Book of Technology

Chapter 309 Materials

After solving all these troubles, Wang Xiao is already very comfortable. If it is not for solving these things, he will never be so comfortable, so what Wang Xiao has to do now is very simple, that is to directly let the I have become very useful here, among other things, at least she has to become very powerful. If he is not so powerful, then Wang Xiao will not do this at all.

For example, he must complete the space material to the end, because only this kind of space material can allow people to enter space, so as not to use any operating materials for testing. In this case, it is a challenge for anyone It has incomparable efficacy, so Wang Xiao will do this, but it can be said to be a difficult reorganization in the process of doing so.

You must know that he dug some materials before, and then planned to transport them there, but he got them out. It was because of this kind of virgin that he felt extremely uncomfortable. If it wasn't for this obstruction, he wouldn't have felt so uncomfortable at all. , So time waits for no one, and what Wang Xiao should do now is to control the three groups first, such as the Tianyuan Group in Europe, the Expedition Group in the island country, and the Tianxing Group in the United States.

These three groups all carry the word Tian. I don’t know why this is the case, but he absolutely must control these three groups. If he doesn’t control these three groups, it will be very troublesome, so time waits for no one. Under such a situation, most of them are already feeling much better, and it will happen several times. Even if there is no such opportunity, it is even more impossible for Wang Xiao to do these meaningless things.

So it’s very misunderstood that he can do these meaningful things, so when the opportunity is fleeting, he doesn’t know what to do next, but most of the time he does it like this, so it’s nothing It is of great significance. It is difficult for him to find some ore materials in this place in Africa, because this place does not look as good as the ore materials of the previous things.

So after there is nothing good, let him spend most of the time, Wang Xiao will not have too many such and such things to do, such and such things will only make him feel tired here, one of his This research is ongoing, and now Zheng has been continuously researching, nuclear fusion is the key to the future, so in this kind of time, she has already mastered a key of her own.

So much easier to say, control this, if it is better for him, if you don't control this key, what should they do if such a thing does not exist? It’s not that everything has to start all over again, so it’s impossible for them to start all over again. If that’s the case, Principal Wang has to do it according to his own ideas after passing this key. Anyway, everyone is the same, and it’s only good to be able to do it according to this idea. the most important.


If you can follow this idea, what should you do? So when the opportunity is fleeting, Wang Xiao also agreed with his own series of opinions. His opinions are very important after all. If he doesn't even have this series of opinions, then there will be no important situation Yes, so Ms. Wang still has such an important situation, so most of the time she does the same thing, the same way, there is no such license plate.

Then other things will not make Wang Xiao's wish here even more, Wang Xiao knows that when he does these things, there are always some people who want to jump out and fight against him, and these people are not in the minority, if there are in the minority , then how should I go? But they are definitely not in the minority. If there are really a minority, then there is also a high probability of disappointment when time waits for no one, so I say this.

Then there will never be such a state of mind. If Wang Xiao will not have such a state of mind, then other people will not have such a state of mind.

What we need to do now in life is to help, and let them be eliminated now, but if we don’t expect it, then such a kung fu of eliminating is useless, so the opportunity is fleeting, Wang Xiao’s family’s kung fu does not exist, so other People also.

It doesn't even exist anymore, and if he wants to help, just let this island country and other groups take control, and then help himself? Such a help is also useful, if even such a help is useless, then you can still help in this way, then what is the use, so time waits for no one, in this case you probably know your own A sense of accomplishment, so I disagree even more with the achievement of the situation.

Suddenly, the online school received a report. His payment told him that a group of people were rushing towards him. This made him feel a little at a loss, because for him, what such an adjutant said , I also feel a little bit numb in the scalp, but it doesn't matter, such a numb scalp makes people feel even more disappointed, so, so there are not many opportunities for such a disappointment.

Then there are not many of him here, so he is shameful. There are not many such cases. Anyway, he can do nothing wrong with jokes. Most people have the consciousness like Wang Xiao, but they don’t have Wang Xiao’s life. For them, Wang Xiao's here is indeed very useful to them. If it is not a joke, then it will not have such a role. Therefore, under such an important opportunity, other things are even more important. I won't say it anymore.

Since if they want to do something to Wang Xiao, Wang Xiao doesn't need to follow his method here. If he doesn't even have his method, then what else should I do? Just doing these things is even more useless, so some of Wang Xiao’s current ideas are very simple, and such ideas are not so late, and there will be no such thing next time, an action itself is action-oriented, So after such an action group.

Then most people should understand that some of their own ideas are equally useful, and then I ask here to understand who is so bold, wants to do it by himself, is so timid and excited, do they know it? If I didn’t know, then I would be in a bad situation, so if I went down to find out, I would also feel a little surprised afterwards. If it wasn’t so surprising, then he wouldn’t have done this at all. Therefore, Wang Xiao didn't say much here, and it would be useless to say it anyway.

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