Above the sky, there was a real behemoth.

The forbidden air magic covering this area seemed to be useless to this behemoth.

The pair of black dragon wings just flapped gently, and this area seemed to be blown by a force eight gale, and even the raindrops in the sky stopped falling.

It was not because the rain was blocked by her huge body, but because the dark clouds were blown away by the hurricane caused by her flapping dragon wings.

This female black dragon, who usually slept, showed her true power in front of Irene for the first time.

The overwhelming and terrifying dragon power almost condensed into substance. If it were a non-dragon creature here, it would probably have been pressed to the ground and could not get up.

Even the aftermath of the explosion was suppressed by this dragon power and dissipated quickly. For her, it was probably not much different from blowing a breath to solve it.

"Is this... the power brought by time?"

Irene looked at the golden vertical pupils of the dragon mother and swallowed her saliva.

She saw a hint of displeasure in those eyes.

After all, Dragon Mother didn't like to be woken up when she was sleeping.


David got up from the ground at this time, looked up and saw Dragon Mother's not-so-good eyes, and quickly pretended not to see anything, turning his head awkwardly to look at the stone on the ground.

"Ah... the moon is so round tonight..."

The two sides confronted each other awkwardly for a few seconds, and then Dragon Mother blew two strings of white air from her nostrils, glared at the two careless cubs, and flapped her dragon wings to fly in another direction.


Erin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Dragon Mother's gradually receding back.

That direction was not the direction of the dragon's nest. Dragon Mother probably wanted to vent her morning grumpiness on other monsters in the Ghana Great Forest.

After stretching out her dragon claws and drawing a cross on her chest, Erin put her claws together and whispered a blessing to the infinite heavenly master, mourning for the monsters who were about to suffer.

There is no kinship between the five-colored dragons. The dragon mother came here specially, naturally not caring about the life and death of their children.

She was just woken up and came out to vent her anger. Saving them was just to fulfill the rules of Aunt Tiamat.

Just as Irene was sighing in her heart, David's scream attracted her attention.

"Sister, do you see anything shiny over there?"

As he said that, David had already rushed out with all four limbs.

Dragons are born to like shiny things, and David, as a pure black dragon, is no exception.

After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the barrier had been removed by the dragon mother. Now this area has become a basin like a meteorite crater. There is still some smoke steaming on the red ground. It can be seen that the temperature is not low.

However, with the physical fitness of the dragon, this temperature is nothing.

David rushed into the center of the basin, stopped at the location where the dwarf blew himself up, and stretched out his claws to dig something on the ground.

"Maybe it's the magic equipment on these adventurers." Irene thought to herself, and walked over slowly.

Although she is also a dragon and has a natural liking for shiny things, she is not as obsessed as other dragons. Compared with those inedible gold coins and gems, Irene still prefers all kinds of delicacies.

So, she may be the only dragon in the world who doesn't value money as her life.

But it's hard to say for sure. The dragon family is so large that maybe some freaks who don't like treasure will appear one day.

After coming to David, Irene looked over and saw that this guy was holding a blue gem as big as half a quail egg in his hand and was carefully wiping the dust off the gem.

"This is..."

Irene stretched out her claws and wanted to take the gem, but David dodged it.

"What are you doing? I found it first. You can't take it!"

David hid the gem behind his back like a hen protecting her calf. He stared at Irene with his big copper bell eyes, fearing that she would suddenly take his gem.

Irene covered her face helplessly, "Don't worry, I don't want it. Show it to me and I'll give it back to you later."

"Really?" David looked at his elder sister hesitantly.

"Have I ever lied to you since I was a child?" Irene stood up, put one paw on her waist and stretched out the other paw, "Be good! Show me!"

"Well... okay..." David's eyes turned around, and then he reluctantly handed the gem to Irene.

After getting the gem, Irene tried to probe her mental power into it. As she thought, there was a space of about ten square meters inside the gem, in which many things were piled.

Obviously, this is aStorage ring, or the gem on the storage ring.

This kind of gem is called space gem in the Dragon Heritage. Because it has a high affinity with space and is hard enough, it is often used by various races to make space equipment.

It should be that the other parts of the ring were destroyed by the self-explosion energy just now, so only the space gem with the highest hardness remained.

"Hey! Picked up a treasure!"

Erin's mouth curled up slightly. It was a silver-level adventurer team after all. Maybe they could find some useful good things in the space gem.

David saw that Erin's face changed and quickly took the ring back.

"This is mine!"

"Yes, yes, yours, yours."

Erin perfunctorily said and lay on the ground to search. There were four people in this adventurer team, and they should all have storage rings. David's should be the dwarf's, which means there are at least three rings.

Relying on the dragon's keen sense of smell for treasures, after half a day of searching, Irene found the remaining three storage rings, or three space gems.

Holding the three gems in her hands, Irene took a deep breath.

Now it was time to open the blind box.

As her mental power probed into the space gems, Irene took out things one by one.

Lady's wizard robe?

Useless, next one.

Lace dress?

Useless, next one.

Gold coins?

Useless, next one.....

Oh? No, gold coins are useful, next one.


Most of the first space gems were some women's products and clothes. You don't have to guess that these should belong to the female wizard.

Fortunately, at the bottom of the storage space, Irene found a few books.

"Beginners Learn Magic, From Beginner to Master"

"The Wandering Knight Falls in Love with Me!"

"Magic Plant Illustrations"

"Magic Creature Illustrations"

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