiao Ji Lingling shivered.

   Well, what Margaret III said indeed proved some rumors in the market.

   Fortunately, there is half the mainland of Medland between the Durham Empire and the Ice Sea Kingdom, so the two old grandmothers can get along safely, and even join hands to entrap a few unlucky ones from time to time.

But everyone agreed that if the Durham Empire and the Ice Sea Kingdom could be closer geographically, then these two crazy old ladies would have started a war that would spread across the entire continent and would bring the Medland continent. It was a mess.

  Although, in terms of blood relationship, the two old ladies are relatively close cousins...

   But, their sisterhood... Haha!

Margaret III seemed to have guessed what Joe was thinking. She walked swiftly and snorted coldly: "Don't say what sisters I and her are... That's a shameless little bitch... Aha When I am too old to walk, I must write a memoir to make public the shameful things in her life."

After a slight pause, Margaret III said viciously: "That little **** must have thought so too... With her personality, she might have prepared a manuscript for spilling dirty water on me. , Just wait for her to breathe, publish it!"

   Joe's eyes widened, unable to answer this dangerous topic at all.

   He could only smile: "Your Majesty, if you didn't arrive in time this time, we would have been really..."

Margaret III interrupted Joe's words: "Don't talk about those useless empty words, in the future, just do your best for the empire... I am not going to save you specifically, just to urge those gods to do their duties. ."

   "God bitch"?

   Joe and the subordinates around him were all dumbfounded.

   This is a word that is ‘exciting’ and ‘infinite’.

   "God bitch"!

   Joe dared to swear that he heard this ‘sound-sounding’ word for the first time in his life...Moreover, he heard it from the incomparably noble Queen of the Durham Empire.

   "God bitch"!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  , replace the word with anyone else, if you dare to invent the word, I am afraid that the whole family would have been put on the torture rack long ago Did you drag it to the wild to feed the dog when it was 80% ripe?

Margaret III’s shrill laughter came out: "Joe, you young people, you must remember that you would rather believe the low-grade prostitutes standing on the street than these superficial Holy and solemn **** bitch."

"The prostitute-girl just wants money to support the family, but the **** **** wants to completely wipe your assets, your body, and your soul." Margaret III sneered: "Look at it." How are they going to end this time... So many great nuns have become heretics? Have their practice, their precepts, and their belief in Muteste been fed to the dogs?"

   In just a few words, the team led by Margaret III arrived outside the Royal Bank headquarters.

   The giant sword made of golden light, and the thunder made of silver light, are constantly falling from the air, bombarding various parts of the headquarters building again and again, shattering the residual evil forces inside and out.

Rafa, who is tall, handsome, hard-faced, with a fiery aura like fire and heavy as a mountain, is standing at the entrance of the headquarters building. His body is spewed with divine light and flames, and a huge spiritual force rushes into the sky, pulling a series of golden giant swords. Smashed down with howling.

In the distance, senior clergymen of the Golden Oak Church in pale golden robes rushed to see Rafa’s face clearly through the use of magical skills from a long distance away. They could not help shouting in surprise: "Your Excellency Rafa, Rafa Your Excellency, you are all right, it's simply great."

Rafa's eyes widened, two eyes emitting brilliant golden light, and a terrifying tsunami-like pressure swept out in all I, of course nothing happened... There is no evil that can infringe upon the pious servant of our lord. Rafa turned around, squinted at Margaret III, and said word by word: "What do you think?" Margaret III... Your Majesty? "

   Margaret III also squinted, watching this appearance has not changed at all, but the soul inside has completely changed into the third holy inquisitor of the Holy Inquisition of the Golden Oak Church.

   "Of course, Your Excellency Rafa has a distinguished status and an extraordinary background. Who would dare to touch your finger?"

  Margaret III once again smiled sharply.

   She, Margaret III, did not dare to touch Rafa a finger... but she dared to touch his whole soul!

   The Marquis of Sijak, the old hyena from the intelligence headquarters of the Durham Empire, put on this skin and contribute to the interests of the empire.

   Margaret III looked at Rafa with satisfaction, but felt that this was one of the most satisfying works in her life.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let us see what those **** heretics have caused the scourge of this place..." Margaret III snorted coldly, "Your Excellency Rafa, because of the incompetence of your church. Heresy has invaded the Royal Bank headquarters...All losses here must be borne by your church!"

   Joe's face jumped fiercely.

   He glanced at Rafa subconsciously and whispered: "Pull..."

   The crimson light curtain slowly unfolded... Then, Joe subconsciously took a breath.

  This, this, this...

   Grandma, it’s terrible!


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