Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

216. In this case, it is useless for Jesus to come

At this time, Younger Rock Shinobi and Younger Rain Shinobi are fighting passionately, as if no one persuaded him to do so, Younger Rock Shinobi was led by a young Jōnin who was somewhat similar in appearance to the son of an old man Cangichi. The flames in the lower eyes seemed to have entered the legendary zone mode, as if swearing to take revenge for their elder brother.

The same is true for Rain Shinobi. The boss was cuckolded and they were also embarrassed. Now, although the boss killed the bastard, he was also seriously injured. Hanzō of the Salamander is now in the mind of Rain Shinobi. The God who pulls the anchor and sets sail, the God who is about to lead them to pull the anchor and set sail now is nothing wrong with being cuckolded to kill the opponent, but if the opponent hurts their boss, that's not enough, so although Rain Shinobi is at a disadvantage in numbers at this time , But this full of anger also doubled their combat effectiveness, plus they didn't have the advantage of home court, they were 5 to 5 with Rock Shinobi who seemed to enter the zone mode. Shinobi.

"Stop it all...ahem!"

This made Zhendou, who came to the scene with melon seeds on a stool, was amazed, and the Tutai on the other side, who was still recovering from his injuries, also brought people. Watching this passionate scene, the Tutai was still pale. Toothache is not good, desperately shouting and pulling the frame, but in the state of Rock Shinobi and Rain Shinobi, even if the face fruit comes, it is not easy to use.

"Tutai-kun, it's all in vain, now one of their bosses has been killed, and the other is seriously injured. In this case, it's useless even if Jesus comes. You should hurry up and send a letter to the movie brother to let him warm up and get ready to play. Konoha has three troops this time. Rock Shinobi and Rain Shinobi can't be counted on now. We can only rely on us to take risks, so I often say that people still have to rely on themselves...

Looking at the roaring Tutai, Zhendou also felt that his foot seemed a little heavy, mainly because the foot felt too good, so he couldn't hold back and used a little more force for a while.

....these bastards.

After listening to Zhendou's words, Tutai gritted his teeth and looked at the two younger brothers who were facing each other in front of him. In his heart, he even greeted Cang Yi old man who was all female. The younger brother also told him the cause of the incident on the way, although he did not have Zhendou. Such a powerful analytical ability, but two people who can't fight together because of a singer caused one death and one injury, it's not because of those things, but the culprit is the old man Cang Yi, what's so special now When is he still caring about chic, the older he gets, the more confused he gets, and he doesn't know how Oh Yemu would send such a stinky idiot here.

He is an upright person, he doesn't have as many weird ideas as Zhendou, and he doesn't have the ability to lead a younger brother. He absolutely completes 100% of the tasks explained by the superior. Raikage asked him to come to the country of rain to fight Konoha, and he naturally strives to complete the mission explained by the boss. As a result, he came to the Land of Rain and found that the bosses all had the same thoughts. Although there was a melee before and he was also injured, the final result was good, and the first batch of Konoha ninjas were crippled.

But seeing that the next wave of Konoha ninja army is about to assemble, his injury has not yet healed, just when they needed a few villages to form a sincere alliance, the old man Cangichi actually made such a wave, this is not- Human mentality!

At this time, Rock Shinobi and Rain Shinobi were at their most passionate time, watching their friends fall down one by one, which completely aroused their anger. Originally, the two sides were still avenging their boss, but now they have become In order to take revenge for the little friends around him, looking at the enemies in front of him seems to be the revenge of killing his father, especially Rain Shinobi, who kills one and kills two is a profit, and he has to drag one to death. Rock Shinobi is on the back, and under such a momentum, Rain Shinobi has not one of them is the data-data.

However, Shinto and the others could have predicted that after this battle, the Kingdom of Rain would have to be completely rebuilt.. Bah! Even the superstar Hanzō of the Salamander would not dare to claim to be the sixth largest ninja village.

"Stop it all! Hand! Hand! Hand..."

At this moment, a loud voice resounded in all directions, and the echoes continued for a long time, and the eardrums of both sides fighting below and the audience were about to explode.

"Ugh! Isn't this Your Excellency Tsuchikage, I haven't seen him for a few years, and he has become a handsome boy, eh? Is his hair long?

Looking up, I don't know when a short figure with long hair appeared in the sky. Who else could this be Oyoki? I don't know why, once Shinto saw Oyoki, he couldn't help but think. A joke or two.


•·Seeking flowers....


What the hell are you bastards doing? Where's Kuraichi? (y^,x)"


At this time, Ohnogi ignored the bastard's ridicule from Golden Lion, and looked at the eldest Rock Shinobi, who looked somewhat similar to Shiichi, with a look of anger.

After learning about the first battle in the Kingdom of Rain and the news from Konoha, Onogi finally came to his senses after a series of ideological struggles, and let the head horse Shuimu rush towards the Kingdom of Rain non-stop.

Many years ago, he realized that it was the old-time ideas of the old guys that prevented the development of the village, but he couldn't take it seriously. He originally planned to spend some money to invite that bastard Kakuzu, but Kakuzu asked the bastard from Golden Lion. After they Rock Shinobi once, this business will naturally be impossible to continue, but fortunately these old guys don't live long, and they have been burping one after another over the past few years, and finally there is only Cang- this old guy I don't know if it's because I'm reluctant to live in the world, or because I don't want to burp my farts until now.

He originally planned to use the opportunity of this war to let Cang- this old guy lead the team to the country of rain, and an old man who is in his sixtieth year is also the leader. All the people in the gang are hilarious, and he is promoting a wave of energetic young people to the top.

This plan is perfect.

But when he sent old Cang Yi on the road, his heart continued to suffer. Recalling that the Second Generation teacher had just passed away and the village was in chaos. In the end, Cang Yi was the first to stand up and support him. I also support him 100%. When I was in my 60s, I was sent by him to fight, and I brought my son to the scene without saying a word.

It can be said that this is a loyal and loyal old minister, except that his thoughts are a little old-fashioned, there is nothing wrong with him.

Let this old courtier who is loyal to him and the village be hooked to his death, he is really not a human being!

So after receiving the news from Konoha Dajunyun, Onogi, who was enlightened, slapped his old face fiercely and immediately rushed over to make up for his mistake and exchange Cang Yi back to the village to have a good chat with him. Let him rest in peace,

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