"Oh? Then tell me what's missing?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Garl felt as if he was blown by the cold wind at night. He shivered and came to his senses. He lowered his head and saw that His Majesty was already standing in front of him.

"Your Majesty..."

Garl felt his body stiffen and his legs swayed involuntarily. Although the girl in front of him was a head shorter than him, her golden eyes gave him a strong sense of oppression from a superior creature.

"Don't be nervous, I don't eat people."

Erin showed two sharp fangs, raised her head and squeezed out a gentle smile for her.

"Come on, tell me what you think?"


Swallowing hard, Garr tried to compliment: "This blueprint of yours is the greatest invention I have ever seen. Even in the Dwarf Empire, I have never seen such a sophisticated creation."

"Well~ then?"

Erin narrowed her eyes. The guy's resume mentioned that he was redeemed by Wangcai from the Dwarf Empire. In a sense, he was a top student who had studied abroad.

I wonder if I can give her a surprise.

Garr was already sweating profusely. He noticed from the corner of his eye that the other people who came with him were looking at him with pity, which made him regret why he didn't control his mouth and speak out his thoughts.

If he didn't say it well, he might die in the dragon's mouth.

Under the tension, he felt his brain go blank, and his memory was involuntarily pulled back to the moment of fighting in the Colosseum.

The surrounding scene seemed no longer a dragon's nest, but a Colosseum full of bones. He seemed to smell the strong smell of blood again. The girl in front of him was no longer a girl, but a monster with a ferocious look and a tense body, ready to rush up and kill him at any time.

That was a nightmare that he would never forget in his life.


A drop of sweat slid down his forehead and dripped onto the blueprint in his hand, wetting a large area.

Suddenly, a burst of heat swept towards his head, as if a fire suddenly ignited in his heart. Garl felt that he could beat ten people now!

As he moved his eyes forward, he noticed that the girl's fingers were flashing with a faint magical light. He naturally thought of what happened in an instant. Just as he was about to thank her, he noticed the slightly impatient look in the little dragon girl's eyes, and quickly swallowed his words back and said to the blueprint: "I think this thing is incomplete, he can't move it!"

Erin's face became serious.

"This set of blueprints is indeed missing the most important energy supply device. We don't have any blueprints for that yet. Do you have any ideas?"

"I'm thinking... why not change this thing to use magic?!" Gar's tone gradually became firm.

"Can you change it?"

"I think it shouldn't be too difficult." Under the effect of the courage-enhancing magic, Gar gradually recovered and patted his chest and said, "When I was a slave in the Dwarf Empire, I often watched them forging iron. I think I can do it."

A trace of imperceptible hope appeared in the eyes of the little dragon lady. With a thought, the iron can in the center of the dragon's nest was lifted by the magician's hand and floated over. With a "bang", it fell heavily to the side.


Taping the tin can next to her twice with her fingers, Irene said, "This is a prototype. See how to modify it. The material is not a problem."

"This thing..."

Under the magic effect, Gar gradually let go of the restraints, walked around the tin can, looked at the drawings, shook his head and said sadly, "No, the material of this thing is too poor. It can't withstand the flow of magic."

"There is more." He gently broke the tin can with his hand, and a piece of the component was broken off. "Who made this? The craftsmanship is too poor!"

"Ahem." Irene coughed twice, and muttered quietly without blushing or beating her heart: "This was made by my useless dragon brother. The craftsmanship is indeed a bit poor."

Gar suddenly turned his head, looked directly at the little dragon lady, and said carelessly: "Your Majesty, I think this is not difficult. Give me some materials and I will make one for you."

"Well..." Irene hesitated for a moment, always feeling that it was because she cast a courage-enhancing magic on him that caused this guy to swell up.

In order not to waste time and materials, for the sake of caution, she raised her head and shouted to the light ball hanging on the ceiling as a light bulb: "Come down, Mia."

The light ball seemed to be turned on, and a yawning expression appeared on it, then slowly floated down, stopped in front of Irene, and made a very neutral voice: "Your Majesty, if you have any instructions, Mia will do her best to help youYou are at my service. "

During this period, Irene has figured out what this light ball is. This thing should be the brain of the spaceship, or artificial intelligence, the kind with life.

Although it has lost its memory now, it can still be used as a supercomputer. Whether it is scientific and technological calculations or spell simulation operations, it can be competent. It only needs to input magic power regularly to maintain its physiological activities. Now it is usually used by Xiaolongniang to calculate some more complicated spell formulas, and now it can be used again.

I saw Irene put the drawing in front of the light ball and said: "Construct the holographic structure diagram of this power armor."

"Ding! It is being constructed."

The expression on the light ball disappeared instantly and turned into a loading progress bar. On its head, countless magic powers intertwined into light, gradually constructing a virtual 3D structure diagram of holographic power armor.

"Okay." Irene looked at the green-skinned orc Gal, "Tell me what you think. "


Gar's face showed tension again, and it seemed that the magic effect was fading. Seeing this, Irene added another courage enhancement spell and a rage spell to extend the state time.

The eyes of this strong orc suddenly turned red, and after raising his neck and howling angrily, his muscles tensed, and two white air spurted out of his nostrils, shouting: "I think I'm fine now! !"

As he said, he strode to the holographic projection, pointed to a place and said: "I think! This place can be removed, and this place to this place can be connected with mithril to build a magic circuit. ”

“And this, this booster device is moved to this position, it can connect to the mithril line next to it... This place needs to use red copper alloy..."

“This place uses magic crystal as the magic core..."

As he spoke, the holographic projection began to change, one line after another began to connect in it, one part after another began to change, and the virtual material also began to change.

Under the holographic projection, countless data streams were quickly passing through the surface of the light ball, loading data of various materials and analyzing feasibility.

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