Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

564. Does Chūnin still have an exam?


"What's the matter? Dumped by a girl? Let go! I'm not dead yet! (⊙_⊙)"

Shinto stared at "Father Conan" who couldn't stop crying while hugging his thigh and asked curiously.

"Uuuuu...! The day after tomorrow, the Chūnin exam is going to be taken. It needs to be recommended by the team leader. You can't participate without the team leader's recommendation. Teacher, it's been two years! I'm still a Genin.....(?^?)"

If I talk too much, I will cry, but I have to say that if I miss this year, I will have to wait another year. Every time I see my classmates at a class reunion, they have already put on Chūnin vests, but he is still a Genin. That taste is really as uncomfortable as eating shit...

"Shuta! It turns out that Chūnin still needs to take the exam! I thought it would be enough, but... What's so good about Chūnin, look at those Chūnin vests, they are yellow and yellow, they are ugly. I really don't know what your eyes are, Lord Fengying."

Hearing the narration of "Conan's father", Shinto suddenly complained about Sunagawa's eyes. He doubted whether Sunagawa was trying to get a kickback. The manufacturer he found was the same as Rock Shinobi, and the color and style were exactly the same. , the shit is yellow, it's ugly, and the one that was sent to him, he gave it to the motor, absolutely can't wear this stuff...

Their ninja class is quite special. The original intention of its establishment was to let him be a nanny for Sister Yecang, Sand Shinobi's only Scorch Style. Over the past two years, Sister Yecang has also cultivated Scorch Style to a certain degree. It's a bit bigger than the normal Fire Style, but that's it, sometimes the real Fire Style and the Scorch Style can't be distinguished, but the rare is the most expensive, and it's not too much to send a double-flower red stick to protect , This thing has only been out for decades.

It's just that the clan heads of Yushajiao were broken, and they became a regular ninja class, but their ninja class was outside the rules, because their focus was different, and the focus of other ninja classes was to bring The team teacher took the students to complete the tasks to collect achievements and then advance to the level. The focus of their ninja class is to let the little girl Yecang grow up safely, so there are basically no restrictions on tasks. Sunagawa and Ebizō also know that he is lazy. Goods, so it is better to open one eye than the other.

But there is a problem, sometimes Sunagawa and Ebizō are very casual, but when it comes to formal occasions, they are very disciplined and abide by principles. For example, in a formal large-scale event such as the Chūnin exam, they must not go through the back door. .

To take the Chūnin exam, two conditions are required. One is to complete enough tasks to accumulate a certain amount of performance, and the other is to need the recommendation of the leading teacher.

According to the normal speed, if a student of the ninja class completes the task normally from graduation, the time performance in half a year will be able to meet the standard. If you want to take the Chūnin exam, fill in the registration form and let the leading teacher submit the wind shadow.

Last year, "Conan, he." "Father" and sister Ye Cang were planning to take the exam. Mei Chuan didn't care about Genin and Chūnin. Jōnin had to call him young master in his family, but the two little friends were so active. , He naturally accompanied him to play soy sauce. In this era, their Sand Shinobi's Chūnin exam was simple and rude, without the mess of Konoha in the future, that is, the three-v-three judges assessed that the combat power reached Chūnin, winning or losing doesn't matter, you lose They can also become Chūnin. With the strength of the three of them, as long as they sign up, it is absolutely appropriate to become Chūnin.

But last year because they completed too few tasks, they didn't reach the standard line at all, so Sunagawa and Ebizō didn't give Shinto face.

Now it has been hard for another year. During this year, Shinto is basically stocking up, Umekawa stays at home all day to develop ninjutsu, and Kudo Yusaku and Yekura are very active, and they still need to practice hard. From time to time, I work as a sparring partner for the pretty boy Sasori, and at the same time, they have to squeeze out time to brush tasks. After a year of brushing, they finally reached the standard line. After filling out the registration form, they found that the teacher was gone!

Thinking about the hardships of the past year, it is strange that Kudo Yusaku broke down in tears. The Chūnin exam will start the day after tomorrow, and they still can't take the Chūnin exam without the teacher's recommendation. After this time point, it will take another year.

"That's what you think, I think it's pretty handsome...

Looking at the teacher's disgust with Bara, Kudo Yusaku muttered in a low voice.

The sister Yecang next door also nodded contemptuously, you are all Jōnin to say that, we are still Genin!

"Okay, okay, wait for Meichuan to come, let him fill out the registration form, and then I will help you to hand it up, a Chūnin exam is so troublesome, I think you Fengying-sama and Ebizō are full and busy. .

Shinto muttered speechlessly.

"What? Teacher, didn't you have to take exams in your time?"

Kudo Yusaku asked with some envy.

Although there are many articles about the teacher in the school textbook, those are all after the teacher's debut. As for how the teacher was promoted to Chūnin and Jōnin, he really doesn't know.

""|| I was in a very special era, and it's hard to put it in a bad way. At that time, the village was too poor, many children could not even eat enough to eat, their bodies could not absorb enough nutrients, and their physical development could not keep up. I don't want to make progress all day, I don't think about how to improve my skills in hacking people, but I take pride in bullying the commoners. This also led to the teacher's talent in the teacher's generation. Just in time for the outbreak of the war, the teacher I was a teacher when I debuted. Chūnin is gone, and there is no Chūnin exam during the war. If a war can be completed, it will basically be Chūnin. But speaking of it... watching your growth process, I feel that my success seems too simple. (^?^)?"

Shinto touched his chin and not only recalled that Sand Shinobi was still in the construction stage at that time, and Samana's business ability can only be said to be very ordinary, but at that time, all Second Generation films except Senju II (good good) came out. He is a bitch, and he has the ability to cut people. Once he arrives at the development and construction of the village, he is a fool. He is proud of copying the second master of Senju, so it is not very common to put the samana in it for comparison.

At that time, there seemed to be no Chūnin exams. The original intention of the village plagiarized Konoha to establish a ninja school was just to train cannon fodder younger brothers. After graduation, the family children continued to return to the family to practice, and the graduates died within two days. , If you are lucky, you may be a Genin all your life. How can you think of a Chūnin exam? Even the school's graduation exam is just a procedure. He remembered that he had never seen the exam papers at home, and the results the next day were still the same. Proper NO.1!

However, with the development of the times, the ninja school has also evolved from a cannon fodder training base to a talent training center.

Both in terms of education and procedures, it is not much more formal than in his time.

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