Book of Gods and Demons

Chapter 483: Crown Prince's lethality

Noon on the twenty-fourth.

   roughly the point where Sherlock left the Florentine Manor, Joe stretched lazily under the covers.

   opened his eyes, Qiao shrank in the bed for a long time, and finally realized where he was.

  The Deren Empire, the imperial capital of Hyderabad, was bought with a lot of money and belonged to his master bedroom of the Apophis Palace.

   A huge, very soft, four-poster bed as soft as a cloud.

  攫攫攫攫欝. Joe was lying on the bed, his whole body warm. The windows and doors with excellent sound insulation isolate all noise from the outside world. The room is quiet, only the fragrance is floating quietly.

   There is a faint smell of smoke in the air.

   is the smell of agarwood, the scent is slightly sweet, the clear scent penetrates through the nose, a little bit of forehead infiltrates the internal organs, every cell in the body seems to be soaked in the warm smoke, flutteringly wanting to sleep for a long time.

   "When is it?"

   Joe muttered vaguely.

   He struggling to stick out half of his body from the bed, his right hand drew a few times on the bed tent, finally separated the bed tent and poked his head out.

   The master bedroom is dark and there is no light at all.

Joe remembered some introductions by the head of the Royal Asset Management Bureau when he was investigating the palace a few days ago. He blinked, reached out and patted the head of a relief of beauty on the bedside table, and heard'KaKa 'With a few crisp noises, on the ceiling of the master bedroom, among the huge reliefs, a few movable machines slipped away quietly.

   In the exquisitely designed machine, a few fist-sized luminous gems light up quietly, emitting an extremely soft white gloom, illuminating the entire room.

   "It's so extravagant... Hey. This money is not a loss."

   Joe's eyes widened, and he looked carefully at the ceiling illuminated by luminous gems. On the huge ceiling is an extremely gorgeous relief sculpture made of rare materials such as beautiful jade, fine gold, and precious stones.

   The center of the relief is a cliff on which stands a cross. A girl with a beautiful face and an excellent figure is tightly tied to the cross by a black chain. The girl's snow-white skin and the black chains formed a strong contrast, with an extremely strong and heart-shaking charm.

   The entire cliff is surrounded by huge waves.

   In the depths of the huge waves, layers of red magma are faintly visible.

   A huge snake head came out from the magma and huge waves, opened its mouth and rushed fiercely at the tied girl. Behind the snake's head, a looming behemoth snake body with spine spurs on its back occupies 70% to 80% of the entire giant relief.

   The length and width of this master bedroom will be more than fifty feet, and the relief on the ceiling is roughly the same size.

   a huge relief, coupled with the exquisite and master-level craftsmanship of the engraving craftsman, this giant snake is like a real living thing, exuding a suffocating pressure in the luminous gem.

   Normal people cannot live for long under such a giant snake statue.

  Beauty, deep sea, huge waves, magma from the center of the earth, and such a fierce and vicious giant that is ready to swallow that beauty in one bite... Such an evil scene is not the home furnishing that a serious person should have in life.

However, it may be that these days Joe has gotten acquainted with the Hydra's secret guards. He often sees strange and twisted giant snake shadows behind these cutting-edge forces of the Durham Empire... It should be affected by this. He actually felt that this relief is very good, very attractive, looks beautiful and artistic.

   "It's really good."

   淘戅 read the novel for a long time. Joe clicked his mouth, admiring this huge, evil relief, his eyes especially on the girl who was **** on the cross, and then he gritted his teeth, struggling from the warm and comfortable bed. Climbed out.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Joe, you can't be proud of yourself now, you still have a lot to do."

While a little strange, Joe found the door leading to the bathroom, and while leaping into the bathroom, he murmured to himself: "Those monsters from the'Abyss', the blood of the so-called kings, and those strange Horned warriors...ah, let alone Saint Attila, and the changed Rafa..."

   "This world is so wonderful and dangerous. You need more power."

"The third-tier potions...well, you have to quickly find someone from the military department. Didn’t they say that they are in charge of all the potions for me to the fifth-tier? For my credit, they should even give me the sixth-tier potions in advance. ."

   "However, it seems that through these days of observation...this Tier 6 potion can only be obtained by the true royal confidant?"

   "I have built so many meritorious deeds for the empire, a Tier 6 potion, shouldn't it be a problem?"

  厺厽 read the novel 厺厽 for a long time. While murmured, Joe cleaned up his personal hygiene quickly, and by the way, he took a comfortable hot bath in the large pool that was large enough to hold twenty people at the same time.

   Yes, Joe’s master bedroom is equipped with a bathroom, and there is a large sink that can accommodate many people inexplicably!

With Joe’s current experience and experience, he is totally incomprehensible, why there is such a big bathing pool next to a person’s bedroom... Isn’t it costly for the hot water in this pool to burn a boiler? ?

