‘Tsk, how come this silly brother is smart for once.’ Irene thought to herself.

She forced a smile on her face: “Isn’t it because you are so powerful, David? Only a black dragon as powerful as you can take on such an important task.”

“Don’t you think so, David?” Irene blinked, showing a helpless little girl’s attitude.

“Well...” David nodded and put his hands on his waist, obviously very pleased with this sentence.

But he was not stupid, and put forward his own conditions: “Then 70% of the food this time belongs to me!”

‘What a greedy guy,’ Irene complained in her heart, but on the surface, she said without changing her expression, “Okay, 70% belongs to you.”

David wanted to pull it, but he didn’t expect his sister to agree so easily. He almost fell from the sky with joy.

After forcing himself to calm down, he coughed twice:

"Ahem, the great black dragon David has gone hunting. My stupid sister, you'd better keep up with me."

"Okay, okay..."

Erin agreed. After all, after returning, it would depend on her fists to decide how much she gets.

The two dragons hit it off and swooped down at the same time.

However, before they approached the herd of horned deer in the forest, the herd of horned deer seemed to have sensed something and began to run around without raising their heads.

The leader of the horned deer directly protected the only cub in the herd, and aimed his huge antlers at the two little black dragons swooping down from the sky.

Erin understood what was going on in an instant.

Those horned deer felt the aura on them, which was the power of a real dragon.

In the inheritance of dragons, this aura is called fierce momentum, which is the so-called dragon power.

Dragon power is not only a momentum, but also a power, a powerful power unique to the dragon clan.

Adult dragons can easily oppress weak creatures and make them unable to move just by relying on their dragon power.

But for newly born dragonlets, they are unable to restrain their dragon power on their own. When prey senses the dragon power, they will be greatly frightened and flee in advance.

Dragon power has become a burden instead.

After a sudden brake in the air to avoid hitting the pair of antlers, Irene aimed a breath of dragon at the horned deer leader who was protecting the young deer, trying to force it away.

But the horned deer had no intention of dodging. When the acid approached, it suddenly raised its head and used its huge antlers to push the acid breath.

A layer of milky white light emerged from the antlers, blocking most of the acid. A small part fell on the ground and corroded shallow pits.

"Baa ... "Bang!"

The light ball collided with the acid and exploded, and it seemed like acid rained from the sky.

Seizing this opportunity, Irene shouted to David: "Stop it!"

David, who was also stopped by the horned deer leader, heard this and took advantage of this opportunity to fly into the sky. After dodging the attacking light ball, he exhaled a breath of acid, and the horned deer leader was forced to defend and could not continue to pursue.

Seeing this, Irene turned around without hesitation and rushed into the forest at a very fast speed with the sound of whistling wind.

Even though there were dense trees in the forest, her eyes were still firmly locked on the escaping young deer.

The young deer was fleeing frantically in the forest at this time. The complex terrain did not affect its escape speed at all. This was the escape experience engraved in the genes of countless ancestors.

Even though it could no longer feel the terrifying dragon power behind it, it still desperately moved its limbs, constantly jumping and walking in the forest, using trees as a cover, trying to block the pursuers behind.

However, the next moment, the terrifying dragon power swept over again.

Along with it came a dark green breath of acid.

The acid passed through the shadows of the trees and hit the head of the horned deer cub. The strong corrosiveness quickly eroded its scalp. Driven by the intense pain, it slipped and fell to the ground.

BodyDriven by inertia, it slid forward several meters and dug out a shallow gully.

A moment later, the leaves were blown by the wind, and Irene caught up, retracted her dragon wings, and landed steadily on the side.

The young deer was not dead yet and was breathing hard.

Irene took a deep breath, lay down and bit off the other's neck.


After doing all this, Xiao Longniang exhaled deeply, as if she had just finished a thousand-meter long-distance race.

In fact, this hunting did not consume much physical strength, but it was a little mentally uncomfortable.

In her previous life, she had never killed a chicken, but now she bit a young deer to death with her own mouth.

"After all, I am not a human being." Xiao Longniang whispered to herself.

Ten seconds later...

The sound of limbs rubbing against leaves came.

At the same time, David's loud voice came.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat! I'm here to eat!"

As the leaves shook, the dragon brother David came out from the tree canopy and fell to the ground with a "bang".

There were still a few small holes on his dragon wings. It can be seen that he must have been beaten just now.

Without paying any attention to the wounds on his body, David got up from the ground, looked at the prey in front of Irene, and licked his dragon lips with his tongue.

He was about to pounce on him for a full meal, but a dragon claw suddenly stretched out and blocked him.

"My stupid brother, it's not time to eat now."


David opened his eyes wide and looked at his sister, his tail swaying from side to side.


"I'll tell you if you guess it."

Irene didn't explain any more, picked up the prey and flew to the dragon's nest.

Eating in the wild is not a good choice, the smell of blood will soon attract some dangerous carnivores.

With their current physical condition, if they compete with those dangerous carnivores for food, they will most likely be eaten as dessert.

So it is safer to pack them up and bring them back to the dragon's nest to eat.

"I guess?"

David blinked, revealing an innocent look.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Seeing that Irene flew away, he quickly flapped his broken dragon wings to catch up.

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