Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

1023. Uncle Snake: Will I seal it with my tongue in the future?

Huh, I didn't expect Mr. Sarutobi's vitality to be so strong. Orochimaru looked at the pair of hands that were beginning to rot and stink, and shook his head solemnly. Even though he is erudite and talented, and his scientific talent is MAX, he still wants to break the seal of this level of ghouls. It's too difficult. After all, this is the super seal technique that the Uzumaki family has inherited for hundreds of years. When he returned to Yinin Village, he tried his best, and even after using dozens of methods, he couldn't unlock the seal of his hands. No more. Having a pair of hands caused him considerable trouble. After all, without both hands, it would be a problem for him to form a seal in the future. Of course, there are many solutions. The big deal can be to use another place to seal the seal, but he doesn't have Jiraiya. That kind of hobby of making prints with feet, but now that both hands are useless, if you don't use feet... Is it possible to use the tongue? This is a very tangled question. With his talent, it shouldn't be very difficult to practice tongue prints, but When he thinks of the picture of himself getting a mark with his tongue, it's so out of grade that it doesn't fit the temperament of a great scientist at all. So it's the right way to find a way to treat his hands. 29 But he has tried all the methods he can think of. It's useless at all.

"Is there no way? Most of the ninja's strength is in his hands." Yakushi Kabuto is definitely Uncle Snake's number one fanboy, and his love for Uncle Snake is similar to that of Shinto's worship of Madara... The omnipotent idols shook their heads, Yakushi Kabuto was really worried about the idols.

"There is someone who can give it a try, but... Uncle Snake rolled his eyes and instantly thought of his friend Tsunade, but when he thinks that he killed the teacher this time, I don't know if he is with him. Has the boat of friendship Tsunade overturned. If he just killed the teacher, then it’s okay to say, he pulled out Senju and Senju as lobbyists, maybe there is still hope. What? He killed Hokage, Senju Will the uncle and the second master Senju help him as a lobbyist? Regarding this, Orochimaru said that there is no difficulty in fooling two old antiques who have been out of touch with the times. This talent has nothing to do with IQ. Senju's soul has been sealed, and he can't summon Senju and Senju at all. But he still intends to go to Tsunade to try, hoping that Tsunade can see the two grass pheasant swords on Nawaki's back. Over the years, he has helped Nawaki's nutrition expenses...  

"Who is it? No matter how difficult it is, I have to try it. I'll go and arrest him. Yakushi Kabuto said a little excitedly.

"Hehe.... just catch it, or you may be killed by the Golden Lion... Let's go, but before that, let's transfer all the things here, this place has been exposed Now, I think Payne should have sent someone here. Uncle Snake was so moved by seeing Yakushi Kabuto's loyal little brother, and naturally he couldn't let the little brother go to death. To catch Tsunade? Just kidding, let's not talk about how big Tsunade's fist is , just like Golden Lion's arrogant temper, it's strange that he didn't issue a rape and murder order...

"Hey! I didn't expect Uncle Hokage to die..." Nawaki was very sad at this time. There were many people in the world who cared about him, but to say that he cared deeply about him, other than hammering his old sister and talking to him at every turn. Worrying about his malnutrition, the elder brother Orochimaru, who asks Xiaobai Snake to send pocket money every month, is the teacher of Uncle Hokage. I remember when I was a child, Uncle Hokage had a book of seals in his left hand and a collection of seals in his right hand. He would ask him every day if he was eating well and sleeping well. Now that he was killed by another Orochimaru elder brother who cared for him, Nawaki couldn't help but feel sad. Obviously it is the master and the apprentice. If there is any problem, you can't sit down and talk about it. You have to get to this level. But let him hate Big Brother Orochimaru, he can't do it, Big Brother Orochimaru has taken care of him since he was a child, everyone has given up on him, only Big Brother Orochimaru has not given up, he is still working hard to study his genes for him. way out. It is obviously a betrayal and forbearance knowing that admitting that he has learned the second master's wicked Forbidden Technique, the old sister will turn his face, and he will run the risk of being killed by the old sister to help him summon the second grandfather in order to make a tailor-made three-knife flow, and also put the only one on his body. Two of the two artifacts were given to him. Such a good big brother, how can he hate it again? So this period of time without Nawaki is really sad. He can't eat or sleep. In just two months, he has suffered a lot. He really thinks Ask Orochimaru why he did this, but every time Summoning brings out little white snakes and asks him to ask, the little white snakes are a group that never returns. This annoyed him quite a bit.

"Don't think so much, sooner or later people will have such a day, the old man can live to this age is already considered a long life.

"That bastard Orochimaru has gone too far, huh!" Seeing his melancholy and hesitant appearance, Tsunade snorted angrily after comforting his brother. During this period of time, I found that my brother was in a wrong mood. She didn't even go to the casino. She stayed by my brother's side every day because she was worried that something might go wrong with my brother. She has gone through too much in her life, from her grandfather, second grandfather, father, mother to grandma, all those who should be sad have been sad, and the tears have dried up. Now, I only have one brother in my heart, and the others take care of him. Immortal. Besides, ninja itself is a short-lived profession, and the old man can live to this day, there is nothing to be sad about, the only thing that makes her a little angry and can't understand is why Orochimaru's 600 bastards want to kill the old man, to say that Orochimaru has pure feelings. It's nonsense, if Orochimaru doesn't have feelings, when they thought of Nawaki's way of taking off, they can completely deny that he will not be the second grandfather's wicked Forbidden Technique, there is no need to go to Sunagakure to help them summon the second grandfather.

It is even less likely that the little white snake will send money to Nawaki from time to time.

Orochimaru's affection for the old man is the deepest among the three of them, and it is impossible to lose this affection.

But she didn't know what the bastard Orochimaru was thinking and why he wanted to kill the old man.

But what made her even more excited, that bastard Orochimaru actually summoned her grandfather and second grandfather to fight with the old man, so that the souls of grandfather and second grandfather were sealed, which made her more and more angry.

If you don't teach Orochimaru a lesson, will the bastard summon her grandma and dad to fight next time...

And Tsunade doesn't know this idea. Uncle Snake is really not without ideas, but considering the identity of Uzumaki Mito, the great seal master, even the Senju brothers recognize the existence of this, the ghost knows how unpredictable this great master is. It's hard to say that he was the first to be killed, so Uncle Snake didn't dare, as for Tsunade's father.

There are two Senju brothers and two fighter jets, and a hairy paper plane...

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