This speech was like throwing a bursting fireball into the tavern, and the conversation between the three people came to a halt.

The old dog-headed man standing next to him, who looked like an old butler, had unconsciously opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of fangs, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his furry dog ​​ears stood up at this moment, like a hunting dog about to go out.


Putting the bottle of wine on the table gently, the expression on Irene's face was restrained, and her eyes gradually became cold.

She only heard her speak in a flat tone: "First of all, thank you for bringing this crucial news about the Principality of Rainey. This is indeed very valuable. I should thank you for this."

Bronzebeard's mind obviously didn't turn around. Just when he was about to wave his hand and say you're welcome, the next two words blocked his mouth.


Erin played with the wine glass, squinted her eyes and looked at the two dwarves in front of her, and said a few words in an extremely cold tone: "You, are you threatening me?"

After the words fell, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, so quiet that only the heavy breathing of the two dwarves could be heard.

"Da, da ... In fact, this was not a premonition. The moment they entered the tavern, hundreds of imperial guards had already ambushed nearby, hiding and surrounding the place. Once they received the signal, they would rush in...


Bronzebeard swallowed his saliva and suddenly felt that he had said the wrong thing without thinking.

Just then.


Gray suddenly slapped the table, breaking the strange silence.

Everyone focused their attention on his face, and saw that the dwarf showed a painful expression as if he had eaten shit, and helplessly supported his forehead.

"Don't listen to this guy's nonsense, he drank too much, and he said that our upright dwarves are the same as the devil who bewitches people's hearts."

Gray glanced at his companion helplessly, and his face became more serious than ever.

"Sir, don't get me wrong, we dwarves have no intention of being your enemy."

Seeing that the girl in front of him stopped playing and put the wine glass away, he breathed a sigh of relief and carefully glanced behind him.

Just now, he keenly sensed that there was a murderous aura spreading outside the door.

"That's right."

The dwarf took out a piece of parchment from his storage ring, put it on the table and pushed it forward.

From Eileen's perspective, she could clearly see the common language on the top of the parchment: 'Beverage Supply Contract. '

The little dragon lady looked at the parchment with interest. When she heard that a principality had set its sights on her, although it happened suddenly, as a dragon who followed her heart, she had already begun to plan how to pack up and run away.

When the dwarf arrogantly said that he wanted her to surrender, she was even more prepared to silence him before running away.

But she didn't expect that there would be a turnaround.

Eileen looked at the other party with interest, quietly waiting for the next step.

After brewing his emotions and dispelling the smell of alcohol, Gray spoke again.

"Sir, I, Gray Ironforge, hereby sincerely apologize to you on behalf of the Dwarf Empire."

After considering the words, he continued:

"This matter involves you because our Dwarf Empire breached the contract. The Empire wanted to compensate the Principality of Rainey, but the old guy Eddriman insisted on making things difficult for you."

"What the Dwarf King meant was that you pretended to belong to our Dwarf Empire on the surface. With this relationship, the Principality of Rainey would naturally not dare to do anything to you at that time."

"We have re-drafted this contract, and the purchase price of the wine has been changed to 30% higher than the market price to express our apology."

After saying that, he seemed to be afraid that Irene would worry, and added: "Don't worry, as long as you verbally agree to belong, the Empire will never interfere in anything in the Forsaken Land of God."

"Is that so?" Irene looked at the other dwarf and saw that he seemed to be sober and nodded frantically, and then she put away her cold eyes.

"What if I refuse?"

As soon as these words came out, the two dwarves were stunned.

After a while, Gray licked his lips and fixed his eyes on the red wine bottle on the table.

"Then... we can only use the excuse that the tunnel has not been dug yet to delay as much as possible. Your Excellency, take advantage of this opportunity.You can leave through the Ghana Forest. If you are worried about danger, we can send someone to escort you. "

"We dwarves have many connections all over the continent, and we can even help you leave the Eastern countries quietly. I just hope that you can continue to refine this delicious red wine. "

Hearing this, Irene paused, thinking, looking at the faces of the two dwarves who came to report the news.

She couldn't understand why these dwarves would help to such an extent. Logically, they were just customers and sellers. Was it necessary for them to do this for her?

Little Dragon Lady was in doubt.

She thought that the dwarves didn't like her, right?

Don't dwarves like big beards and strong muscles?

For wine? There are so many bartenders on the continent, and she doesn't need a fake one.

There is no need to take such a risk to make an enemy of a principality.

After thinking for a while, Irene decided to ask the doubts in her heart directly. For a straightforward race like the dwarves, beating around the bush is a waste of time.

So she said: "Why is your empire willing to do this for me? "

Before Gray could answer, Bronzebeard suddenly interrupted and said, "I'm sorry, dear bartender, my brain was not working well just now. Let me answer this question."

He stood up and bowed, and said dryly:

"There is a saying among us dwarves that the spit of dwarves is harder than the hardest ore. As long as we say it, we will definitely do it and never owe anyone."

"But you tore up the contract with the Principality of Rainey." Irene suddenly said.


Bronzebeard was obviously choked and scratched his head.

"This is an accident. The main reason is that the wine they sold to us in the past two years has become more and more unpalatable. Sometimes I even doubt whether I am drinking water or wine. "

"You know, we dwarves only like to do three things, drinking, mining and forging... In front of fine wine, it's okay to make an exception..."

The more he talked, the smaller his voice became. He scratched his beard a little embarrassedly, and then suddenly said loudly:

"But since we have breached the contract, we will definitely compensate you. This incident was caused by us, so we will definitely compensate you."


Irene chuckled and had a new understanding of dwarves, who are accompanied by ore.

These guys are more honest than those recorded in the inherited memory, and their brains are indeed a bit stupid.

But sometimes this is also a good thing. It is precisely because of this honest character that dwarves have become the most trustworthy equipment forgers in the entire continent.

You never have to worry about the problem of equipment and materials being swallowed up when you let them forge, but the fees are ridiculously high.

After all, dwarves are almost all alcoholics, and they are born warriors. It is extremely difficult to produce spellcasters, not to mention bartenders. They can only make money in this way to buy expensive drinks from other races.

After thinking for a while, Irene did not immediately make up her mind whether to leave or stay. If it was before, she would never be so arrogant. You know, she is just an eleven-year-old dragon baby now.

However, the situation is different now. Now she has alien technology in her hands. The other party is just a principality. If there is no legendary strongman, maybe she can still fight.

Thinking of this, Irene glanced at the two dwarves who were anxiously waiting for her answer as if they were waiting for the birth of a child.

"Can you tell me about the strength of this Reni Principality?"

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