That day, humans finally realized what kind of opponent they were facing.

It was an existence that they could not fight against at all.

It was an indescribable existence that only existed in imagination.

All existing weapons were as ridiculous as children's toys to them.

Facing them, humans were like primitive people with stone spears and stone axes facing the Terminator in science fiction.

Unable to compete!

Unable to resist!

After a futile struggle.

Humans were defeated.

They were defeated thoroughly.

But I don't know whether I should be thankful.

"God" did not kill all humans.

Maybe it was disdain.

So lazy to do it.

It's like there is a nest of ants on the ground.

One foot killed a large group.

The remaining few ran away.

There is no need to spend time searching for those little ants and killing them one by one.

Since then, this new world has become the home of alien invaders.

The surviving humans can only live like cockroaches.

It was also on that day.

Humans finally learned the truth of everything.

The drastic changes in the world were the work of those "gods".

Their world was on the verge of destruction, so they found a new world where the earth was.

But the underlying laws of this world are different from the world they live in.

Once you come to this new world, no matter how powerful you are, you will lose all your power.

Even gods are not immune.

In order not to lose power, the gods of other worlds sent their own clans to this world.

With these clans as anchors, assimilate the underlying laws.

The world has changed because of this.

Humans who learned all this, in addition to anger, have a deep sense of powerlessness.

Facing such a powerful enemy.

Can they really take back their homes?

It's difficult.

Very difficult.


It's almost impossible!

A strong sense of suffocation almost enveloped everyone.


The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage.

The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!

There is still a glimmer of hope in the desperate situation!

The remaining humans, on the surface, surrendered to the gods.

But secretly established an organization to resist the gods.

The name of the organization was named:


It means to judge the gods!

They firmly believe that one day, they can judge these high guys!

That day is....

Judgment Day!

In order to achieve this goal.

Driven by the rage of revenge, the "backward race" called humans has erupted with unimaginable power in this new world.

The 50th year since the gods came.

Humans have initially mastered the technology of controlled nuclear fusion.

But soon, they realized that compared with the long lifespan of alien invaders, the short lifespan of humans is too limited.

Only through the continuous replacement of generations, the newcomers re-learn all the knowledge left by their predecessors, can they take a difficult step forward.

Just like a relay race.

But as knowledge continues to accumulate, future generations need to learn more and more knowledge.

Efficiency will become lower and lower.

In order to make up for the lack of lifespan, humans began to actively absorb the knowledge of those alien invaders while secretly developing technology.

Popularize the method of cultivation internally.

The brilliance of magic and fighting spirit, in the hands of this ancient race that has never been exposed to the extraordinary, bloomed with endless light.

The seventy-third year of the advent of the gods.

Humanity gave birth to its first legendary strongman.

His name is Chu Xia.

As a legend, he has a long life and powerful strength.

Became the highest combat power of mankind.

With the legend in charge, humans can finally stand up straight in front of foreign races.

Although there is still a big gap, at least there is no need to hide.

The first hundred years of the advent of the gods.

The first generation of managers of the trial organization are all old.

After all, not everyone has the talent for cultivation.

After being jointly recommended, Chu Xia was elected as the leader of the trial organization.

Take over the important task of judging the gods!

In the same year.

Humans realized that even with the cultivation method, their physical fitness was still much inferior to the higher life forms among the alien invaders.

In the case of the superior number of alien invaders, they could not gain an advantage in fighting them.

Once they were close, they were extremely easy to be killed instantly.

For this reason.

The "Original Body Project" aimed at mass production of super soldiers was launched.

The third hundred years of the advent of the gods.

By studying the biological genes of alien invaders, combining magic and biotechnology.

A generation of original body warriors was born.

This kind of mass cloning is done by using human genes as the underlying template and integrating other biological genes.Life, with combat power beyond ordinary humans.

But also because of the integration of genes.

Their appearance is not like humans, but like a combination of humans and animals.

Moreover, their IQ is generally affected by foreign genes and is lower than the normal human level.

Occasionally, they are driven by genetic instincts and make some unwise moves.


The outside invaders call the first generation of original warriors....


The 320th year of the advent of the gods.

The first generation of power armor came out, which can perfectly fit the first generation of original warriors and greatly improve their combat power.

The first generation of magic intelligent brain for auxiliary calculation came out at the same time.

Humans saw the hope of counterattack.

The 446th year of the advent of the gods.

Chu Xia, the leader of the Judgment Organization, broke through the demigod.

In the same year, Chu Xia volunteered to sacrifice himself and became a test subject.

Accepted extreme experimental projects such as blood drawing, dissection, organ disassembly, and forced creation of near-death state.

Through experiments on demigods, humans began to explore the realm of gods, intending to create weapons that can kill gods.

The first millennium of the advent of the gods.

Humans have made breakthrough progress in their research on gods.


God is the embodiment of rules.

Humans... cannot kill gods!

Only gods can kill gods!


To become a true god, you must master the rules.

But the rules are now in the hands of the gods who invaded from other worlds.

Human society fell into darkness and hope was shattered.

The era of great turmoil that lasted for five hundred years began.

Rebellions and wars continued.

Chu Xia, the leader of the Judgment Organization, stepped out of the laboratory and suppressed the chaos with his own strength!

In the same year.

The God-making Plan was launched.

The eleventh millennium of the advent of the gods.

The God-making Plan achieved a breakthrough.

In order to prevent the gods from paying attention, humans took the initiative to provoke a dispute between dragons and Titans.

Attract the attention of the gods.

The 70,000th year of the advent of the gods.

The ancient Titans and the Dragons went to war.

In the same year.

Humans secretly prepared for a counterattack.

The second generation of Primarch warriors was successfully born.

Compared with the first generation of Primarch warriors, the second generation of Primarch warriors had stronger physiques and higher wisdom.

People called them - Green-skinned Orcs!

A thousand years later.

The Dragons became the final winners.

The 120,000th year of the advent of the gods.

In order to continue to fight for development time.

Humans secretly provoked the elves to stir up unrest.

The Dragons withdrew from the stage of history, and the elves became the world's hegemons.

In order to experiment with the influence of the power of faith on the gods and the feasibility of dividing the power of the law, humans provoked the elves to build a large number of churches to worship the gods.

The world entered the most chaotic and lively Silver Age.

The 140,000th year of the advent of the gods.

Under the secret planning of the Judgment Organization, the elves broke out in civil war and entered a weak period.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, humans dispatched the original warriors to try to overthrow the rule of the elves.

With the power and hatred accumulated for 140,000 years, they easily defeated the weak elves!

Humans successfully regained their own homeland!

On the surface, they still submitted to the gods.

But, only on the surface.

The gods descended for 150,000 years.

Humans prepared everything.

The god-making plan was completely declared complete.

The demigods headed by Chu Xia accepted the power accumulated for 150,000 years through special methods....

Generation after generation, humans, like a relay race, have accumulated enough terror to shake the power of faith in the whole world!

With such a terrifying power of faith, they finally succeeded in prying the underlying laws of the world occupied by the gods!

Under the gaze of the whole world.

Ascend to the gods!

So far...

The birth of a new god!

The day of judgment begins!

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