
This book is finally recommended!


Unfortunately, this book failed. Alas...

Readers may not be able to see it, but the income and completion rate displayed in the author's backend are hard to describe...

Most readers click in and leave after a quick look, so the number of readers seems okay, but the income is pitifully low.

Of course, this is all my fault.

The first is the title, which is too ambiguous and not well chosen.

Readers don't know what the book means after reading the title, so they naturally won't click in. When they click in and see that it is a Western fantasy, which is a big cold, and even the name is hard to remember, and it is also a transformation story, the rest of them will also leave.

The second is the poison point. I wrote too much for myself, which led to a lot of poison points, and those readers who clicked in were crazy lost.

Third, I saw someone pointed out in the comment area that there are too many human figures. It's okay to add some flavor occasionally. It seems that human figures are not very popular all the time (scratching my head). I will pay attention next time.


I was so happy to read the comments on the day of the recommendation. They were all talented and nice to talk to.

But when I saw the income...

I was completely silent that night, so I sat there until very late before I wrote a chapter.

The next day, I continued to sit there, depressed, thinking, and couldn't figure it out.

The next afternoon, I realized that the Western fantasy theme was not good and too unpopular, so I wanted to change the theme.

After that, I took a look at the comment section

(In fact, I dare not read the comment section. Those who have read my previous books know how bad I write. The comments were so harsh that I collapsed several times. I dare not read it since then. The main reason is that I have a fragile heart and low self-esteem. If I can't write well, I will easily lose my mind and change the book, that is, start a new book. I don't know how many books I have started during this period. I just cut it when I feel that I am broken.)

But I still read it.

I thought there would be a lot of scolding me and I would decide not to write Western fantasy anymore.

But surprisingly, most of them were good comments.

Thank you readers for your support.

So I thought, let's try to write another Western fantasy dragon story. This time I won't write about transformation, just a dragon story.

I have an outline for this story. Although it's not long, it's also tens of thousands of words. I won't post it because it may be a lie.

Thanks to the readers who have read this far. To be realistic, the author wants to bring a good and complete story, but in order to make a living and not starve to death, he can only try to write a new story and remove these bad points. Well... This book will not be finished. If there is a chance in the future, I will come back to continue writing this book.

Every book is written by the author with great effort. If the author cuts it, it will be the most painful for him. There is no other way. I can't make it with more than ten yuan a day (because if the author is a full-time author, he will starve to death (╥_╥))

Of course, I can also write a thousand words a day to make money, but that would be irresponsible to the book and the readers, so I always cut it decisively and don't keep it up...

This also leads to not writing long... cough cough...

Finally, I wish us all happiness, good health, and world peace!

Pigeon mecha, fusion! Coo coo coo!

Cough cough, need to make up a thousand words, otherwise it can't be sent out...

Then let me briefly say a few points............

Just a few points, if you want to scold me, please scold me in this paragraph.


I feel that I wrote this book too depressingly. In fact, I want to bring a happy and stress-free story.

Because modern people are very impetuous and stressed whether they are studying, working, or doing other things, and always want to go crazy.

So I racked my brains to add some nonsensical little plots in it.

You may not be able to tell when you read it, but I actually wrote it several times before I came up with a funny point and inserted it in. But how should I put it, I always feel more and more depressed later, because it is connected to the main plot.

Tsk, I will continue to learn and evolve, and strive to write a good story.

Finally, thank you all for liking this book


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