Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

199. Boy Sasori studied the Basic Law at the age of three

The destruction of the Uzumaki clan is equivalent to the loss of a teammate in Konoha, which boosted the morale of the villages in the Ninja world. In the past few years after the destruction of the Uzumaki family, the already fierce border friction has intensified. Of course, not only with Konoha It has been nearly 20 years since the First World War. Whether it is the Great Ninja Village or the Small Ninja Village, almost all of them have reached the peak of development. Every soldier is strong and strong. After the young people grow up, the first thing they think of is of course the upper position. In the era of no war, the way to be superior is naturally to get the most dazzling data in the friction in the dark, and the chance of superior is naturally greater, which makes it impossible for both sides to cause a large number of casualties in the friction on the border.

Among them, Konoha, who is the center of the ninja world, has the largest proportion of casualties. Although Konoha's well-equipped combat power is generally higher than other ninja villages, it can't hold many people. After a whole fight at home, I didn't rest for two minutes and immediately started to work with the other door. Even the iron man couldn't carry it.

And as the friction between countries and villages became more and more intense, the atmosphere of the ninja world began to become solemn. At this time, anyone with a little brain can smell a trace of war, Cloud Shinobi, Rock Shinobi, Sand Shinobi plus Many small Ninja villages and small Ninja villages have also started to prepare for war in such an atmosphere. The purpose of several large Ninja villages is obvious, but the small Ninja villages and small countries are much more complicated. During the war, if those small Ninja villages and small countries followed behind the three major Ninja villages to fight soy sauce, then this time it was the battle between the small Ninja villages and the small Ninja villages, or when several small Ninja villages joined forces to fight against the big Ninja villages, In the past two years, because this young man wants to take the lead, his anger is too high, and there is naturally a lot of friction between Da Nin Village and Xiao Nin Village. The hatred has already settled, and I dare not do you unilaterally, but two or three people from small villages or small countries The combination of the question and the fact that after years of development, people have reached an unprecedented prosperous age, the courage will naturally become fatter.

The conference room in Fengying Building was crowded with people. This important meeting was not only attended by people from various clans, but also Elite Jōnin, who could be named on the table, also gathered here. The person in charge was sitting in front, and those Elite Jōnin squatted on the periphery in what they thought was the coolest pose, with a serious expression.

"Come on, let big brother hug, big brother will take you to see goldfish... There are a lot of kawaii little sisters there! It's too boring, can't do it, if you can't catch a horse in the future, your grandma will cry now..."

Zhendou, sitting next to Nandai, teased the three-year-old kid in Weidai's arms. This kid is the treasure in the palm of Rudai's hand. It was his parents who hugged him only a handful of times, and it is even more alarming that the three-year-old Sasori showed his talent for hooking when he first came into contact with puppet art last month. The teacher's father and mother are too powerful, and they are even more powerful by the rough generation. Even this kind of big scene has to be brought here. However, the little ghosts in this world are relatively precocious, and now children are too early to cultivate. Harmfulness has not been popularized in the ninja world, so almost all the little ghosts of the like family start to practice at the age of three, so the handsome Sasori sits on the lap without crying or making trouble, when a quiet and beautiful man bows his head and plays rough Teach his puppet the basics of control. .

The styles in this world are almost the same, they are all sullen and saucy, regardless of the group, although this kind of kid is very attractive to the little girls of the same age around, but it seems that people with this personality are destined to end. It can end well, and the second male is just what the plot needs.


The original serious atmosphere was instantly broken, and everyone looked at this bastard who made fun of children speechlessly. Now there is a special meeting, can you be more serious, you let the three-year-old child call you big brother, then we are not better than we are. Shorter?

You are a single dog and you take someone to fish for horses.... Ah! (-_-)/

.....The maximum sentence for an adult impersonating a child is 20 years in prison, I am three years old, you are a few years older than my father,

Sasori, a pretty boy, still looked at this uncle, who he usually thinks was an idiot, with indifference. He did not raise his hands and beg for a hug like other children, but calmly spread the legal knowledge to this illiterate. Looking at him with stupid eyes, children who use this method to coax the police don't know, does Sunagakure have a special goldfish?


...Who called you these? Does our village have this law? Why don't I know? (@_@)

Zhendou curiously asked the motor behind him, this scholar's genes are Niuban, and Jite has already studied the Basic Law at the age of three.


Ma Ma was also dazed, but seeing Sasori's eloquent expression and calm expression, even if he was only three years old, he felt that he should have this supplement.

The people around you look at me and I look at you, as if asking if the village really has this law? It takes twenty years for such a serious act of innocence...

"Humph, mortal.

Pretty boy Sasori looked down at the blank adults around him and continued to play with his fingers.

Sasori's eyes are not very hurtful but highly insulting.

Everyone who felt the eyes of Guanzai Sasori looked angry, and they were also very bored. Someone was actually despised by a special three-year-old kid?

If you are not the grandson of the difficult generation, and the grandfather next door (Zhao, Zhao) is covered, the labor and management will not beat you to urinate! (V^VX)

"Okay, okay, it's really a meeting now, you know the situation in the ninja world is big now, all the villages are preparing, so is our Sand Shinobi, but this time the situation is very chaotic, according to the news, the soup ninja village, frost ninja The village, the Sannin village of Yannin Village has officially formed an alliance. Last year, Beijing killed their people. If there was no accident, they should have come to us when the war started. There are also some Ninja villages. So this time the war The situation is very complicated. After my research with Master Fengying, just in case the war route this time cannot be the same as the first war, we are going to use the Rain Shinobi Village to borrow...

Seeing the grand-nephew's eyes caused a wave of hatred, in order not to affect the grand-nephew's future accession to the throne, I can add an old Ebizō in the middle of the name to interrupt the road,

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