The next day, the sky gradually brightened, indicating the arrival of a new day.

Because of the heavy rain that lasted a day and a night yesterday, there was still a cool and moist breath in the air. The orc Gar, who got up early, took a deep breath of the cool water vapor and felt refreshed.

To be honest, he was once captured and sold as a slave to the human empire in the early years, and spent the darkest period of his life there.

During that time, he was required to fight various monsters in the Colosseum every day, and only one person could walk out of the venue alive after a battle.

The purpose of doing this was just to entertain those who paid for tickets in the audience.

Most of his companions who were abducted from the tribe with him died in the mouths of those monsters.

Even the few lucky ones who survived chose to end their lives because they didn't want to face those monsters every day and didn't want to live in fear every day.

In just a few years, the batch of orcs who were abducted at the beginning was replaced one after another.

Only Gar, perhaps because of the protection of the goddess of luck, or perhaps because he fought with all his strength in every battle, and his ferocity even scared the monsters, was lucky enough to live to adulthood.

He thought that one day he would die in the mouths of those monsters.

But who knew that the Colosseum was inexplicably abandoned later. It was said that there were no new slaves to replenish, so he and the remaining slaves were sold to others.

In this way, Gar was tied with heavy lead balls and chains, and was resold like a commodity. Finally, he was sold to the Dwarf Empire by mistake and became a miner.

Every day, before dawn, he and other slaves were driven into the dark mine to dig ore. They would not be allowed to come out until the broken iron barrel outside the mine was knocked, and then they would get a piece of black bread that was almost as hard as ore from the dwarf who distributed food. If they were not full, they would drink more groundwater dug out of the mine, so that they would not be so hungry that they could not sleep.

Although he would still wake up from hunger every night because he was too hungry.

To be honest, although life there was not easy, it was much better than those years in the Colosseum.

At least he did not have to worry about whether he would die in the mouth of the monster the next day, and the place to sleep was much cleaner than the cage in the Colosseum.

This... lasted for five years...

In five years, Garl grew from a skinny little orc who had just grown up to a short but very strong orc in the process of mining day after day.

Gar thought that his life would be like this, mining day after day in the dim mine until one day a mining accident occurred and he was buried, or he died of exhaustion.

But he didn't expect that things would take a turn for the better.

That day... that was a very special day for him...

That day, the Seraphim walking in the darkness came in front of him, stretched out his warm palm to him, and said the words that he would remember for the rest of his life:

"Boy, do you need help?"

Gar recalled the past, his expression was a little dazed, walking on the slippery stone road, he didn't pay attention, and almost fell to the ground, thanks to a pair of big hands holding him up, he was saved from the fate of falling on his face.

When he raised his head, he saw a big guy who was a head taller than him blocking in front of him.

The iconic black armor made him stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but think of the time when it was just such a dog-headed man in black armor who was trading with the dwarves with barrels of something called red wine. He saw these slaves and redeemed them with the precious wine.

To this day, he still remembers what the old dog-headed man said when he brought them back.

"You don't have to thank me, boys. If you want to thank someone, thank the great Majesty. It was she who gave you a new life."

Just as Gar was recalling the past in a trance, the imperial guard in front of him suddenly stretched out a hand and pressed it on his shoulder, and a dull voice came out through the helmet of the armor.

"According to the information, you were redeemed from the Dwarf Empire."

"Let me ask you, can you forge iron?"

"What...what, I...I..."

The pressure of the imperial guards in front of him was too strong, and Gar was a little overwhelmed, and he didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"Just answer yes or no."

The voice of the Imperial Guards was still so steady, without any impatience. As the elites selected from the Black Knights, they knew when they listened to the Imperial Guards Revelation that their swords were the sharpest swords and the most solid shields in His Majesty's hands.The spearhead is always used to face the enemy, and their solid backs are always used to protect His Majesty and compatriots.

Instead of relying on strength to oppress compatriots.

"I... can do a little..." Gal said with some stammering.

Hearing this, two red lights lit up under the full-coverage helmet of the Imperial Guard, and Gal couldn't help but shudder.

The Imperial Guard patted the poor orc's shoulder heavily and asked with burning eyes: "Really?"

He couldn't help but be excited. Since General Wangcai assigned this task, their Imperial Guards were sent to various tribes overnight to find some talents who are good at forging.

But living in a barren place like the God-forsaken Land, it is a problem to have enough food. How can anyone have nothing to do to learn blacksmithing and forging? Even if he wanted to, reality would not allow it. This morning, he asked countless people and finally found one.


Gar swallowed his saliva and said unconfidently: "I...know a little bit, not much, just a little bit. When I was a miner, I couldn't sleep at night, so I learned it secretly. I thought it was quite simple..."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The excitement of the imperial guard could not be concealed even with the cover of the helmet. He said loudly: "Listen, warrior, His Majesty needs talents like you now. Pack your things immediately and follow me to the Black City to meet His Majesty!"

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