Book of Technology

Chapter 384 Storm

For the Internet, her first task now is to cooperate with this sales elite, and then cooperation can be mutually beneficial and win-win. After cooperation, she has no other ideas, so cooperation is inevitable. If not, then do other things. Things just make people feel very unsolvable.

So the opportunity is fleeting. After Wang Xiao achieves such an opportunity, others will not be able to replace him. If other people can replace him, then this matter seems to be somewhat abnormal, so Wang Xiao It is certain that they basically cannot replace themselves, and now they are the only company that can research such an ability.

Only Wang Xiao can do it alone, so under such circumstances, Wang Xiao has already done it, and after saying goodbye to these people, Wang Xiao plans to go back, but at this moment, he suddenly received his assistant The report said that an unprecedented storm is coming, and Wang Xiao should be careful here to avoid being affected by this storm. Under such a situation, Wang Xiao felt very strange.

Why this storm is coming, you must know that there should be warnings when something like a storm comes, but such a situation suddenly came, which still made him a little at a loss, so he didn't understand, so he had to follow the storm. If you don't avoid this storm, it will be very troublesome for him, so you must avoid this storm, so Wang Xiao doesn't plan to leave here again.

If you leave now, you will not be able to avoid this storm, and you will be directly eliminated by this storm. In that case, it will be a very troublesome thing, so to get rid of this storm, then for him It's also meaningless, opportunities are always fleeting, and Wang Xiao, who is reserved for those who are prepared, has already made these preparations, so she will not be completely wiped out by such a storm.

Only those who are really unprepared will be wiped out by these methods. If Wang Xiao is wiped out by this notification, then he needless to say, no matter how many things are in vain, such things are in vain It may not be important to Wang Xiao, but it will be an important event to others, so in order to avoid such a thing from happening, Wang Xiao will not have too many other thoughts. starter

He said that the thoughts in his heart are always very important, and he always comes to help Wang Xiao establish his own worldview, and after Wang Xiao sits down to the end, other people will follow to establish this situation, so Wang Xiao is solving this problem After the incident, the thing he still needs to solve is whether this place is really such a troublesome situation. If this place is really troublesome, the loss outweighs the gain for Wang Xiao's mother. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer side:

If it is not very troublesome, then everything is easy to talk about. So after knowing all this, Wang Xiao just gave up on them here, not even giving up, so what else is there to say? It will only make people feel more desperate, and opportunities are always fleeting. With this desperate situation, Wang Xiao also knows that what he is doing is not good for them, so there is such a situation. a force of

If there is no such unfavorable thing, then this power is useless, so after explaining it clearly, some professors also advised Wang Xiao not to go back for now. Going back may have some unexpected consequences. Wang Xiao also knows that when he goes back now, these unexpected consequences will only make him feel, which is very incredible, so it is such an incredible situation after explaining it clearly.

He won't do it,

As for whether other people do it or not, it has nothing to do with him, but he suddenly received a report from his assistant, saying that there was already some problem with a ship on that sea, and he had to know if he wanted to proceed. There are actually two ships on this sea that are constantly moving, and it will be very dangerous to move in a storm, and they may capsize at any time, so under such circumstances.

Wang Xiao didn't know whether he should save them or not. If he did it now, it might not matter much, but if he didn't save them, they would stay silent here. For Wang Xiao, there may be some spirit for himself, so he thinks that he should do it, but if he really wants to do it, there are still some troubles. This does not mean that he can do it if he thinks about it.

If you can do it if you think this way, then what else can I say, it will not let them feel that there are some opportunities here, so Wang Xiao decided to let his Tianhe No. 1 save them, there is always ability here To save them from Tianhe No. 1, but if they don’t even have such an ability, wouldn’t Tianhe No. 1 be even more useless, such a way of saving them is incredible for anyone, so in such a situation A way method before.

Wang Xiao also had this idea, so he immediately asked his Tianhe No. 1 to save it, and Tianhe No. 1 soon came to these ships. The people on these ships were already desperate, because suddenly No one expected to encounter stormy weather, and then seeing a figure floating on the sea made them feel even more desperate. Could it be that the god of death came to harvest their lives?

This will be a desperate race for them, so under such circumstances, they don't know what to do, so they can only do it according to their own ideas, if not for their own ideas If you do it, then Wang Xiao won't be able to do it here, let alone other things. After Tianhe No. 1 is gone, it will be wiped out without this ability. If not, then eliminate them.

It is a difficult thing, so what should be done and what should not be done, Wang Xiao understands very well here, a thing like me should be done, if it is not because of this thing, then he will not There will be such an idea, so after explaining it clearly, Tianhe-1 directly served as a navigator for them at night, and then directly asked them to bring it here, and only Tianhe-1 brought it here after being the navigator. .

Then it will be useful, but after Tianhe-1 becomes a navigator, if it is useless to bring them over, then they will die.

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