In fact, when Irene first came to this ‘strange other world’, she was more afraid than curious.

At that time, although she reluctantly accepted the outrageous experience of not being a human anymore and becoming a five-colored evil dragon that everyone wanted to kill, she still had the thinking of a human in her heart.

Who else can live in human society for more than 20 years and have a completely formed personality, and then be reincarnated into a different world, and be told that they are not human, and then accept their identity calmly and complete a complete change of mentality?

There are people with such strong acceptance, but they are a minority after all. They are destined to travel through the other world. Maybe one day they will be inspired by the other world and travel through it to start their adventure.

But it is obvious that Irene is not such a person.

He is just an ordinary social animal. Except for the fact that he grew up in an orphanage and has a somewhat withdrawn personality, he is a completely ordinary person.

For such a mortal, after suddenly ‘traveling’ one day, panic and fear actually account for more.

Even after she accepted the dragon's inheritance, in order to survive, she broke free from the moral shackles that originally bound her and tried to play the role of a real 'dragon.'

But how could the already formed human nature be so easily erased?

What even David didn't know was that every night when no one knew, his cruel sister would secretly miss her hometown.

Then after waking up from a sleep, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and continued to play the role of a dragon.

Under such a premise, Irene still had an inexplicable gap in this so-called 'other world'.

The feeling towards those so-called followers was not so much that they were regarded as subordinates, but rather as NPCs in the game, or wild monsters.

For Irene, most of the time, they acted as a tool to help her achieve her goals.

All her actions were just to survive, to survive better, as a dragon, struggling to survive in this cruel other world.

Perhaps after thousands of years, when her humanity is completely wiped out by time, she can truly integrate into this world and become a pure evil dragon.

At least that's what Irene thinks.

But plans can never catch up with changes.

Now that the power of faith has awakened her past memories, she knows that this world is still the same as before and she has not traveled through time at all.

Irene suddenly has an inexplicable sense of intimacy with everything around her.

That sense of alienation naturally disappeared.

If Irene used to treat these followers as tools and props to achieve her goals, now she has truly treated these followers as trusted subordinates, friends, and even... younger generations.

In the final analysis, according to seniority, Irene feels that she should be the great-great ... Well...Although the generations are a bit messed up, it feels like a modern person in the 21st century worshipping a forest ape as a foster father, but as an elder, facing the request of her children and grandchildren, and considering the great contributions, Irene also went with the flow to express the encouragement and recognition of the ancestors to the younger generation.

It can be regarded as a formal recognition of the identity of Arthas, the cheap son.

After all, in a sense, Irene has reached the age of sixty, and it is a bit unreasonable to have no children.

Although the lifespan of dragons is extremely long, Irene feels that she will probably never have a partner in this life. Now, whether she finds a male or female dragon, she feels weird, and naturally she will not have a biological child.

It is better to accept Arthas, the cheap son who came to the door, at least there will be an undead to take care of her in the future. '

But just when Irene was thinking about this, a sudden shout suddenly pulled her thoughts back from breaking through the world crystal wall and floating into the endless starry world.

"Big sister?"

The call was very childish, but Irene felt a sense of familiarity in her heart.

She looked in the direction of the voice and saw a girl sitting alone on the lowest step of the church door.

The girl was probably attracted by the sound of the church door opening. At this time, she was looking towards the church door with her face tilted to the side, and her red face was surprised.

It was the newspaper boy she had met before - Kailuo Luo.

Perhaps because of the huge temperature difference between day and night in the God-forsaken Land, Kailuo Luo was holding something with his hands, his legs closed, and almost curled up.It was all in a ball, and even the little red hat on the top of the head was pulled down, covering the eyebrows.

The two big watery eyes that were barely exposed were curiously looking at Irene at this time. The hot air from the open mouth quickly froze in the extremely low temperature at night in the God-forsaken Land, forming a white steam.

"You are also here to worship the Lord of Redemption!" With the moonlight, Kailuo Luo made sure that she had not seen the wrong person, and quickly stood up from the stairs, with an excited look on her little face.

It seemed that in her opinion, it was a happy thing to have one more person believe in the God of Redemption.

"Yeah~" Irene, who reacted quickly, nodded slightly, showing a casual smile, and boasted seriously: "It is my honor to believe in such a great, kind and righteous god."

Then he looked at the pink box with a blue bow in Kailuo's arms for a few more times, and then asked: "What are you doing here so late, kid?"

Hearing this, Kailuo's face suddenly turned a little red, and he tightened his hands holding the gift box in his arms, hesitating: "I...I...I came..."

Just at this time, Arthas walked out of the dark church behind Irene with heavy steps.

The moment he stepped out of the door, Kailuo raised his eyes at the same time. Seeing that it was Arthas, a starlight flashed in his little eyes. He quickly ran up the stairs in two steps. Under Irene's sidelong glance, he stood in front of Arthas, raised the gift box in his hand high with a blushing face, and handed it to the confused Arthas.

"Lord Arthas, this is the gift I prepared for you!" The girl's unclear words came out of her mouth as fast as a high-pressure water gun, so that Irene almost didn't hear what she was saying.

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