Born Tech Mad

Chapter [093] Clone Heart

In the Tan family villa, Ross and Tan Li spent a wonderful afternoon.

Ross puts a lot of effort into building the arc reactor and the two chemical fuel agents these days.

Only when he returned to Tan's house and Tan Li's side, did Rose feel relaxed, and this relaxed and comfortable feeling was exactly what Rose wanted.

"After I cure my heart disease, I will spend more time with Sister Li, travel around the world, and experience the beauty of life more."

Money is no longer a problem for Rose, as long as he wants to earn it, he can earn it at any time.

Heart disease was now Rose's only worry.

Taking advantage of the fact that the 'arc reactor' hadn't been manufactured yet, and he still had free time, Ross simply continued to use the third floor of Tan's villa as his biological laboratory.

Originally, Ross wanted to set up a biological experiment base in Yuta Company, but now there are too many people there, and the air quality seems to be not much different from Nanyin Avenue. Ross doesn't want all the technologies he develops to be seen by the military. .

In the biological laboratory on the third floor, Rose extracted a large amount of his own cells and cultured them in a culture tank. Rose planned to use his own cells to clone a heart, and then went to the United States for a heart replacement.

Ross has heard that there is a very advanced medical institution in the United States that has successfully performed a head replacement operation, even a head replacement, and a heart replacement operation is naturally not a problem.

As long as he doesn't reveal his identity, Ross will have a brighter future after the operation. After extending his life for decades, Ross will no longer have to race against time to engage in technology as he is now.

After the weakness of the heart is improved, in addition to developing technology, Ross still has time to experience life, feel life, and enjoy and develop at the same time.

"The United States' intelligence system covers the whole world. If my 'arc reactor' is developed, the cold fusion technology will definitely cause a sensation in the world. If special steel is produced in large quantities, the United States will definitely know in the end that I helped China develop these technologies. Yes, after all, the last time I was in the State Information Office, I expressed my views on 'magnetic compression technology'."

"If the Americans regard me as an enemy, there will be risks for me to enter the United States for surgery."

"Hehe, stupid, I'm super stupid. Can't I develop a genetic potion that can change my appearance in a short time, and enter the United States disguised as another person?"

After figuring it out, Rose relaxed and continued to work on his cloning experiments.

The technology of cloning organs has been mastered by humans, but it is not perfect. Another reason is that modern society is bound by human ethics. Except for some state agencies, organ cloning is prohibited.

Rose wants to clone his own heart, technology is not a problem for him, it just takes time.

Excessive use of hormones to promote cell growth will backfire and encourage serious consequences. Rose can only use enough nutrient solution and a perfect environment to allow the cells to grow at a natural rate.

The human heart grows with age. It takes more than ten years of development to have a perfect heart. Ross uses cloning technology to shorten this time to about half a year. This is already the best choice. No matter how fast, Will be worth the candle.

Of course, there will inevitably be accidents in the experiment. To be careful, Ross will not be so stupid as to clone only one heart. He cloned ten hearts at the same time. After the heart is successfully cloned in the future, he will choose the most perfect one and replace it with .

In the laboratory, Ross, who was wearing a dust-free suit, was busy carefully.

In the nutrient solution of the glass cover, some blood threads slowly grew like spider webs. They were Rose's cells, which were slowly growing to form a heart-shaped heart.

"I can't stay in the lab all day. I have to tell Sister Li about this experiment. I hope she can help me keep an eye on these hearts. Sigh! I don't know if I will frighten her after I say it!"

There are many things in Yuta Company that need to be taken care of by yourself. It is not appropriate to tell others about this heart-changing plan. Tan Li is the only person I can trust.

After some hesitation, Ross decided that it would be better to tell Tan Li about it.

Taking off the dust-free clothes, Ross walked out of the research room.

Downstairs in the villa, Tan Li was like a hardworking bee. Rose's return refreshed her whole body, and she was busy cooking Rose's favorite food.

Ross looked at Tan Li and laughed: "Sister Li, you are really hardworking, a typical good wife and mother!"

