This is a humanoid corpse with very conspicuous green skin.

Its ears are very pointed, like an elf, and four sharp lower molars protrude from the mouth, which looks a bit ferocious. The flesh on its face is inlaid with two eyes that have long lost their luster.

Looking at its expression, it seems to be in pain. It couldn't close its eyes at the last moment, and it just kept a ferocious and painful look on its face, forever frozen at this moment.

'Orc...Orc? ! "'

The name of the creature in front of her suddenly popped up in Erin's mind, but then she denied her idea.

Her eyes were focused on the orc's thick black hair that was braided into a small braid behind his head.

Orcs have no hair. Probably to adapt to the extreme environment and water shortage of the God-forsaken Land, those green-skinned guys, both men and women, are bald.

But the orc in front of him has black hair.

A term that only exists in legends and history flashed through Erin's mind involuntarily.

She read it out subconsciously.

"Ancient orc. "


A slight cracking sound followed this sentence.

Under Irene's horrified eyes, the mummy that had existed for who knows how long suddenly turned into a pile of powder and fell into the power armor.

This power armor had another name at this moment.


Irene glanced at the power armor helmet in her hand, and then at the expired tin can that turned into ash because she opened the lid. Her brain was a little out of order for a moment.

"Power armor and spaceships are the creations of the Orc Empire? ! "

How did those savage green-skinned guys do it?!

Erin felt like the whole dragon was going to go crazy.

Not only was she surprised at how these guys with only muscles in their heads could create these things with extremely high technological content, she was even more surprised that...

These things have never been recorded in the history of the Yarsk continent!

According to the history that Erin learned from the Dragon Heritage, this world was originally a chaos.

At that time, this world had no concept of time and space, and everything was muddled, just like the world that Pangu had not yet split in the myth of the previous life.

In the records of this world, there is also a god who is similar to the Pangu family in the legend of the previous life on Earth.

He is the God of Gods, Io.

And Io did something similar to Pangu. things.

He differentiated the prototype of the universe.

There are many different opinions about the specific method, and the most convincing one is that the old man Io drew a circle, and then the universe was born.

After the birth of the universe, chaos gradually disappeared, time and space appeared, and then, with the evolution of the universe, rules began to appear.

It was also at this time that the first batch of creatures in the world were born.

That is the gods.

They are the embodiment of rules, and they are the supreme life without selflessness and desire.

After wasting an unknown amount of time, the gods who have no desires and no desires probably finally felt bored, so they wanted to make the world more lively.

The specific method is to create a group of lives in their own image.

The gods first used countless planes to combine and piece together a The most suitable plane for life, and named it the main plane, which is now the Yarsk plane.

Afterwards, the gods intertwined and collided with their own rules, and the first batch of creatures were born.

Then, these first batch of creatures directly created by the gods, under the command of the gods, began to survive and reproduce in the main plane of Yarsk.

Gradually, the two most powerful races relied on their innately powerful bodies and gradually dominated the other races.

They are the ancient dragons and the ancient titans.

Because these two races are legendary when they become adults, that era is also called the legendary era.

In the early days of the legendary era, the two races could still live in harmony, but as the number of the two races increased, conflicts soon broke out.

The two sides started quarreling for territory.

The two sides could resolve the small conflicts through negotiations at the beginning, but later on, neither side was willing to give in.

So, the war broke out.

The battle between the two legendary races lasted for a whole thousand years, and it was so fierce that the rules were shaken.

The elemental tides in the plane were all thrown into chaos, and the originally complete continent was broken apart, and finally even the plane was almost blown up.

The races enslaved by them were almost killed and wounded in this battle.

Until 50,000 years ago, the ancient dragons won the battle miserably and expelled the ancient Titans from the Yarsk continent.

But the ancient dragons have never recovered since then, and the power of their bloodline has even declined because of this battle. Since then,They fell from the legendary race to become the golden race, which is now the dragon.

Just when the dragon thought that they could live peacefully.

The long-eared elves took action.

Originally enslaved by the dragon, they took advantage of the dragon's decline and raised the banner and shouted:

"Do dragons have any kind!"

They rebelled.

Not only did they rebel, but the elves also united with other equally oppressed races.

