Wangcai first said: ? ? ?

However, after hearing the second half of the sentence, he immediately understood that this guy was afraid that His Majesty would find other merchants to sell wine.

He had heard Irene mention this matter, but what Xiaolong Niang meant was that the current output of red wine was not much, so one merchant was enough, and the sales scale would be expanded when the output increased in the future, so other merchants who had recently come and went were still unaware of it.

"How is it, my patriarch." Magrisius put his arm around Wangcai's shoulders very familiarly and whispered, "Don't worry, as long as this is done, I will take care of the salt in the tribe in the future."

"This is the business of that adult, I..."

But the old dog-headed man was halfway through his words, as if he had received some instructions. After a pause, he suddenly changed his tone and said, "Then come with me. I think it's better for you to talk to that adult in person."

"Okay, okay, that's fine." The smile on Magrisius's face suddenly became brighter. Since the mysterious loli bartender signed a contract with him, he has never seen her again. Every time he came to trade, he negotiated with these dog-headed people.

He was confident that when he met the young-looking bartender, he could use this eloquent tongue to convince the other party that even if he gave up a little profit, he must monopolize all the wine in her hands.

Of course, it would be better if a fairer contract could be signed. He even prepared several contracts in advance.

Following Wangcai all the way to a remote stone house in the tribe, Magrisius looked around the empty stone house with some doubts, and asked the old dog-headed man standing at the door: "Master, where is the bartender?"

However, he was greeted with only sneers.

"Hehe, hehe, hehe, hehe."

The stone house has no windows. The dog-headed man who sneered blocked the only light source in the stone house at this moment. In the dim environment, his eyes flashed with a strange light, as if a demon from hell was announcing the coming of death.

The old dog-headed man said in a low voice with an inexplicable meaning: "First of all, thank you for selling wine for His Majesty these days."

When Magrisius heard this, his originally relaxed mood became a little nervous. He keenly discovered that the other party's address to the bartender changed from Master to His Majesty.

He was about to ask a question, but the old dog-headed man continued to speak.


Wangcai squinted his vertical pupils and looked at the human in front of him, and his body began to change dramatically.

This old dogman, who was usually hunched over and less than 1.3 meters tall, began to grow uncontrollably at this moment. Black scales appeared all over his body, and two ferocious dragon horns extended from his head. His python-like tail slapped the ground fiercely behind him, stirring up a large amount of smoke and dust.

His originally turbid eyes were like a pair of sword embryos that had been forged for countless years. His sharp eyes seemed to pierce the human in front of him.

"Boy, being too greedy is not a good thing."

Magrisius widened his eyes and looked at the dragon-born dogman in front of him with some disbelief.


As soon as he uttered a word, he saw the dogman in front of him pressing towards him with a sound of breaking through the air.


As the ground exploded with dust, Wangcai had already slapped Magrisius's head with one claw, knocking him to the ground.

The unfortunate fellow had his mouth covered, and he couldn't even shout. He could only open his eyes and look at the pair of murderous golden pupils through the gaps between the claws covering his face.

A stream of light yellow liquid flowed all over the floor at some point, and Wangcai's cold verdict rang out in the fishy air.

"Your Majesty said that greedy people are prone to variables."

"Your Majesty, I don't like variables."

"So, you have to die..."

"Bang!" Wangcai's claws only exerted a little force, and the poor merchant's head exploded like an inflated balloon, and red and white splashed all over the floor in a fan shape.

Standing up and licking the blood on his claws, Wangcai's golden eyes were stained with a trace of blood. He opened his mouth and said to himself: "Your Majesty, it has been solved."

A voice suddenly echoed in his mind, and it was a very simple word: "Yes."


At the same time, in the underground wine cellar, all the dragon-born dog-headed people stopped their actions almost at the same time. In their minds, a telepathic voice from their blood sounded at the same time: "In the name of my great black dragon Irene Aphra Christina, the black knights, all go out and crush those greedy humans, leaving no one behind."


Amid the shouts that resounded throughout the underground wine cellar, the strong dragon-born men moved their joints,The sharp claws were revealed, and in the darkness, the golden eyes seemed to be ignited...


In the dragon's nest at the bottom of the lake.

Sitting on the stone chair, Irene closed the magic book in her hand, and her golden eyes looked at the sparkling lake outside the cave above her head.

Greedy people are very likely to cause variables.

This merchant named Magrisius is too greedy. Today he can come up with the idea of ​​monopolizing the sales rights, and tomorrow he may bring people to snatch the winemaking method in her hands.

At first, I just wanted to find a merchant to help sell wine. Now the wine of the Iron Tooth Tribe has been sold out, and the newly brewed red wine is on the right track, so this person is useless.

Irene doesn't like trouble or variables. She just wants to live quietly and grow.

Since this person is a hidden danger, it's just right to use him to make the black knights see blood.

Her eyes glanced at the little black dragon beside her.

David had fallen into a deep sleep a week ago. This sleep would be very long. The food he had eaten and the nutrients he had accumulated during this time were all for this sleep.

When he wakes up, he will probably leave the weak young dragon stage and enter the juvenile dragon stage with more powerful spellcasting ability.

And Irene also had a premonition that she was about to fall into a deep sleep.

She didn't have much time left. She had to arrange everything more carefully before she fell asleep to prevent herself from seeing a group of adventurers instead of kobolds when she woke up.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

Footsteps were heard in the dim passage. It was Wangcai who was covered in blood.

He walked out of the passage with heavy steps, walked slowly to Irene, and then knelt heavily on one knee, making a dull sound. Drops of sticky blood were shaken and slid down his scales and hair, splashing small blood flowers on the ground.

"Your Majesty, none of them escaped, all of them were dealt with." Wangcai lowered his head and said, stretching out his bloody palms, and presented a blood-stained storage ring with both hands. "These are the storage rings found on them, including the 90% of the profits he wants to give to Your Majesty."

"You did a good job." Irene put the book on the stone table beside her, squinted her eyes and looked at the storage rings in front of her. After reaching out to take them, she played with the rings and said, "The current red wine production in the tribe is a bit low."

Wangcai raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, that's because..."

But he was interrupted by Irene halfway through, "I know that the number of grapes planted in the tribe is limited. Even if the entire oasis is planted, the output is only that much."

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" Wangcai's eyes were fixed on Xiaolong Niang, and a golden flame had already risen faintly in them.

"Hold out your hands." Irene shouted softly, and Wangcai quickly stretched out his hands. Then he felt his hands sink. He looked up and saw the storage rings he had just handed over.

"These gold coins, use them to arm my army, to develop my power, to fight for me, to plunder, and to produce more wealth for me!"

As she said that, she snapped her fingers lightly, and a half-person-high glass jar flew out of thin air and landed steadily in front of Wangcai.

The glass jar was shining with the brilliance of magic, which was anti-corrosion magic. The black and red liquid inside was constantly emitting strong magic fluctuations.

"Use this jar of dragon blood to find more warriors in the process of plundering, to create more dragon descendants, and to protect this wealth for me!"

Wangcai clenched his fist with one hand and knocked it hard on his chest, almost roaring: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

When he solemnly picked up the glass jar and turned around to leave, a voice came from behind again.

"Remember, during the battle, try to avoid being discovered by humans. All creatures who have seen the Black Knight must either surrender or... die."

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