Tan Li was blushed by Ross's words, and shyly pushed Ross out of the kitchen: "Don't make trouble, I'll call you after the meal is ready."

"Sister Li, it's up to you to eat. Anyway, everything I eat tastes so good. There is one thing I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter, just tell me."

"Sister Li, let's talk after leaving the kitchen. I'm afraid you will spit it out if you say it here."

After Ross finished speaking, he pulled Tan Li out.

"Your strength seems to be much stronger!"

In the past, Rose's hands were limp and weak, but now he looks like a strong man with strong hands, pulling Tan Li like a little sheep, pulling her out without any effort.

The two sat down on the sofa in the living room.

There was no smile on Rose's face, but he was very serious: "Sister Li, you also know that I have a heart problem. If you don't solve it, you may never see me again in more than a year. In order to solve this trouble, I'm going to clone my own heart."

"Clone Heart!"

Tan Li's complexion changed drastically, and she began to tremble. She was even afraid of the pig's internal organs, let alone the human heart.

"Sister Li, don't be afraid, I use my own cells to grow organs. Alas! Yuta Company is just starting now, and I have a lot of things to do. I want to entrust this task to you."

"I...I'm afraid of blood, even the internal organs of pigs. The human heart... Alas! I feel sick and want to vomit. I can't complete this task. I don't know technology, and I'm even more afraid of blood."

"But Miss Li, if you don't help me, who can help me? Do you want to watch me die of heart failure?"

"I...I want to help you, but I don't understand cloning technology."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to help me control the temperature, electrons, plasma, and various nutrients in the incubator every day. Don't worry about the rest, it's not troublesome at all, I'll teach you Just one click, and you'll learn it in no time."

For Rose's future, Tan Li hesitated for three minutes, gritted her teeth and nodded, and followed Rose up to the third floor.

In the scientific research room, seeing the red blood streaks growing like tree roots in the glass bottle, Tan Li vomited on the spot when she thought it was human blood.

"Spit it up! You'll get used to it if you spit it out. When I first did a biological experiment, I was just like you. I vomited half to death. Then I got used to it." Rose patted Tan Li's back and smiled. comfort her.

After some vomiting, Tan Li put on a pale face and resisted the feeling of nausea. Under Rose's guidance, she became familiar with how to operate the biological machine and complete the cloning work.

The Ross cloning experiment was completed with the assistance of tens of millions of dollars of high-end biomolecular machines, and all that was needed was the familiarity of operating computer instruments, and everything would become very simple.

Tan Li was not stupid in the first place. In order to help Ross cure her heart disease, she used a humiliating attitude to complete every task.

Biologically speaking, women's endurance will exceed men's most of the time, Ross believes. From Tan Li's nausea at the beginning, to adapting to it later, and finally becoming interested in it, Rose was a little surprised by all the changes.

"Sister Li, I'd like to think you're a stupid girl, but I didn't expect you to be so smart!"

Tan Li raised her head proudly: "Don't underestimate me! I'm in college, but I'm a top student who gets scholarships every year, and my grades are always in the top three."

"Amazing! It's so rare for you to combine beauty and wisdom. I didn't expect you to be so interested in biology."

Tan Li smiled proudly: "It's not the bottle of 'supercoiled protein' you gave me, which gave me motivation. I used those potions, and my skin has obviously improved, so I want to know why the medicine , so effective."

Ross almost fainted: "I thought you really cared about me and wanted to help me clone my heart. Unexpectedly, beauty is what you are most interested in!"

"Oh! I've just developed a little interest in biology, please don't hit me."

"Okay, Sister Li, it's a good thing to be interested. My computer host has stored a lot of biological knowledge, including genetics, biomolecules, and neurology. Those knowledge far exceed those in this world." Level. I will give you the password, if you are interested, read more, learn more, maybe I will cultivate a female genius in biology, haha."

"Okay, I'll try."

According to the password, Tan Li opened Rose's personal computer, clicked on the folder inside, and looked at the contents with rich pictures and texts, and Tan Li was attracted.

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