Book of Technology

Chapter 366 Mural Research

Now after Wang Xiao left here directly, he found out what to do through a series of methods of his own, so most people already know what Wang Xiao is going to do now, and it will be very simple What should I do if I don’t even know about such a thing? Therefore, opportunities are rare and fleeting opportunities are also necessary for them.

If there is no such fleeting situation, then what is there to talk about? It's just even more disappointing, so Wang Xiao will sit the space elevator to the end now, as long as there is a space elevator.

Then such things are very useful to him. Except for the space elevator, other people have no effect at all. Wang Xiao is like a mirror here, knowing that he has something to do here, but everyone He still can't do most things, if he doesn't do this, then other people will be even more troublesome, so the opportunity should always be fleeting, if there is no such opportunity.

So what to say? Wang Xiao feels that he is constantly performing some operations. These operations may or may not be used by his own people. Whether they will be used depends on Wang Xiao or other people, so he said Under such a situation, other people also have some unusual meanings to Wang Xiao. Opportunities are always fleeting, people like Wang Xiao.

The space elevator is like a life-saving straw for him. Of course, there is nothing that can threaten his life. Apart from that, there is that mural. Talking nonsense is what makes him feel at a loss. If there is no such nonsense, then these things will not appear again, and these changes make him feel other situations, so he knows what to do, and Wang Xiao feels that he knows it well.

But other people don’t think so. That mural has aroused widespread heated discussions around the world. For them, they absolutely don’t know the meaning represented by the mural, but this mural does have a special meaning. There is no doubt about it. , if there is no special meaning, then this mural will not exist, so the opportunity is fleeting, and a large number of opportunities are after doing such a thing.

Then Wang Xiao has no dating here, things that can be thought about or cannot be thought about, so the power is always calmed down. All of them understand the power to calm down a meeting like Wang Xiao, but to really go to the end, it is still One of the more troublesome things, if such a thing to the end is not troublesome? So wouldn't it be useless for him to act like this? So after Wang Xiao helped with these things.


He now understands what he should do. With such a meaning, whether he should do it or not, it is equally useful or useless. After Wang Xiao understood it, he said that everything he wanted could be The operation has been carried out according to his idea. If there is no such operation method, the situation that Wang Xiao has done has already been bought, so power is always useful to Wang Xiao.

If even such a power is useless, then what he does will only make people feel the past. A mural, with my help, will definitely speed up the research speed, but are there really aliens in this world? Wang Xiao didn't know about this either, but this change seemed to be absolutely problematic. If the change was all right, then he absolutely wouldn't believe it, neither Wang Xiao nor the others.

So the opportunity is fleeting. After Wang Xiao understands his mission, besides the space elevator, the focus of work is the mural of Xiaoli in that changing attack. If this mural is useless, then Wang Xiao feels that it is time for him to become very meaningless here.

Otherwise, this mural is meaningless, so what should be said.

He can't even do it himself, will anyone else do it? That is of course an impossible thing, so after such an impossible thing happened, the mural of Wang Xiao was seen by most people, so the opportunity was fleeting, and after being seen this change, Then he who has this thing has the same effect, so after Wang Xiao has such a power, the power of other people will make him feel very disappointed, for Wang Xiao.

This power is different from other powers. The shock brought by greening is incomparable to ordinary things. This power makes him feel strange and he will not have too many thoughts. As long as he has these thoughts or does not have this If there is no idea, then the joke has been continued here, but since he has such a practice, most people can only do it according to Wang Xiao's idea.

If you want to betray Wang Xiao, except that he disagrees here, other people also disagree, so if Wang Xiao understands, then other people can only follow the matter of that mural, and the truth will come to light one day. There is no such thing as saying that if Shui is not jealous, he believes that one day those bullshit will only appear in front of people, but when should this day be? How long does it take to eat.

Just let them all know nothing, so if you want to really get the murals out, then most of them are already done. The problem of murals is more than that of space elevators. That's absolutely impossible. For others, the space elevator will always be the first echelon. Anything other than the space elevator is a second echelon. If the space elevator becomes the first echelon , while the others became the second echelon.

Then I'm normal. If he wants to train and become the second echelon, then it's not normal. Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, Wang Xiao absolutely does not allow some things to be done. What should be done? What he should do is like a bright mirror, he can do it if he can, and forget it if he can't, anyway, it's the same for Wang Xiao, power is always fleeting, after Wang Xiao has done all this here.

So with this power, too many people have objections, so if there is no objection, then what should we do? It can be said that Wang Xiao didn't pay attention to all this anymore, and all this would only make him feel very useless.


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