Berent, who didn't know what the little dragon lady was thinking, just thought that he had successfully matched the brain waves of the little female dragon in front of him, and he was slightly relieved.

"It's like this, Miss Black Dragon, you can see that this area has been blocked by our magic scroll. You can't escape. Why don't you cooperate and go back to the Rose Empire with us? I can guarantee that you will never be hurt."

"You're talking nonsense!" David shouted angrily: "If I go back with you, I will definitely be skinned and cramped!"

"What the hell! I'm going to skin you, what's wrong with you!" The dwarf priest raised the sacred flail and roared as he rushed over, but was dragged back by Berent.

After glaring at his teammates, Berente showed a flattering face again and explained:

"To be honest, there are actually quite a few of your kind in our Rose Empire. Those dragons are now enjoying the superior conditions that you can't imagine. The Empire will not only provide the best meat, but also regularly arrange special people to massage and clean their scales."

"As long as you are willing to cooperate, I can guarantee that you two can definitely enjoy such a luxurious life. Isn't that better than the hard hunting here?"

Erin narrowed her eyes and didn't reply immediately. She just stared at the other person. The man's facial expression was very natural and didn't look like he was lying.

If what he said was true, she would be willing to be a lying dragon that slept after eating.

But there is a saying in the previous life that goes, "If you are too attentive without any reason, you are either a traitor or a thief."

What's more, they just killed one of their teammates, and now they are smiling. Inexplicably, there is a sense of déjà vu of pulling people into a pyramid scheme company in the previous life.

"So, what's the price?"

Erin asked in a low voice. She didn't believe that there would be such a good thing as pie in the sky. To enjoy the service of the human empire, one must pay a corresponding price.


Hearing this, Berent was delighted, knowing that the other party was tempted.

It would be best if he could not take action. Not only would the danger be greatly reduced, but the most important thing was that a living dragon was much more valuable than a dead dragon.

A dragon represented a dragon rider and a noble family that had lasted for thousands of years.

Those dragon riders not only rode their dragon companions during the day, but also at night, creating countless powerful dragon descendants and continuously strengthening the power of the family.

Which noble family that owned dragons did not have tremendous power and strength in the empire?

And if you want to have a dragon companion, it is best to sign a contract with a young dragon or a baby dragon.

Because at that time, the dragons did not have such a strong resistance that they could be forced to surrender. Once they grew into young dragons or even young adults and had a certain amount of power, it would be difficult to tame them.

If the two young dragons could be brought back to the empire and presented to the nobles or royal family, the three of them would not have to worry about the rest of their lives.

Thinking of this, Berent's mouth could not help but curl up, revealing a somewhat perverted smile, looking like a bad uncle who was about to abduct a little loli. Seeing this, Irene's pores shuddered and felt that all the scales on her body stood up.

She suddenly had the urge to kick the pervert in front of her to death.

Seeing that the little dragon mother's expression was gradually getting impatient, Berent came back to his senses, wiped the rain off his face, and after thinking about it, he used more elegant language to introduce the two young dragons to the price they had to pay for enjoying such conditions...

After listening to him nagging a lot, Irene summarized it, that is, to be a mount for human nobles.

Probably to show his sincerity, this guy also explained in detail that after becoming a mount, if necessary, he would need to help the empire in the war, and that he might need to work overtime at night. He also said that if you don't believe it, he can swear to the true God.

Burrent didn't lie at all in these words. These things are well known in the empire. Even the silver-level adventurers envy the treatment of those dragons. Usually they want to become mounts for those dragons, so they speak very clearly.

However, after hearing these words, Irene's face gradually turned liver-colored, but her face was covered with black scales, so the color change could not be seen.

'If I want to ride, it should be me who rides others, how can it be that others ride me? ! ' Irene had this painful thought in her mind.

But then she noticed that the eyes of the dragon brother David were getting brighter and brighter.

'Is this silly dragon tempted? '

In the records of the dragon heritage, it is not that there are no dragons who succumb to humans and are willing to become a mount.

The most famous one among them is the white dragon known as the white worm.

That guy is extremely good at findingThe old and wealthy wizard deceived and seduced these lustful old men, willing to become their mounts, and then slowly exploited their knowledge.

After the old wizard riding on her died by relying on the long lifespan of dragons, she naturally inherited their property.

Relying on this method that insulted the dignity of dragons, this white dragon successfully outlasted three legendary wizards, and accumulated amazing wealth with the legacy left by these three masters.

Even the combat power increased exponentially after learning a lot of spell knowledge. As a white dragon, it became a strong existence in the dragon clan.

But that was what the white dragon, the shame of the dragon clan, would do. It was not surprising that these stupid white guys did anything.

As a black dragon, why did David look so eager to try? !

In order to prevent this stupid dragon from going astray and unlocking some strange habits, Irene punched him on the head, almost knocking David, who was immersed in fantasy, to the ground.

It also woke him up from the physical level, making him deeply understand what it meant that the black dragon would never be a slave.

Seeing this, Berent and others immediately raised their weapons, thinking that the negotiations probably collapsed.

But the next second, in their surprised eyes, Irene was like a drama queen, pinching David's upper and lower jaws with one claw, and the tail behind her slapped the ground fiercely, making a dull sound. She pretended to be very excited and swallowed her saliva, but in fact she accumulated a breath of dragon in her mouth, and under the condition of ensuring that the dragon breath did not leak out, she uttered a few words from her teeth:

"Okay... We will go with you."

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