"Then go."

Brent waved his hand: "Do I need to agree to this kind of thing?"

"No, it's not." Louis licked his chapped lips and looked at the dark night outside the cave. From time to time, there were a few howlings of wild beasts in the darkness.

To be honest, he was a little scared.

When he was a merchant in the past, he always hired a few adventurers to protect his safety along the way. They usually ate, drank, defecated and urinated together.

But now...

Louis looked at Tasha, the only woman in the team.

It must not be solved in the cave.

He looked at the half-elf and the dwarf who started arguing again, gritted his teeth, and walked out of the cave.

Until Louis disappeared in the darkness outside the cave, Tasha asked Berent: "Will he be in danger if he goes out like that?"

Berent, who was stirring the broth with a spoon in front of the iron pot, said without raising his head: "In danger? Isn't that better?"

In Tasha's half-understanding eyes, he continued: "Anyway, we know where the two young dragons are and the safe route to and from. Next, we just need to wait for the young dragons to appear. As for the guide, if he dies, we can save some gold coins, right?"

Hearing this, Tasha nodded gently: "That's right."


The magic circle set up at the entrance of the cave blocked the sound, and Louis did not hear the conversation between the two.

After walking into the jungle not far from the cave, he was about to take off his pants to release the memory when he felt a chill coming from behind.

Louis turned his head and looked around, but saw only darkness, so he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the humidity in the Ghana forest was heavy and it was cold at night.

As the pants were taken off, a foul smell gradually filled the surroundings.


The sky was illuminated by a flash of lightning, and raindrops as big as beans fell and hit Louis' face. He looked up at the sky flashing with lightning, and couldn't help but sighed that it was unlucky that it rained at this time.

At this time, another flash of lightning flashed, and behind Louis, the figure of a giant beast was outlined, and the pair of golden eyes looked particularly cold under the reflection of lightning.

A deliberately suppressed voice came from the mouth of the giant beast: "You are also... here to poop, right?"

Louis' eyes suddenly opened wide, he turned his head tremblingly, and with the help of the lightning, he saw a hideous black dragon head.

The next second, he didn't even pull up his pants, stood up and prepared to run.

But a scaly claw suddenly stretched out from the side at a faster speed than Louis, covering his face.

All this happened in a flash, and Louis didn't even have time to scream.

Another strange voice sounded in my ears. It was the owner of the claw who spoke in the standard continental language: "Don't move, or I'll twist your head off."

The voice was soft and sticky, but it revealed an immense killing intent.

The cold rain hit Louis' body, but his heart was colder than the rain.


Five minutes later, under the double threat of David and Irene, Louis answered everything he knew, and explained the whole story, as well as the strength of each member of the adventurer team he knew.

"Is it really coming for us?" Irene sorted out the information obtained by torture, and crushed Louis' throat casually.

"How about it, do you want to do it?" David was already eager to try, and the black dragon blood in his body was constantly stimulating him.

"Hmm..." Irene pondered for a moment, looking through the layers of dense forests towards the direction of the cave. "The other side has three silver-level and one bronze-level. Although they are not too strong, it is still risky to act rashly. Let's wait and see if there is a better opportunity to attack."

"What are you afraid of!" David's eyes were filled with endless brutality and fighting spirit. "They are just some ants. I can kill them with the hand of Emperor Dai Tian."

Erin looked at this dragon brother with a look of mental retardation. Over the years, under her influence, David has come into contact with many words on Earth and gradually become a little bit immature.

Although according to the age of the dragon, David is now just a baby dragon, which is also considered to be immature, but these words coming from the mouth of a black dragon are too inconsistent.


Erin punched David's head with a heavy fist, which made this little black dragon who didn't know east, south, west and north sober up a little, and confirmed his family status again.

David was about to scream in pain, but Irene grabbed the dragon's mouth. He wanted to struggle, but Irene suddenly became serious and put a finger in front of the dragon's lips.


Then he glanced in the direction of the cave where the adventurer team was.

David quickly understood what Irene meant, dragged Louis' body, and lurked in the darkness again.


A few minutes later.

"Tap tap tap..."

A sound of stepping on water came from far away.

It was the half-elf ranger Alvin. He was sent out to check on Louis. He hadn't come back for so long. Berent suspected that this guy was taken away by a passing monster.

Although he didn't care much about the life and death of this profiteer, he still had to confirm whether he was dead or alive.

As soon as he stepped into the dense forest, Alvin became alert.

His sensitive nose smelled a faint smell of blood in the air.

As an experienced ranger, Alvin quickly deduced that Louis was probably attacked by monsters or beasts in the forest.

He didn't go to the giant Thinking of the dragon, the creatures that think they are noble never disdain to attack by surprise. Whenever they appear, they always appear before the dragon arrives, and instantly attract full attention, becoming the most beautiful cubs in the audience, as if they are afraid that others will not find them.

So if it is a giant dragon attack, the movement will definitely not be so small, and they will definitely be noticed by them, after all, this place is not far from the cave.

Looking around, Alvin did not find other traces. The soil in the rainforest is damp and soft. Under the nourishment of rain, it has become a quagmire, and all traces are covered.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and it was difficult to see in the dark night. Alvin accidentally stepped into a small puddle formed by rainwater. Looking down at the stains on his body caused by the splashed mud and water, he spitted with some disgust, no longer intending to search, and turned to the direction of the cave.

"Greedy guy, it's better to die. "

The rain was still pouring down, and David, who had perfectly blended into the darkness, opened his golden dragon eyes. He slowly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of acid towards the half-elf not far away.

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