He rushed out of the bathroom and patrolled in the master bedroom a little strangely. Joe finally found the door leading to the cloakroom... After walking through a small passageway that was thirty feet long, Joe came to the bedroom several times larger than the bedroom. , Completely like a cloakroom in a warehouse.

   The huge cloakroom is over a hundred feet long and wide, and nearly thirty feet high. The huge coat rack on the four walls is enough to hang thousands of coats, coats, matching shirts, vests, etc.

   In the middle of the cloakroom, the rows of bare shoe racks are enough to hold thousands of pairs of boots of various colors.

   Nowadays, in the huge cloakroom, only a coat rack leaning on the corridor leading to the bedroom is hung with more than 30 sets of Joe's uniforms, regular clothes and other clothes.

   Joe looked at this huge, ostentatious cloakroom, and then at the coat rack. He shrugged his pitiful clothes that couldn't even fill a corner of the cloakroom.

   "Well, the original owner of this palace...really, croak, don't jump...hey, compared to him, I am really a poor man."

When Joe was busy putting on clothes in the cloakroom, he was also on the third floor of the Apophis Palace. There was a suite dedicated to entertaining VIPs, except that the cloakroom and bathroom were of normal specifications, and the other facilities were the same as the master bedroom. Inside, Ferdinand wandered out of the bed.

  攫攫攫攫欝. Sitting on the soft mattress, Ferdinand coughed heavily. He threw open the bed net, and then spit out thick sputum on the carpet with a ‘poof’.

   Gasping for satisfaction, Ferdinand got out of bed, put on soft velvet slippers, yawned, and reached out and touched the bedside table.

   He didn't touch anything.

   He was stunned, and subconsciously looked back at the bedside table: "Who moved my wine?"

   Shaking his head, Ferdinand gave a dry smile: "Well, this is...Apophis Palace...Ah, Apophis Palace, **** it, this is the first time I have entered here."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Dolan, Dolan, my brother, you will never think of it. Eighteen years after you left the imperial capital, I finally stepped into what you saw The precious palace of Apophis...Ha, you have invited me here many times to participate in banquets, and you want to show off this luxurious palace to me, but I didn't show my face once."

   "I don't want to come here... I really don't want to come here... It will remind me of you, and think of many sad pasts."

   "But...well, praise our terrible mother, because of her will, I finally came a suspect under house arrest and under surveillance."

   Ferdinand muttered in a low voice, he stood up, walked around the bedroom staggeringly, and estimated the area of ​​the bedroom professionally.

  巘戅巘戅. "Ah, what an amazing building...extravagant, so extravagant..."

   He opened the heavy curtains, and the light passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows into the bedroom.

   Ferdinand hummed a song in a low voice, and under the light of the sky, he swayed open the door, came to the living room of the guest room, and quickly found the small self-service bar in the corner of the living room.

"Ah, it's... awesome." With his gaze scanning the wine cabinet from top to bottom, Ferdinand stood on tiptoe, and accurately found the most expensive bottle of Chen from the hundreds of bottles in the wine cabinet. Noble rot wine of the year.

   put his right hand lightly on the wine bottle.

With a muffled sound of'bang', an invisible force rushed out of the wine bottle, blasting the slightly black cork out, and a strong fragrance and sweetness wafted out of the wine bottle, Ferdinand Swallowing hard and spitting, a faint salivation came out from the corner of his mouth.

   "Ah, praise the cute little fat guy...this is indeed a good place."

Ferdinand raised the bottle in his and muttered to himself: "A toast, Duran, my **** brother... I hope the cold of the ice sea in the north has crushed your bottle. Vicious heart..."

   Shaking his head, Ferdinand opened his mouth and stuffed the bottle.

  ‘Gudong, Gudong, Gudong’...

   Just a few soft sounds, a bottle of noble rot wine that could sell at least 30,000 gold marks in Hyderabad was completely drunk by Ferdinand in one sip.

"It's not bad, but it's not the best." Ferdinand mumbled dissatisfiedly: "This should not be the old wine left by Dorran. That guy won't drink such cheap noble rot wine... It should be, the new owner here brought it. Coming?"

   "Well, rich people from Port Tulum... What do you want so much money for? Too much money is a sin, and I want to help you alleviate this sin."

   Ferdinand smiled and accurately picked out the second most expensive bottle of ice wine in the wine cabinet.

  厺厽品书网 厺厽. When Joe changed his clothes in the cloakroom of the master bedroom, and walked all the way to the main hallway on the first floor of the main building of Apophis Palace, Ferdinand had already killed twelve bottles of good wine in the living room of his guest room.

   Joe stood in the main corridor on the first floor, raised his hands a little dazedly and yelled.

   "Come alive, hell... I'm hungry, I'm going to eat... Who can tell me, where should I find food?"

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