Book of Technology

Chapter 401 Level

So what Wang Xiao did was basically for his own good. If it wasn't for his own good, if he helped them, there would be nothing he could do. So after explaining it clearly, helplessness is not just for fun, only those who can really do it will have such a helplessness to go out.

Otherwise, other people would not have such a result at all, so often the result is in it, if there is no such result, then everything has nothing to do with him, and there will not be too many surprises, so It is said that it directly found a higher-level company through this clue.

After finding a company of this level, it was a test for Wang Xiao. If it weren't for the fact that a company of this level was a test for the Internet, it would be useless to do anything else. So to be clear, needless to say about this matter, Wang Xiao can no longer do anything wrong, it will only make people feel very headache, and then there will not be much power at all. Wang Xiao who understands all this, then Will be the strongest one.

If it weren't for all of this, that day and No. 1 wouldn't be so powerful. Now that I have understood this day, such a powerful character is not just for fun, nor is it very exaggerated. After knowing all this, Wang Xiao is exaggerating here, so the opportunity is fleeting, such an opportunity is the most important to Wang Xiao, and you don't even have such a chance.

This most important thing is already somewhat helpless. So after knowing that this matter is helpless, then other people are also helpless. Anyway, time has been put to the end, and even such a time exists, so it is even more impossible to expect him to do so in other times thing? So after Wang Xiao has done useful things in this useful place, he has already done these things here.

After understanding it, Wang Xiao feels that he does have this obligation. Anyway, time is already on his side, and it is quite useful for him to have this obligation. If there is no such obligation, then Wouldn't it be more troublesome for such a function? The fastest updated Qiqi novel

So after Wang Xiao is in such trouble, it basically doesn't mean much to Wang Xiao if other people want trouble. He knows what he should do, what is the use of doing it, and he also knows When he should do what and when he should not do it, anyway, for him, there is an opportunity for all of this, and vice versa, so Wang Xiao understands thoroughly, but others may not.

If other people understand this matter, it is also useless to him, so most people don't know whether what they are doing is true or not. Then all of this is not worth the candle, but most of the things they said are true, after all, there are relatively few false things, if even such a true thing is useful, then what are you talking about.

So they definitely have this ability, and they don’t even have this ability, so forget it, he won’t do it, and others won’t do it, and it has nothing to do with him whether he does it or not. A chance, I want to do this thing has the same meaning, if there is no next opportunity, wanting to do this thing is basically like talking in a dream, everyone will talk about such things in sleep.

But for a dead person like Wang Xiao who talks in his sleep, all of this still doesn't make sense, so after knowing all this, Wang Xiao has a relatively big decision. If there is no such a big decision, then Wang Xiao has given up this resistance here, and whether he has such a resistance mentality or not has nothing to do with other people.

It has something to do with Wang Xiao himself, so after knowing it, he went directly to that place. Then, I have already done a good job of helping with a method here. If you can’t even do this method well, then it’s almost a dream to help. Some people can do it to the end, but some It is completely impossible for people to do such a thing, such as Wang Xiao.

People like Wang Xiao are never suitable for doing this. If she was suitable for doing this, then I would not say that. He is not suitable for him in the end. There is no need to do such a troublesome thing, so between suitable and unsuitable, he chose the latter, so Wang Xiao came to the company directly, and then made certain inquiries to the company's senior management.

For him, he wants to ask about this method. If there is no such method, it is useless not to ask him, so he must ask them before they can use it. Anyway, most people are helping, and after sitting down to the end, there are very few cases where they can or cannot help, and Wang Xiao has already decided to do this, so it is impossible for other people to interfere.

Interference is meaningless to him, and it will only make him very taciturn here. Apart from being meaningless, there may be other things, so after the result of such other things, Then such a psychological method is already easy to talk about. With such a result and such a psychological method, does it seem a little helpless to do such a thing?

Most people can talk about things like helplessness, but if such a helpless method is useless, then such a thing will also make people feel that it doesn't make much sense, so Wang Xiao He has already done what he can do best, if he can't even do such a thing, then he will never open his own shop and come here on No. 1, since he has already photographed his own Tianhe No. 1.

Well, for him, this has absolutely nothing to do with it. Knowing this or not understanding this is of great significance to Wang Xiao. It's not that he wants to do some useless things here. What he thinks is that he is doing these things After the incident, it is useless, and it can make myself feel somewhat useful. Now it seems that what I do is also meaningful.

Qiqi's novels are first published on the Internet

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