Book of Technology

Chapter 357 Let go

For Wang Xiao, the research and development of Taikang Elevator has received a lot of inspiration, but there are also many obstacles. Except for such a situation, it may account for the majority. If it is not because of obstacles, then such a situation will never happen, so I say Wang Xiao doesn't want to talk about these boring things now, he just needs to know this obstacle.

If there is no such thing as a hindrance, then what are you talking about jokingly, then I will have nothing and will not do anything, so the opportunity is fleeting, even if there is such an opportunity, then it is easy to say Yes, Wang Xiao directly asked Tianhe Elevator to do a useful thing for him.

If even the typhoon elevator didn't do useful things, then there are not many such opportunities, and there will be no such a situation, so after he understands it now, most people still understand that there is such a situation. Opportunity, then most people know all of this, if there is no such opportunity, then there are not many such opportunities, and they will not act according to his ideas, so under such a situation.

Well, Wang Xiao doesn't have much benefit to pay for now, as long as he knows here, then other people will know too, if he doesn't know here, then others won't know either, anyway, most people already understand Wang Xiao has considered everything about him when he is doing these things now. If he doesn't even consider this matter, then wouldn't it be a bit uncomfortable for him to do this? so.

I think under such an uncomfortable situation, he would not do it himself, because such a situation has delayed the research and development of the space elevator for him for a long time, so since the space elevator already has this If you want to research and develop, then other people will not have such a degree of participation, so Wang Xiao didn't say much, and then he came directly not far away to see the detainees himself.

For him, there is no need for these people to be imprisoned here. If these people are imprisoned here, then there will be some surprises for them. Apart from surprise, there will not be too many things. After all, they have to be imprisoned. These people still need a lot of manpower and material resources. If they don't even have such manpower and material resources, will it be even more disgusting and other strange smells to do so? Some of these meanings.

So it is for their sake, and it will not be useful or useless to them just because of these peculiar smells. Anyway, most people think that each one is useful, so Wang Xiao doesn't want to do these boring things now, any boring things After the thing is done, then I am useless. If such a boring thing is done, they will not help. If you want such a boring thing to be done, they will not help.

So what to say? Isn't this even more embarrassing, so embarrassing things must be done anyway, and embarrassing things that are impossible should not be done, right? But if you don't do embarrassing things, is it even more meaningless to still do these things? So there will be a few times when Wang Xiao sees a meaningless situation, come to help them do these things, and they will feel much better, and then the opportunity is fleeting.

Wang Xiao also has this opportunity here, and he won't even have such an opportunity, so if Wang Xiao knows all this, then it's easy to say, and he also needs to know that he has such an opportunity. If there is no chance, then doing so will only make people feel nonsensical and other meanings, and there will not be too many obvious effects, so Wang Xiao thinks that such an obvious effect will only help him.

Let him do some useful things, so Wang Xiao intends to control one of his own things first, to see if anyone troubles him, and he must know that there are too many people who trouble him during this period of time ,

If these people keep making trouble for him, then such a thing will be a bit of a headache for him, and he won't have a headache. In some thoughts, so he doesn't want to do this kind of trouble.

But other people can't do it either. If even such a person doesn't want to do it, then he doesn't want to do it here either. If not, then he would be speechless here. So you have to have strength, if you don't even have the existing strength, then wouldn't it be queuing up to this kind of thing? He understands, and so do other people, so after leaving with Wang Xiao, then It would be much better to have such an opportunity.

If there is no such opportunity, then he will not have such a situation, so after Wang Xiao left here, he found these people, and then planned to dissuade them from leaving, if they can dissuade them If they leave, then I can say more, if I can't dissuade them from leaving, then I have to use my own actions to make them leave. Anyway, everyone's actions are the same.

Only with such a meaningful action network can you truly achieve your own meaningful things. If you can’t even do such meaningful actions or meaningless things, then I will only make people feel more It is unacceptable, and there will be no other unacceptable things, so it will happen, even under such a situation, then just let them go.

Although there are some people who are hard-spoken and unwilling to speak out about themselves, he already knows most of the others, and the people here are no longer valuable. Thinking about them is nothing more than providing them with a ration, like this He is not allowed to do it and will not do it, so he doesn't have a big idea, so after such a thought, it's much easier to say, he doesn't have such a thought.

So what are they talking about? So there should always be opportunities. If there is no opportunity to go up, they will not be let go. So what I have to do now is to tell them directly and let them go after these experiences. Surprised, for them, they did not expect that one day they would be able to let them go. If they are sometimes let go like this, then it will make people feel other.


Apart from this, there will be no such other things, so before thinking about other things, then he said that most people already know it, and if one of them knows it all the time, then it is much easier to say, so he said The power is always with Wang Xiao, if there is no such power, then Wang Xiao will not let them go.


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