Book of Technology

Chapter 405 Finding

What Wang Xiao has to do now is very troublesome. What he has to do now is to directly control everything here. You must know that everything here is no longer under his control. Although he has such an opportunity now , but it is quite troublesome to really control such a thing, so he has nothing to say now.

I just hope that I can make myself very useful here, but such opportunities are relatively rare, if there is such an opportunity, then. He had already drank too much before, but in such a situation, if he wanted to be really useful, he had to have a certain foundation.

If I don't even have such a foundation, then I really want to do this, I don't know when. Only every month can have such a meaning, so their things are very simple, and they have already done what can help you. If they can't do these things, then Wang Xiao doesn't plan to do them anyway. The time has come when there is such a thing and there is not such a thing.

He is also very anxious in his heart, Wang Xiao is anxious, so other people are even more anxious. For them, Wang Xiao is their backbone. If I am in such a anxious situation. Then other people are the same, it is impossible to have such a anxious situation, so after explaining all this, if there is such a clear thing, it is easy for them to know, if they do not even have such a clear thing If you know.

Then Wang Xiao's place is very troublesome, at least Wang Xiao's place is very troublesome, the other people have nothing to do with Wang Xiao anyway, because he doesn't know and doesn't want to deal with it, he just knows it. So the time comes bit by bit. In this situation, if it wasn't for this time, then they would not have an idea. Wang Xiao understands that such an idea may be a little unrealistic, but since he has already done up.

Then this idea must have such a processing method, so if the power is completely distributed according to such a distribution method, Wang Xiao directly manages his own ships. It's still quite troublesome. If there is no need for management level management, then Wang Xiao won't have such a troublesome thing here, so if that's the case.

Then here he understands what kind of things can be done and what things can't be done. Opportunities are always fleeting, and they are reserved for those who are prepared. There is no chance like this. Wang Xiao is not here There will be such preparations. His three ships have already set off, because for him, the purpose of these three ships is that one, after the place that can be controlled comes to that place.

He intends to let his ship investigate and collect evidence there, because he has never seen this place before, and he has not seen many islands in this area, so he said he wants to see the islands in this area It is still a troublesome thing. Although it is troublesome to see, it can still be done. It is impossible not to do it. If it can be done, then everything will be easy to talk about.

If it can’t be done, then it’s useless to me, so in such a situation, he is like a mirror in his heart, he can do whatever he wants, and there won’t be too many troubles. Therefore, the strength is completely handled according to his affairs in this way. Many people don't know what he understands. After his drug was researched, it immediately gained a relatively significant response in the world.

Because for him, this drug has never been released, but it can’t be released now. Hurry up, you must know that this new type of disease has claimed many lives,

If he can take out this medicine as soon as possible, it means that he has obtained a way to deal with these diseases.

If there is such a treatment method, then everything will be much better. If there is no such treatment method, then they will not have such a clearing speech for such a disease, so it is clear and After not understanding, Wang Xiao already had such a way to deal with it, so Wang Xiao's place became the dream of many people.

Time goes by bit by bit. If there is no such thing as a bit by bit, then I think it will be very unacceptable to deal with such a thing, so opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared. Yes, these three ships of his are soon here, waiting, after waiting here, if you want to wait for this situation, then it will be more troublesome, if there is no such situation.

So is it really worth waiting for such an opportunity? That's even more troublesome, and it's more disappointing, so in such a situation, he himself has such an idea in his mind whether to be disappointed or not to be disappointed. So Wang Xiao is already feeling very good here, and even other people know that he is here. Now Wang Xiao's three ships are constantly advancing. If his three ships arrive at the destination.

Maybe he can find some new things. You must know that for him now, he still has relatively few apprentices. If he can find a new land, it will be a perfect thing for him. If you go to a new land, then this matter will be more troublesome, so under such a situation, it is for his own good, if not for her good, that he just waited and waited for this matter.

Then he will not do this, so he said that everything is for his own sake. After understanding such a situation, he has already been very affected by such a matter, so it is said that opportunities create discrimination. And it's a joke reserved for those who are prepared. Here I feel that if I am prepared, then other people have nothing to say at all. If you understand it in your heart, then it's good, even such a person understands it in your heart.

So Wang Xiao has already understood the importance of this matter, so the importance of this matter is self-evident, so under such circumstances, then he already knows everything what to do, you see It doesn't make sense to Wang Xiao if he doesn't know a single thing, so after clarifying these things, there is also a better way.

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