"Deformed beast tide?" Irene frowned slightly and repeated the term from Arthas' mouth with some doubt.

For some reason, when she heard the word "deformed", she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in her mind, as if she had accidentally seen records about this in the Dragon's Legacy.

But the knowledge in this area is very little and one-sided, and in Irene's previous opinion, it was too unpopular and had no effect on improving her strength, so she didn't remember it in her heart.

After experiencing the dream recollection, her mind was filled with a lot of memories from her previous life. Now when she suddenly heard this term, she couldn't remember what it was for a while.

Just when Irene was about to look up the Dragon's Legacy, Arthas retracted his gaze, staring at Irene with the soul fire flashing under his helmet, and explained. "These things came out from underground after a river-crossing tunnel dug by the Dwarf Empire collapsed two years ago..."

He had only said half of his words when the ground suddenly began to shake slightly, followed by a series of thunderous roars from outside the towering city walls.

It sounded like some kind of alchemical bomb or blasting magic.

At this moment, Irene's eyes flashed and her face became serious. By searching the Dragon Heritage, she finally remembered what the pile of things were.

She subconsciously murmured, "Hasn't that thing been sealed in the South Continent a long time ago? How did it get to the East Continent!"

Then, without waiting for Arthas to explain, Irene's mind moved, and the slowly growing power of faith in her body was consumed a little.

The next second, the dragon and the undead who were originally standing under the street light had disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, Kailuo, who had just run to the World Journal staff dormitory area, stopped after hearing the bell, turned his head and looked at the wall where the bell came from, and couldn't help thinking: "Are those terrible things coming again?"

As if some terrible memories were evoked, Kailuo's little face revealed a little fear, but the next second he shook his head like a rattle, and said to himself with a firm face: "Lord Arthas will definitely defeat them all!"

Then he took another step and ran to the dormitory building where she lived at a faster speed than before.

Kailuo knew very well that he had to protect himself at this time and must not cause trouble for Lord Arthas and those black knights!


At this time, the second bell rang, accompanied by the explosion like thunder.

The pedestrians on the streets in the city had already taken action quickly after hearing the first bell. They had already run into their homes. After skillfully locking the doors and closing the windows, they did not forget to completely block them with heavy objects, and then took out the Holy Book of Redemption and recited it in a low voice with their families.

But the corner of their eyes would occasionally glance in the direction of the bells and explosions, showing their inner restlessness.


The third bell rang.

Amid the neat and heavy footsteps, teams of black knights wearing power armor, carrying chainsaw swords and bolt guns, climbed the city wall at a very fast speed, quickly found their own defensive positions, loaded their bolt guns in their hands, and locked their eyes through the helmets of the power armor to the distant field of vision.

There, various alchemical bombs buried in advance were bursting with flames from time to time, and the roar of the flames reflected the overwhelming waves of monsters that were surging like a tsunami.

At such a long distance, these monsters looked like a group of densely packed ants. Alchemical bombs often create a large vacuum zone when they explode, but it will be filled up by the monsters that come later.

They advanced very fast. Seeing that the beast tide was about to reach the city, some impatient black knights even reached for the chainsaw swords flashing with cold light behind them.

Although they had set up a large number of traps outside the city, these black knights knew better than anyone that it was highly unlikely that those traps alone would stop these monsters.

Once these guys broke through the suppression of firepower and climbed onto the city wall, they would have to draw their chainsaw swords and have a bloody hand-to-hand fight with those monsters who were not afraid of death.

However, just as the black knights were tense and ready to pull the trigger at the beast tide that entered the range, pouring out the bullets engraved with flame blasting runes in the grenade guns, they did not notice that at the highest point of the city wall, on the top of the stone pillar where the black bell was hung, two figures appeared at some point.

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