"No, keep it for yourself."

Erin waved her hand, walked to the big pit she had just dug, took out the last space gem, took out a gold coin from it under David's distressed eyes, and then threw the space gem into her mouth.

Since they were going to work together, they would inevitably experience various dangers together in the future, so it would be more rigorous to swear an oath under the witness of the gods.

According to the records in the Dragon Heritage, she used her claws to draw the divine emblem of the five-color dragon mother Tiamat on the ground.

Looking at the gold coin in her hand, Erin thought about it, bit the gold coin hard and broke it into two halves, threw one half into her mouth, and placed the other half in the center of the divine emblem.

Turning her head to look at David who was wearing women's clothes again, Irene took a deep breath, carefully injected magic into the emblem on the ground, and said:

"Tiamat, the main material plane of Yarsk, the black dragon Irene Aphra Christina, and David Greg Christina, request your witness."

Perhaps knowing the nature of her own five-colored dragon, even if there was only half a gold coin, Aunt Tiamat still responded to the ceremony, and the magic emblem radiated bursts of light.

Seeing this, Irene quickly pulled David to her side and continued to say: "From now on, we will watch over each other, advance and retreat together, and share weal and woe..."

After reading the content of the thousand-word contract, Irene exhaled a long breath, the emblem on the ground no longer radiated light, and the half gold coin disappeared.

Since then, the contract was established, and the term was until the moment when the two dragons reached adulthood. Before that, David must take Irene as the leader and must not harm the interests of the other party, otherwise he would be punished by God.

"Let's go." Irene spread her dragon wings and took the lead in taking off.

"Oh, oh, okay!" David hurried to follow. Now only by being with a strong and wise sister can he feel a little bit of security.

"Sister, where are we going to build a nest?"

In the sky, Irene uttered a few words without looking back.

"The Land Forsaken by God."


One night passed quickly, and the night was gradually lit up.

Irene looked at the crescent moon gradually disappearing at the end of the world in front of her, turned her head, and just witnessed the rising dawn.

The forest shrouded in darkness was dotted with a touch of green.

A new day has come.

"Goodbye! The Great Forest of Ghana."

Fanning the dragon wings, Irene and David disappeared into the horizon without looking back.

Only a white stocking was left, floating back with the wind and hanging on the top of a towering tree.


Following the direction opposite to the sunrise, Irene and David flew for two days and two nights before they arrived at the border between the God-Forsaken Land and the Ghana Forest.

A turbulent river named El Sanciero flows through it, dividing the two areas.

On both sides of the river, there are dense herds of beasts drinking water.

There are also some huge monsters in the river that surface from time to time.

The levels of these monsters are not low, and Irene and David raised their altitude from the bottom of their hearts to prevent them from being noticed.

If they were jumped up and dragged into the water by these monsters, let alone the young dragons, I am afraid that the young dragons and even the young dragons might be torn to pieces by the countless ferocious monsters hidden in the river.

After flying over the riverbed hundreds of meters wide and coming to the other side, compared with the lush and vibrant Ghana Forest, the first feeling Irene had about the God-Forsaken Land was desolate.

Yellow sand, Gobi, and large rocks exposed on the surface are the main colors here.

Just across a river, the temperature is at least a dozen degrees different.

Irene looked up at the scorching sun above her head and estimated that the temperature in this area was at least 40 degrees.

Although dragons are highly resistant to cold and heat, as a black dragon that likes to stay in a humid environment like a swamp, it has an inexplicable discomfort with this dry climate.

This feeling is like eating Fuqi Feipian, but there is no husband and wife in it, eating Laopo Bing, but there is no wife in it, always feeling something is missing.

As she continued to go deeper into the God-forsaken Land, Irene could clearly feel that the temperature was getting higher and higher.

Time soon came to night.

Under the cover of night, the two young dragons found a creature similar to a giant pangolin in a cave in the Gobi Desert. After politely asking him to move into the dragon's stomach, the two dragons took a rest in its cave.

Compared with the hot daytime, the temperature in the God-forsaken Land at night dropped sharply to nearly zero degrees.

Hiding in the relatively warm cave, David shrank his neck and complained: "This place is really weird, it's hot and cold."

After saying that, he pulled down the only underwear on his head, so that his whole dragon face would be warm.

"Otherwise, guess why this place is called GodAbandoned Land. "

Erin lay at the entrance of the cave, looking up at the starry sky of another world. "As the place of exile for the orcs who lost the war of gods, the extreme weather here is a punishment for them. "

"I really don't understand why those green-skinned guys want to kill gods. At the beginning, our dragon clan, as the overlord of the continent, didn't even think about killing gods." David's voice came through his underwear, a little muffled. "Are they bored?"


Erin shook her head, turned around and lay down next to David.

"Go to sleep, continue to go out and find a suitable place to settle down tomorrow."


Abandoned Land of Gods.

Next to a not-so-big lake.

Two orcs, one old and one young, sat on a big rock. The little orc looked up at the starry sky and asked the old orc next to him:

"Grandpa, why did our ancestors go to kill gods? If they didn't go to kill gods, we wouldn't be living so hard now, right? "

Hearing this question, the old orc did not rush to answer. He took a puff of his homemade dry tobacco, and stared at the stars reflected in the lake with his cloudy eyes.

"Silly child, our ancestors wanted to stop their compatriots from being oppressed... and enslaved by the gods."

His voice was a little hoarse, but extremely firm.

"Did they fail?"

The little orc turned his head and looked at the old orc.

"No..." The old orc took another puff of cigarette, exhaled white smoke, and looked at the starry sky above his head along the steaming smoke.

Through the smoke, only a few of the brightest stars can be seen.

That is the kingdom of God where the gods are.

His cloudy eyes seemed to become clearer.

"They succeeded..."

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