Book of Technology

Chapter 322 Shameless

When the boss heard Wang Xiao's words, he understood that all this meant a lot to him. If it wasn't for such a meaning, then it wouldn't be so important, so he said that time waits for no one, and then Wang Xiao understood all of this, For him, there is nothing else to say, and all of this is a relatively good thing. If the rest of the things are really said like this, it will make people feel uncomfortable, and there is no other discomfort Therefore, Wang Xiao has nothing to say in such a situation.

"So now you tell me where it is first. I want to say that this mine is also in my own hands. If you don't want to get it in his own hands, it will be very unacceptable, so say something like this In one situation, that is useful, otherwise, there is no such function at all. He said that he has such a function, which is relatively good for me. If he does not even have such a function, then I will still What are you talking about? Isn’t this just empty talk, so if this is the case, then most people don’t know what the benefits are. Anyway, everyone is the same. For such a benefit, everyone is the same. We all know that these things are handled differently, so if it's handled differently, then there's nothing to say."

Hearing what Wang Xiao said, if you want to fight, tell him directly about this place in the mining industry. It is only useful if you tell him about this thing. If you don’t tell him about this thing, then it will have no effect at all. It will make the whole thing complicated and confusing. As for other things, there will be no such effortless situation at all.

So the opportunity is fleeting. If you can’t do it in such a complicated and confusing situation, wouldn’t it be a headache to do other things again? So time waits for no one, and there is such an opportunity , then most people are already much better, even if there is no such opportunity, then most people will not say these boring things at all, and then Wang Xiao knows that this thing is in East Africa.

He immediately needs to get this mine in his own hands. For him, it is only useful if he gets it in his own hands. It just doesn't have any effect, so I can't fully say that this is the case, and it is indeed operated according to this basic principle. If you don't even operate on this basic principle, then what are you talking about?


It’s useless for Wang Xiao to start now, so time waits for no one, and what Wang Xiao has to do now is to directly do some useful or useless things, and only such a useful thing can make him Feeling surprised, other things are even more meaningless, so if Wang Xiao wants to help now, he must do such a meaningful or meaningless thing.

It is really better if I help like this. Other things are nothing more than insignificant things. Except for these insignificant things, it is impossible for other things to be printed here, so time waits for no one. , such a talented Wang Xiao's methods and opportunities here are completely useful for him, so Wang Xiao has come directly to East Africa now, and then plans to find this industry.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there were some other people occupying here, that is to say, this thing seemed to be preempted by others. This is absolutely not allowed for Wang Xiao. If her area is not his He came first, but if someone got ahead of him, he would feel extremely unacceptable. This kind of situation didn't suit Wang Xiao's mood, so he didn't allow such a thing to exist at all.

If you really have such a mood, then your situation will become very confusing,

Opportunities are fleeting, and if such a non-secret situation exists, then what is there to say? This is the chance of myopia, and it will always make people feel a little unacceptable. As for others, they will not feel such an unacceptable situation. Time waits for no one, and there is such a situation to help.

It is also the same thing for other people, so if Wang Xiao won't do it, then others won't do it even more, so he doesn't want to do something wrong again, for him Doing some things will make him feel abnormally unacceptable, so if he does some other things wrong, he will do it wrong, and then he will make these people all be himself.

For her, getting rid of these people is nothing more than an effort. As for any other consequences, they are not the consequences that Wang Xiao can imagine here. This kind of thing is easy to say, but it will not be that easy So Wang Xiao didn't have this opportunity, so he wouldn't have such an approach, time waits for no one, and what he has to wait is to see if this opportunity really still exists Help situation.

If there is, then this situation becomes very useful to him, if not, then this situation will not help at all, and then he said to one of them .

"I don't know what you think, but for me, you people seem to have some other ideas. Under the circumstances of such an idea, it is obviously not worth the loss to do so, so most people I don't want to do something unacceptable to them, which makes people feel unacceptable, but for some of them, I definitely want to demand them, because if I don't demand them, I will demand myself, so I say this Do it so that I don't make myself very big and uncomfortable."

So when these people hear the joke, they immediately understand the key point. If they can't understand the key point, it will make people feel very headache, and only the key point will not make people feel It's a headache, so the opportunity is fleeting. Such an opportunity appeared in front of Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao will definitely grasp it here, so whether other things can be grasped, it doesn't matter about Wang Xiao's matter, and only such a matter can be grasped, then there is a meaning of success, otherwise, even success It doesn't make any sense, so what can I say? This is not just disgusting.


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