So after Wang Xiao understands all this, he has nothing to say. If he doesn't understand all this, it will be quite troublesome. Then after Wang Xiao left here, he came directly to the country of Mi. For him, the country of Mi was quite useful. He wanted to find the Tianjian Group that he had dealt with before here.

Tianjian Group has now been completed, and what Wang Xiao has in his pocket may be able to compete with some other groups with 10 sets of Immortal Swords for him. If not, then nothing can make him help.

So when the opportunity is fleeting, he also understands the existence of such an opportunity, so the existence of such an opportunity will be a very meaningful thing for anyone, so Wang After Xiao didn't want to help in this way, he also passed all these controls. Only this kind of thing can be done by him, otherwise, other things can't be done to the end.

Therefore, after finding the Tianjian Group, he wants to know what kind of group was the one that targeted him before. If he can find the group that targeted him, then it is the most important thing for him For one thing, if you can't find the group that targets you, then it will be a bit stretched. After all, Wang Xiao is a person, if not such a person.

He would never do this at all, so the opportunity is fleeting. If Wang Xiao does this, it means that he is already angry. Wang Xiao's anger has serious consequences, and everyone else knows it, whether it is Zhang Lin or Others knew that after Wang Xiao got angry, the consequences would be very serious. They didn't dare to make Wang Xiao angry, and it was too ambitious to get angry by themselves in a joke, so under such a situation.

Well, such a person who has eaten the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard will also have such a role for him. If not, then this person who has eaten the gall of ambition and leopard will not target them now. Therefore, the opportunity is fleeting, and there are not many opportunities like this for him. If there is no such opportunity, then I will do it in such a fleeting manner.

It will only make people feel more headaches, but not feel that there are other things, so if Wang Xiao doesn't want to do it now, then other people don't want to do it even more. After all, other people are not fools, knowing this It is useless to do it, if it is not such a useless situation, then there is not much meaning, so in such a situation where there are users and it is useless, then such a one.

Things that make people feel headaches will never happen, so after Wang Xiao understands, what he has to do now is to directly control this place first, if he can control the things here , then no matter what Wang Xiao does, it becomes very useful, except for useless things, then other people will not say much, anyway, most people are the same.


The form of control here is more meaningful to Wang Xiao, so he just left, after walking here, and then, such a situation is also a useless person. So after Wang Xiao helped, he had a certain understanding of this matter. If it wasn't for helping, he wouldn't understand such a matter, so the opportunity is fleeting, and what should be understood is To understand.

She will never understand what she shouldn't understand. It is quite troublesome for most people to understand such things, and only things that don't understand or understand are really useful, so he said in such a situation It is already very meaningful, so after Wang Xiao helps, other people will not help, and he doesn't want to say more,

Anyway, most of the time has been controlled.

If there is no such thing for most of the time, then it would not be meaningful for him to find Tianjian Group. After all, it is meaningful to find Tianjian Group, and it is meaningless if he does not find Tianjian Group. However, in this place in the United States, it is very easy for him to find Tiantian to see it. After finding Tianjian Group, he then uses his own strength to investigate which ships have arrived in his own sea area before.

For him, after investigating that sea area, he will be able to know exactly who wants to do something to him. If he does something to himself against them, it will be useful. If he does not do something to himself, then Wang Xiao is not He knew what to do, so he turned around a few times when he had an opportunity. If there was such an opportunity, he didn't understand, so he said what he thought in his heart and did it directly according to his own words.

If you don't even have such a practice, then such a thought in your heart will only make people feel headaches. Apart from headaches, there will be no chance of headaches for other things, so he understands all this. Afterwards, I did it directly. If I couldn't do it, then I would be in even more trouble. It was precisely this thing that made him do it, so he would be useless.

Therefore, Wang Xiao Tianjian Group is quite useful to him. If it is useless for him to talk about such a thing every day, then wouldn’t it be more versatile, so when the opportunity is fleeting , Crowding here every day is a new concept, so if you want to hurry up, Nami is useless. If you don't hurry up, then such a hand is completely meaningless.

So if Wang Xiao is in such a situation, then such a meaning is also useful to him. The weather and others have been found out soon. Who wants to do something to him, but he didn't expect it It turns out that some people really want to do something to him. If they really want to do something to him, then these people must bear their own anger. After all, not everyone can come to Wang Xiao to manipulate him.

For him, some people have to pay a painful price if they want to control themselves. These painful prices will definitely make them feel collapsed. If it is not for the feeling of collapse, then there will never be such a painful price, so Said that Wang Xiao would do anything to them after investigating clearly.

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