
The iron cage was opened, and the bristly pig rushed out angrily.

However, before he could be rampant for even a second, the chainsaw sword came towards him with a roar.


As the flesh and blood flew, the chainsaw sword hummed and cut the beast in half on the spot.

Driven by inertia, the flesh and blood that were split in two passed from both sides of Gar, flew two or three meters away, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

Viscous blood gushed out from the neat fracture, and the pig's hoof that was still alive twitched twice, and then it was completely dead.

"How about it! Your Majesty, my idea is not bad!" Gar stopped inputting magic power, carried the chainsaw sword on his shoulder, and saw Irene clapped her hands lightly and nodded slightly, and immediately showed a smug expression.

This was the first real test after he came up with this weapon. Gar was also very excited to have such power.

But the experiment was not over yet.

Gar was proud for a while, then he raised the chainsaw sword again and walked towards other targets with a roar.

The wooden target was easily cut in half.

The stone target, although it took some time, was successfully cut after a bunch of sparks came out.

But when it came to the steel target, the chainsaw sword got stuck just after cutting into it one centimeter.

The saw blade stopped buzzing.

Gar was a little embarrassed, and his eyes inadvertently glanced at Irene, and then he infused more magic power unwillingly.


With a violent buzzing sound, the saw blade went deeper again, but at the same time, a puff of black smoke came out of the chainsaw sword.

Everyone present frowned.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was something wrong with the chainsaw sword.

However, Gar was a little unwilling to admit defeat, and he was still frantically infusing magic power into the chainsaw sword, and the strength in his hands also increased a bit.

His whole face looked a little purple due to excessive force.



Finally, with a roar of being overwhelmed, the saw blade snapped into two halves, flashing cold light, and flew out with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

It flew straight to Irene.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Wangcai shouted when he saw this, and was about to go up to block the attack.

However, Irene's movements were faster.

She stretched out two fingers at lightning speed, and clamped the saw blade in her hand when it was about to touch her eyeball.

The magic line on the saw blade flickered, and sparks were rubbed on Irene's fingers, but it could not hurt her at all.

In the end, it could only be extinguished unwillingly.


Gal sat on the ground all of a sudden, his face a little pale.

This was not only caused by excessive consumption of magic power, but also frightened by the scene just now.

Garl felt his heart pounding. He swallowed his saliva, and the hair on his head twisted. He looked at Irene with some stammering and said, "Your Majesty... I, I didn't mean it."

"I know." Irene loosened her hand holding the saw blade, letting it fall to the ground with a clatter. She patted the non-existent dust on her hand and said, "There is a saying in the Dragon Heritage that failure is the mother of success."

"One failure doesn't matter. There will be more failures in the future. Just get used to it."

"Uh." Garl was choked, but seeing that Irene was not angry, he relaxed a little. He got up from the ground, pulled out the chain saw sword stuck on the target, and sighed after observing the broken end for a while.

"I am really not suitable for studying these precise things. Without the drawings, the gap between what I randomly figured out and the real thing is too big."

After saying that, she walked to the corner holding the chain saw sword that was still emitting black smoke and drew circles.

The hair on her head that was getting longer and longer also drooped down.

The light ball named Mia flew over Gar's head at the right time, like a broken light bulb, flickering dimly from time to time.

A desolate atmosphere suddenly lingered in the entire equipment department, as if a light snow had fallen.

Seeing this, Irene frowned and asked another member of the equipment department: "Does he often do this?"

The man shivered first, stood straight, and then reported loudly: "Report to Your Majesty! Minister Gar often does this, we are used to it."

"Okay." Holding the tradition of respecting others, Irene turned and walked towards the exit of the equipment department.

However, after two steps, Wangcai suddenly caught up and reported: "Your Majesty, just received a message, the soldiers scattered outside found a team of three adventurers."

"Oh?" Irene stopped. "Have you dealt with it?"

Since the end of the war, there have been adventurer teams coming from time to time.

One by one, they shouted about bonds and friendship, wanting to slay dragons and prove their way.

Although their strength is generally notStrong, basically all of them were killed by Irene and David.

But these adventurers are like mosquitoes, and being bitten too many times is annoying.

For this reason, Irene specially dispersed all the soldiers under her command and patrolled day and night. Once they were found, those soldiers would notify the nearest black knights and imperial guards to carry out precise strikes.

"It has been dealt with." Wangcai had a bit of pride on his face. "It was Xi Ze who dealt with it. He happened to be nearby and went there after receiving the message."

"That's fine." Irene yawned, stretched a little tiredly, and prepared to go back to continue reading.

After killing the two gold-level people in the Principality of Rainey, she obtained a lot of books on magic. In addition to the old gold-level wizards she killed before, Irene's current foundation can be said to be extremely deep.

While eagerly absorbing this knowledge, Irene felt that she was about to touch the threshold of the gold level.

By then, her mage professional level will probably exceed the level of the dragon body itself.

"That's right." As if she had thought of something, Irene stopped. "Now the number of adventurers' invasions is getting less and less, and there is no movement in the eastern countries. Let's let the orcs and orcs recruited by the tribes go back for the time being."

Wangcai bowed his head heavily after hearing this, and squeezed out a few words from his throat: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Irene waved her hand nonchalantly and strode out of the equipment department.


Outside the Black City, there was a battlefield where blood and fire, iron and tears were shed, and countless unknown hymns and roars were written.

Now there is only a silent desert.

The yellow sand stained red by blood has returned to its original state.

Only the obelisk that is tens of meters high and towering in the yellow sand can prove that here...

There was once a war of iron and blood!

On the obelisk, there are names carved by Irene herself.

Those are the names of the soldiers who died in the Red Wine War.

They will be remembered forever, even if the obelisk is completely weathered...collapsed...after countless years...

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