"Wangcai." Irene called.

"Your Majesty, what do you want?" The old dog-headed man heard the call and hurriedly stepped forward with his cane.

Irene handed him the parchment in her hand, and then said: "This records the method of making wine with grapes. You go and arrange for the tribesmen to dig a secret cellar to make wine."

"Remember, no outsiders can know this method."

Wangcai took the parchment, just glanced at it briefly, and frowned, as if he didn't believe the method recorded on it.

After all, the wine in this world is a kind of magic potion, which requires the bartender to use various precious magic materials to make it.

The method recorded on this parchment is really too simple, so simple that no one in this world would believe that it can turn those useless fruits into expensive wine.

Irene didn't say anything when she saw this. The difference between the two worlds cannot be explained clearly in a short time. As long as it is brewed according to her method, the result will be revealed when the finished product comes out.

As for whether these wines will be rubbed into the market and the same brewing method will be found, she has already thought about it.

For so many years, no one in this world has discovered this brewing method. If someone cracked the brewing method in a short time just because she took out a new type of wine, Irene could only give a thumbs up and say it was amazing.

For so many years, no one has discovered the brewing method, and it was cracked as soon as she took it out. This is probably because she met a lucky child.

But even if it was cracked, it didn't matter. After successfully brewing, Irene suddenly realized that the knowledge in the previous life was not completely useless. Simple modern knowledge like brewing is almost equivalent to a dimensionality reduction attack in this magical world similar to the Middle Ages.

This is mainly because there is magic in this world. Driven by magic, the development of science and technology has almost stagnated, and there may not be any improvement in tens of thousands of years.

The highest technology at present is the steam creation of the dwarves.

Those noble magicians basically focus on how to become gods and how to gain stronger combat power. Few magicians will take the initiative to study technology and magic related to people's livelihood.

Even if there are some nobles who like to enjoy themselves and let those magicians research some good things, they will only circulate in the noble circle and will never be popularized to the general public.

This has led to many common little knowledge in the previous life being ahead of the world by many centuries.

And this simple knowledge, she has remembered a lot in her mind, just throw out one or two things involving the blind spots of this world's knowledge, can bring a vigorous modern shock to these stupid groundhogs.

With such a thought, Irene looked at Wangcai and said, "In addition, there is one more thing."

"You know, our dragons will frequently enter the dormant period. During the period when David and I are asleep, the defense of the dragon's nest is empty, so I need a group of strong and powerful combat forces."

Wangcai seemed calm when he heard the first half of the words. The fact that dragons are sleepy is almost known to the whole continent. Some adult dragons may take a nap for several years or decades, and some short-lived species may not even last as long as a dragon's sleep.

But when he heard the second half of the words, that a group of strong fighting forces were needed, some disappointment appeared in his eyes. Their dog-headed people were indeed too weak. It seemed that the two His Majesties despised their weakness and were ready to find a group of stronger followers.

But at this moment, Irene suddenly read out his name, "Wangcai."

"Your Majesty." The old dog-headed man responded quickly.

"Now, I officially appoint you as the captain of the security brigade, and grant you the right to form a security brigade. Later, you will choose a group of the strongest and most brave dog-headed people in the tribe. I will give you powerful power and become my blood descendants."

"Become my sword, my shield, my shadow, and become a sharp blade hidden in the dark! Give my enemies a fatal blow when I need it!"

"You, do you understand?"

Wangcai still didn't react. Although he didn't understand what the security brigade meant, he heard it clearly as a blood descendant.

After the old brain reacted for half a second, the old dog-headed man finally figured out the current situation.

His Majesty is going to form a dragonborn team!

Bring honor to the family, bring honor to the family right now!

Unable to suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart any longer, he threw his crutches aside, knelt on one knee with a plop, and roared at the loudest voice in his life:

"Yes! Your Majesty! I will thoroughly implement your will!! Become the sharpest blade in your hand! Lead the cubs to tear apart all obstacles in front of you!!!"

"Good, very energetic." Irene clapped her hands gently, "Then, go find those most brave and skilled warriors, I will give you a new life!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

After Wangcai left, Irene turned into a black dragon, lying on the ground in the most comfortable posture, took a long breath, and a wave of fatigue like a tidal wave hit her brain.

In the past month, in order to record the whole process of winemaking at all times, she has not closed her eyes for a month. Now that she relaxes, her eyelids can hardly open.

"Sister, this security brigade you made is so cheap." David, who had been wolfing down his rice from the beginning, suddenly said.

"How cheap is it? Security guards, security guards, protecting the safety of one side, how nice it sounds." Irene squinted and murmured.

"I just think it's quite cheap. "David picked his teeth, sat down on the ground, patted his swollen belly and said, "How about calling me Black Knight? We are black dragons, and it's so cool to call a dragonborn Black Knight."

"Well... OK, I'll listen to you. I'm a little...sleepy... Wangcai will come back later... Call me..." Irene's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally only a slight cry remained...

And this nap lasted for more than a month...

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