Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

983. There is no choice of birthplace


Baki looked at a group of teenagers whose ninja dreams were shattered, and looked at the teacher speechlessly. Although the ninja world is so unfair, he has known this since he was born, so he has nothing to do. After all, there is no choice of birthplace. But he also wants to be born in those wealthy families who have the bloodline limit at birth, and at least he can become a red stick without working hard, but after years of wasted, he thought about it, there are some things that can't be chosen, God will help you choose. If you are born in the same place, you can only accept your fate.

But don't say anything like that.

Isn't this the ninja dream of hitting children?

"Oh! This kid from the Nara clan is amazing! The shadows are all played by him!

"That's right! After all, it's also a kid from the Nara family, this brain is so good..

Similar to what Shinto said, when Temari and Nara Shikamaru are the future official CPs, they will not force it, mainly because Nara Shikamaru does not want to force it. According to the tradition of the ninja world, they will at least report their home and open a wave of mouths before the fight. 29 will only be activated after the cannon has added a wave of buffs.

But when he got to Nara Shikamaru, it wouldn't work. In his view of life, a girl is a tiger and a girl is a trouble, so if it is not necessary, he will try to stay away from her as much as possible. As a result, his opponent in the exam is a girl. Although he can't admit defeat immediately because of the village family, but in order to avoid more troubles later, the smart brain will not let him continue the tradition of ninja world and talk to girls.

Secondly, it is because the opponent is a girl. It seems that there has never been a precedent in the ninja world where a stranger and a woman have to fight before they start a fight. No matter who wins or loses, it is always the man who loses face.

So when the tuberculosis ghost coughed for a few minutes and was out of breath and announced the start, Nara Shikamaru would operate as fierce as a tiger, all kinds of family secret techniques, shadow head neck binding, shadow seam, shadow stab as long as he was his age. The family secret arts that can be learned are all kinds of shows that don't require money. A shadow archmage who is alive and well, abruptly treats an exam as a personal show.

Dazzling a group of accustomed audiences who are used to watching lively, there is a kind of nara clan kid who can't win than a shady rush.

On the other hand, Temari had a lot of difficulty in dealing with Nara Shikamaru's various shadow shows, although because of the good friend Xianglin, he ran to Meichuan to ask for some powerful Wind Style, and his strength was barely better than the original work. He was a little stronger, but he was obviously no match for Nara Shikamaru, who had an IQ of over 200.


The so-called layman is watching the lively and the expert is watching the doorway. A group of people who are used to seeing only how wonderful and how awesome Nara Shikamaru is in showing off his family's shadow secrets, but in the eyes of a group of experts, this kid is simply showing off, such as Nara Shikamaru's father, Nara Shikamaru, sighed silently while watching his son's various shows in the stands.

Knowing the son Mo Ruofu, although the son has a good brain, many people can't see it after showing it for so long, but he can't see it. From the beginning to the present, the son has at least ten chances to defeat the opponent, but these opportunities are all perfected by him. The show is over.

It looked pretty, but it didn't give the other party the slightest threat.

"I didn't expect this guy who didn't wake up all day to be so strong..." 5

The second man in the pants on the other side saw that the classmate who was never sleepy before was so beautiful, and the good mood that made him learn Kakashi Chidori's invincibility at the same time suddenly turned bad. It was like the first time he knew this former classmate for several years. Tian is either sleeping or on the way to sleep, and the exams are always hanging with sickles, like classmates who have no sense of existence. I never thought that this guy was so good, just the ninjutsu that this slacker showed just now, he put himself in the side of the simulation in his mind, and the result was that he was abused even in the face of such a good shadow secret art, which made him The whole person is not well.

He is a man born for revenge, and now he can't even compare to a slacker of the same period. How can he succeed in revenge and revive Uchiha's glory in the future?

Maybe that guy really didn't fool him, he has been playing a house in Konoha, and he can't compare to that man in his whole life.

Sure enough, leaving the village was his only way out...

"This guy is too strong, it's dangerous for Temari to go on like this."

"Uncle, didn't you say that Temari will win? Temari can't hold it anymore!

Sand Shinobi's group of little devils who didn't believe it just now were also shown by Nara Shikamaru, and they started to worry about Temari, especially the good best friend Xianglin, who almost wanted to rush to replace the good best friend very K. This skyrocket.

"...What are you panicking about, didn't you realize that this little ghost show hasn't even touched a hair on your best friend? This kid is just doing a show, in order to look better when he finally admits defeat, but let's talk about it. ...have you noticed that Temari looks a little different when he looks at the kid...

Shinto looked at the ninjutsu sparring between you and me below, and the two who were still full of blood said thoughtfully.

He knew that Luo Sha's eldest daughter and Nara Shikamaru would be the official match in the future, but he always thought that when Nara Shikamaru and Luo Sha's eldest daughter looked at each other, it should have been after the Fourth Ninja World War, although there has been more than ten peace now. Years, the gap between the villages is not as deep as it used to be, but the view of the door is still very serious, not to mention that one is the daughter of Fengying and the other is the son of Da Sima Konoha, although his identity is not as high as he and Tsunade, However, it is basically difficult to develop any kind of karma.

It took him decades to force Sarutobi Hiruzen to be out of sight and out of mind. Before everyone was on the same side in the Fourth Ninja World War, Temari and Nara Shikamaru were basically impossible, and Before the fourth war started, the two didn't seem to have much interaction, and they only became opponents once during the Chūnin exam.

But now I don't know why, he actually saw something different in Temari's eyes, although he didn't have the habit of using Observation Haki to inquire into other people's hearts, but this kind of obvious eyes, if he can't see it, then Bai has been mixed for so many years, although it has not reached the level of Xianglin's dialogue with Bai, but a trace of goodwill should already be there.

But here comes the question, now that Nara Shikamaru hasn't even conceded defeat, she just showed a wave of shadow magic in front of her. What is it that makes her feel so good about this cannon?

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