They shouted to other races: "Let's unite and overthrow the tyranny of dragons. The world belongs to all creatures!"

So the Anti-Dragon Alliance was established.

They sharpened their knives and attacked the dragons who were recuperating.

After a thousand years of bloody battles, the dragon clan was licking their wounds. Who would have thought that these slaves would suddenly stab them in the back.

Caught off guard, they did not dodge and were careless. They were forced to give up their position as the overlord of the continent and withdraw from the stage of history.

In this way, the elves came to power and became the overlord of the continent. They established the Elf King Court and managed the entire plane.

Because the elves are a silver race, this era is known as the Silver Age.

Compared with the arrogant dragons and Titans, the elves are not only peace-loving, but also believe in the gods. They built churches for the gods, formed clergy, and worshipped the gods.

Under their leadership, a wave of worshipping gods rose in almost all planes.

Under the influence of the power of faith, the gods also began to gradually change from emotionless rules to divine lives with real emotions at that time.

With selfish intentions, they began to divide their own power and select the most loyal believers to become their subordinate gods...

Theology developed rapidly during that time, and the whole world entered the most glorious era.

All this finally ended more than 30,000 years ago.

That year, the elves broke out in a civil war in order to compete for the quota of becoming the subordinate gods of the elf main god.

It is known as the Crown War.

At the end of the war, although the victors succeeded in becoming gods, the elves also entered an unprecedented period of weakness due to the war.

At this time, the orcs, who had been unknown all the time, suddenly rose up.

They overthrew the rule of the elves at a very fast speed, and the elves were forced to flee to the new continent overseas, and from then on they closed their doors to the world.

After the rise of the orcs, they developed honestly at first, but ten thousand years ago, they had a very outrageous idea.

They wanted to kill the gods and replace them.

In these years, they gathered resources from all over the continent, united the orcs, cultivated countless powerful magicians and warriors, and launched an extremely chaotic battle with the gods.

That battle was called Ragnarok.

Countless gods fell in that battle, and without the gods, the rules fell into chaos.

The entire continent fell into chaos and panic.

Fortunately, in the end, the evil orcs and orcs were defeated by the gods, and the continent returned to peace. Humans stepped onto the stage of history and became the current overlord of the continent.

In order to punish the orcs and half-orcs, the gods expelled them to the edge of the continent and brought down curses and natural disasters, making it difficult for them to return to the embrace of the continent.

Over time, this area became the so-called God-forsaken land.

But the question is, didn't the orcs use magic and fighting spirit to kill the gods?

What the hell is this high-tech? !

Putting aside the doubts in her mind for the time being, Irene first covered the urn.

Then she continued to explore the interior of the spacecraft.

Maybe there might be something in this spacecraft that could solve her doubts.

As she continued to explore inside, most of the newly found rooms had alloy doors tightly closed, probably because the humans had not explored that deep.

After forcibly prying open these alloy doors, Irene saw more power armor.

Under these armors, without exception, they were all ancient orcs.

This further confirmed her guess.

The war of the gods back then might be different from what was recorded in history.

After walking and stopping along the way, Irene soon found what seemed to be a library, a cafeteria, and a toilet by forcibly dismantling the door.

It was a pity that the spaceship was too far away from now, and most of the things that were preserved were made of steel. Those paper books that seemed to record information had long been reduced to ashes.

Even the toilet paper in the toilet was gone.

This is really a sad story.


When Irene forced open a large alloy door with a heavy heart, a red light suddenly flashed inside the door and swept across her body.

Xiao Longniang became alert on the spot, and her originally relaxed mood instantly restrained. She quickly took a step back, and a magic shield appeared in front of her.

Her muscles tensed upCome, be prepared for unexpected situations at any time.

But after this red light, nothing happened.

There were no traps on the ground, and no crossbows shot out of the walls.

Just when she was feeling a little confused, a mechanical sound suddenly rang out from the room in front of her.

"Zhi... Huan... Huan..."

The sound seemed to be stuck, full of electric current and noise.

Until more than ten seconds later, the mechanical sound suddenly became smooth, like a person who had been constipated for ten years drinking a whole bottle of enema.

"Welcome, Your Excellency the Supreme Commander."

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