Book of Technology

Chapter 364 Help

So when it comes to giving up halfway, I will not be too ordinary here, so if there is such an ordinary thing, then anyone will already feel a very headache for him, so after Wang Xiao knows, So such an ordinary thing has already made people feel very disappointed, and it will make people feel that it is not very useful if it is to be researched, if the space elevator is to be researched.

Then this kind of function also makes people feel meaningless. Anyway, it is the same way for him. If there is no such a statement, then what are you talking about? In fact, everything is useless.

So now that I know about such an opportunity, most people have already acted according to this opportunity, at least Wang Xiao did it according to this opportunity, and there will be no trouble, so I know all this now After that, then such a person who knows all this has helped. Power is always necessary, if you don't even have such power, then what are you talking about.

Please just don't know anything, it will have a great effect on it, so now that Wang Xiao knows such a situation, he has such an idea in his heart, and then he came directly to Africa, because here For him, it is quite important, whether it is the choice of materials or the choice of other things must be very important, if it is not because this thing is too important, then he would not have thought of all this here.

If this thing is very meaningless, then thinking about all this will give people a headache, so helping is always necessary. Wang Xiao feels that if she wants to help, other people also need them. If you have such If you don't do anything that needs help, then Wang Xiao's place will make people feel very meaningless. She feels that if life is really meaningless like this, then what are you talking about.

That is, for Wang Xiao, he will not have a great sense of accomplishment for anything. The sense of accomplishment does not mean that he can say it to be useful, but that it is meaningful if other people really need to say the same. Anyway, time is not enough When waiting for someone, Wang Xiao also understood that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. If you are still like this, if there are no prepared people, what else is Wang Xiao talking about here.

So now he needs to know all of this and go through all of this to help himself expand his influence. Since Wang Xiao feels that he has already made it in the space elevator, it is easy to say that he wants to expand this influence Well, if such an influence is not expanded, then such an approach will already make people feel very disappointed, so compared to other places, Wang Xiao feels disappointed here.

It is absolutely impossible to let them do it. Anyway, most people have already done all of this. If there is such a disappointing situation, then it is easy for him to think this way. Even if there is no such situation, it is so late. You will definitely not follow your own ideas. For him, most people's ideas are very unnecessary. In a situation like a space elevator, even such an approach would not be so good.

All kinds of things have been said to the end. The establishment of the space elevator still needs a certain amount of people to operate it. If there is no one to operate it, then it is undoubtedly a dream to build a space elevator, so it is impossible for Wang Xiao. He said that the space elevator can't do his own things directly. For him, everyone is useful anyway. Only by letting the space elevator do these things can we be useful.

Otherwise, it would be useless to do these things without even the space elevator. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. After all, there are still a few people who are prepared like Wang Xiao. If there are people like Wang Xiao who are not prepared , let alone other people, they will really have nothing, people like Wang Xiao are already very useful, even others are useless,

Then other people can just live according to Wang Xiao's method.

It does not require a lot of manpower and material resources to operate. If it is necessary to use manpower and material resources to operate, then Wang Xiao will not make a space elevator according to their ideas. For Wang Xiao, the space elevator is his own. The more useful places, of course, are not all. If the space elevator is useful and other things are useless, then this matter feels a little abnormal.

Therefore, it is said that a practice like a space elevator is normal or abnormal, and there is not much concept of time, so after Wang Xiao knows such a practice, the concept of time always makes people feel disappointed. Anyway, everyone There is such an idea that opportunities are always fleeting, and it would be much better to leave this opportunity to useful people, if it cannot be left to useful people.

Then such an opportunity to help already feels useless, so Wang Xiao thinks it is useless now, and this kind of thing is the same, whether it is useful or useless is not up to me here, or to other people. So when the power is fleeting, Wang Xiao can only endure. You lost weight, found Yada and Shui after you came to Africa, and told them to control everything about you.

For them, it is a relatively good thing to control this sword. If they can't control all this, then this matter no longer needs to be done according to his ideas, and it will only make people feel In addition to being even more disappointed, then other things would not have such a chance of being disappointed, so the fleeting situation did not exist for Wang Xiao, and then he said that he would ship some raw materials as soon as he understood it.


For him, the raw materials are relatively simple. It is quite easy for them to get these raw materials, and there will not be too much trouble. After all, the term raw materials is also useful now. No matter where the raw material is placed, it is a very meaningful thing for them. Opportunities are always fleeting. There is such a meaningful or meaningless thing.

If you can't do it, then Wang Xiao won't talk to them here now. Now that they have come, it means that Wang Xiao still cherishes their friendship very much, so they are willing to help Wang Xiao Do these things, otherwise, who would want to help Wang Xiao?

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