Book of Technology

Chapter 412 Development

So Wang Xiao plans to give them a chance. If he doesn't even plan to give them such a chance, then such a situation is useless, so he plans to give them this chance for his own good. If one of them can't do it, then the others can't do it even more, so Wang Xiao understands here.

Then other people also understand that after having such a meaning, Wang Xiao has also done such a thing here, so he always has a lot of ideas, and if he doesn't even have such an idea, he will not come here Here it is, so Wang Xiao has fully manipulated it through a series of things of his own.

If it wasn't for his own series of things, then he wouldn't be able to handle this matter. He was very satisfied with this matter, but Zhang Lin was concerned about Wang Xiao's idea of ​​meeting that person. , and some felt unreasonable, because for him, if he went to meet those people privately, then such an incredible situation would be completely useless, if there was no such use.

So what else did Wang Xiao say? Most of them will not do what he thinks, so opportunities are always given to useful people. If there is no such opportunity, then the useless situation will not be done at all. What to do with him method? Therefore, if there is no such situation with Wang Xiao's handling method, then it will directly make people feel at a loss. Here, Wang Xiao must explain to Zhang Lin.

If Wang Xiao doesn't explain to him, then Zhang Lin will feel very disappointed with herself, and if Zhang Lin feels disappointed here, then other people needless to say, so explaining that these things are very important to him There are advantages and disadvantages. If you don't agree with the advantages and disadvantages, then Wang Xiao will disagree here, so the opportunity is fleeting. If you don't agree with such a situation, I just give up and forget it.

After Zhang Lin understood Wang Xiao's difficulties, she nodded. For him, what Wang Xiao did here must be done according to his own. If you do it according to your own ideas, then all of this will already make people feel very disappointed, so explaining this disappointment and not understanding, this kind of disappointment is particularly important to him, so Wang Xiao's thoughts Still very useful.

With these thoughts in mind, then Wang Qiao has helped him through everything he has done. If there is no such thing as helping him, then Wang Xiao will not have too many ideas of helping him here, so It is said that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared and are fleeting. If Wang Xiao gives up here, it is impossible for others to give up. If others give up again, then all of this will also make people feel very disappointed.

So Wang Xiao said this directly to him here, and after he finished speaking, Wang Xiao controlled some of their actions through everything of his own. This adjutant told Wang Xiao, wait until the second day, and then someone A person who wanted to communicate with him asked Wang Xiao to go here to see if he was doing this, so after discovering this person, if he wanted to do this, there was definitely a problem. Qiqi's novels are first published on the Internet

If you don’t want to do this, then there will be absolutely no problem, so the idea in your heart has been fully realized, then other people’s thoughts in your heart will not follow his way, so after having such a way After that, Wang Xiao has given up all these answers now. After coming here as an adjutant, someone was communicating with him, and this person who communicated with him is also very surprising.

I don't know why this person wants to communicate with him, but now it seems that this matter of communicating with him is also at a loss. After understanding all this,

If you don't understand, if there is such a thing that you understand or don't understand, then such an approach is already good, so there is always a chance to become a regular. And leaving it to those who are prepared, there will be no other idea.呼噺繓赽奇奇novel盧|w~w~

This adjutant said this sentence to Wang Xiao, and then left directly. Wang Xiao understood that the adjutant was indeed like this. If the adjutant hadn't had such an idea, then such a situation would not have happened. So after explaining clearly, the idea of ​​the adjutant is also a little overwhelming for them, so the opportunity is always done exactly according to Wang Xiao's idea.

If even such an idea does not work, then Wang Xiao will surrender directly here, and there will be no such situation. If he knows his own benefits, then the benefits of other people will also not have such a thing, so Said, after that, then Wang Xiao will also have such a help here. So after Wang Xiao understood, then Wang Xiao directly let them do this.

What this adjutant said was indeed correct, and then the mastermind behind the scenes was arrested here at night. If it wasn't for the mastermind behind the scenes, then they would be equally incredible here, but they are really the mastermind behind the scenes If there are both, it is equally impossible for Wang Xiao to feel such a practice, so the practice should always be done to the end, if there is not even such a thing to be done to the end.

Then Wang Xiao will surrender here, and other people will not surrender according to his affairs, so the power is always clear, if there is no clear thing about such a power, then Wang Xiao will not have it here Such a person who understands the matter, so after explaining the matter clearly, then the benefits are always beneficial. This adjutant must not trust Wang Xiao because Wang Xiao believes in him.

That's still a good thing, if Wang Xiao doesn't believe in himself, then he has nowhere to go here, because he knows these things for himself, if he really takes them away from here, then everything has been let go He felt disappointed, he was not such a person in the first place, so to say that he felt disappointed would be even more exaggerated, so to say that disappointment and despair should always be done according to his ideas, Wang Xiao just accelerated it process development.


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