Although it has been a while since the war that shocked the entire East Continent, most of the forces on the East Continent are still on edge and remain highly vigilant.

Humans are afraid of the counterattack of the evil dragons. If the two dragons in the God-Forsaken Land and the one in the Ghana Forest unite, the human countries will face a catastrophe.

And the evil dragons they are talking about are also on guard against revenge from the human side.

The only exception is the Dwarf Empire, which is sandwiched between the two.

This force that has remained neutral throughout the war has not been affected much from the beginning to the end. It is still like usual, mining, drinking, and playing some warm-hearted games with good brothers every day.

Until this day, an uninvited guest came to the Big Hammer Tavern of the Dwarf Empire.

"Drink! Keep drinking!"

"Go, Odibas! Drink him to death!"

"For the glory of our Dwarf Mutual Aid Association, you can't lose!!!"

"Come on! Whitebeard! Drink Odibas to death!"

"And me! I'm going to add ten pieces of iron ore! Bet on Whitebeard to win!"


The small tavern was already full of dwarves, and noisy roars and shouts were venting in the tavern.

Many dwarves simply climbed on the shoulders of other dwarves because there was really no room, stacked one layer after another, like a stack of monks, until the roof.

In the center surrounded by dwarves was an ordinary stone table, which was full of wine bottles. On both sides of the table, there was a dwarf sitting, one with a signature big beard, covered with oil stains and wine, sloppy like a beggar.

Looking at the swaying appearance, it was obvious that he was drunk.

But he still held a bottle in one hand and raised his neck to pour it into his mouth.

The eyes had been staring at the guy sitting opposite from the beginning to the end.

That was a somewhat strange dwarf. He was wearing a much cleaner animal skin than other dwarves. There were not many stains on his big beard, only a small amount of wine.

The most eye-catching thing was his hair.

Unlike the hair color of ordinary dwarves, the hair on this dwarf was all white like snow. Under the light, it would reflect a metallic light, which was quite strange.

Because of this rare white hair, this dwarf was nicknamed Whitebeard since he came to the Dwarf Empire.

No one knew where he came from. He only heard from him that he was a traveler who liked to walk around, see the scenery everywhere, and taste the world's delicacies.

If that was all, it would not attract so much attention.

The main reason was that Whitebeard was really a drinker.

He had only been in the Dwarf Empire for one day, and he had drunk dozens of people.

And he didn't even rest in the middle.

In the eyes of these big guys who love drinking, this is undoubtedly a provocation of their local dwarves by despicable outsiders.

So more and more dwarves heard the news and simply put down their work in the mines and came to challenge.

Those who thought they were not as good as others simply chose to watch the fight.

During this period, as more and more people gathered, naturally, some people started gambling on which brother could drink more than this foreign guy.

However, the situation does not seem to be good.

So far, Whitebeard has not shown any signs of drunkenness.

On the contrary, the dwarves who came to challenge have changed in batches, and the guys who were thrown out of the tavern after getting drunk have piled up into a small mountain.


As the dwarf sitting opposite Whitebeard, called Odibas, fell heavily on the table, the drinking competition officially ended.

Suddenly, the whole tavern burst into a tsunami-like shouting.

Some laughed and some wailed.

Some dwarves reluctantly took out the ore they had worked so hard to dig for a long time from their storage rings because they lost the bet, while some dwarves won the bet and directly earned several times more ore than the bet.

Then they happily took the ore and went to the bar to exchange it for a large bottle of red wine, and happily continued to wait for the next challenger to appear.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge our invincible barrel god of war Whitebeard!"

A dwarf who was temporarily acting as a host and part-time referee stood on the bar, holding a wine bottle as a microphone, and roared loudly: "Are you guys giving up just like that! Are our brothers in the Dwarf Empire not as good as the guys outside!!!"

"I'll do it!"

In the crowded crowd, a dwarf couldn't bear the instigation and raised his broad, calloused palm.

The other dwarves immediately shouted to make way, and watched this brother walk towards the stone table that symbolized the challenger with the determination to die.

"Okay!" The dwarf who was hosting the event shouted at the glass wine bottle:Now let's invite this warrior to the stage. I wonder if he can drink Whitebeard down! Let's wait and see!"

"Other brothers, you can start betting now!"

But before the new challenger stepped onto the stage, a rough voice suddenly sounded from outside the tavern: "Specially brewed! Why didn't you call me for such a good thing!"

The tavern was silent.

When everyone turned around, they saw the wooden door of the tavern was pushed open, and a dirty dwarf walked in with a manuscript on his shoulder.

Looking at his dark body like a coal ball, he should have just come out of the coal mine area.

However, just such an ordinary dwarf roared, and the dwarves were silent for a few seconds.

Just because this dwarf as black as a coal ball is their uncrowned king.

Dwarf King-Herbert Alexander!

"Could it be that the king wants to personally participate in the drinking contest! "This is the sudden thought that popped up in the minds of the dwarves.

As the dwarf king who drinks the most in the entire empire, he faces this white beard who appears out of nowhere!

This is simply the battle of the century!!!

If you can witness these two strong men drinking together, it is worth it even if you lose all the ore on your body!!!

The eyes of the dwarves are getting brighter and brighter!

I don’t know who reacted first and shouted "King!!!" "

Like a chain reaction, all the dwarves began to shout, and under this powerful shout, the roof of the tavern began to tremble.

Not to disappoint the trust of his people, the dwarf king Herbert threw the manuscript on the ground, stretched his muscles, moved his neck, and exerted force, and two streams of black smoke mixed with slag came out of his nostrils.

He walked to the stone table in the path that everyone spontaneously made way for, grabbed the arm of the former challenger who was lying on the table and was drunk unconscious, exerted force, and threw him out of the tavern along a beautiful parabola.

Sitting on the stone chair, picking up a bottle of red wine on the table, Herbert looked at the white beard sitting opposite him, who was still drinking non-stop, and after pouring a sip of wine into his mouth, he used a special method to transmit his voice: "You guy, why are you here to get drunk again. "

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