Uchiha Manye knew very well the harm of Black Zetsu without Nagato's reminder. He had endured humiliation for many years and was the final winner of the entire ninja world. Who could underestimate him?

However, Black Zetsu was strong because no one in the ninja world knew his true purpose. Madara, Obito, and Nagato all knew that this guy was not easy to deal with, but they still chose to use him.

For them, the tragedy was not the use, but the fact that there was no value in the use.

"I know!"

Black Zetsu has already come back. After the space blockade dissipated, it rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

As a professional eavesdropper, Black Zetsu has been living in the dark side of the ninja world since birth. He has witnessed the changes of the times and seen all the joys and sorrows of mankind!

The reason why he came so quickly was that he wanted to confirm with his own eyes the fact that Nagato had failed.

The Samsara Eye is a crucial node for resurrecting the mother, and it cannot allow any loss.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard it rushed, it was still a step slow. Nagato's consciousness left the body of Tendo Pain. Without Nagato's control, Pain's corpse was also sealed by Uchiha Manye.

In the underground cavity, Nagato hung on to his last breath. It was true that the Samsara Eye used his own life, but the resurrection of the Six Paths Chakravartin was a failure. The clone is originally a part of himself, so the consumption is not as terrifying as resurrecting the entire village of Konoha.

Death is inevitable, but Nagato still has the right to decide when to die.

It is impossible for Nagato to let his own Rinnegan fall into the hands of the so-called Uchiha Madara, and he is also wary of Black Zetsu who wears the same pants as Madara.

Uchiha Manye! You have to come quickly! I don’t have much time left.

Nagato had entrusted the Rinnegan to someone many years ago, and that was Konan.

But today, after seeing another Uchiha Manye in the world who obtained the Sage Eye, his thoughts naturally changed.

Konan is definitely a friend worthy of trust, but it is precisely because of her She is Nagato’s best friend, and Nagato also doesn’t want to drag her into this endless vortex of struggle.

Uchiha Manye is obviously a better candidate!

He has the Rinnegan, so he won’t be like other ambitious people, who use the idea of caring for her to attack Konan or have his own ideas.

One thing that makes him better than Konan is that Uchiha Manye is strong enough, so strong that even Nagato, who also has the Rinnegan, is no match for him even if he tries his best!

Anyone who wants to peek at the power of the Rinnegan in the world, must first pass this level if they want to get the Rinnegan!

Hokage Building.

After the Chibaku Tensei decomposed, the hearts of the three generations that had finally been put down were once again raised to their throats.

Successive super gods Luo Tensei, plus the ultimate ninjutsu, Chibaku Tensei, which was released by the Six Paths Sage in the myth to create the moon, failed to kill Uchiha Manya!

The Third-generation Danzo really didn't know who else in the world could be this guy's opponent.

Whether it was Super Shinra Tensei or Chibaku Tensei, the Third-generation believed that if he stood in Uchiha Manya's position, he would not even be able to survive the first wave of impact. Nagato could beat him with one move of Shinra Tensei. The subsequent ultimate ninjutsu that could change the world, before the Third-generation could see it, with Nagato's strength, he could crush him to ashes.

Of course, more importantly, Nagato might spare the Third-generation's life for the sake of Jiraiya. After all, Nagato was once a half-mentor of Jiraiya.

"What to do? Danzo, don't play dead, come up with a plan!"

"Since you can even let the Akatsuki organization into Konoha, you should have a way to solve the problem, right? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and use it!"

The Third Hokage is now like an ant on a hot pot, turning around in a hurry.

He keeps going back and forth in the Hokage building.

If he doesn't come out now, the Third Hokage and Danzo will be like stray dogs in the future, hunted down by Uchiha Manya with no way out.

And Konoha, which the Third Hokage has fought for his entire life, this rebellious son, may very likely join forces with the enemies of Uchiha Manya who drove him out of Konoha, to target his old father in the past. No matter what the Shiki Fuujin says, the Third Hokage will not use it. He is not stupid enough to risk his own life to pave the way for Danzo. If it were the other way around, it would be almost the same, but the Third Hokage didn't have any particularly high hopes.

"Of course I have one, but Third Generation, this is not the place to talk!"

Early in the morning, when the Super Shinra Tensei was released, Danzo had Orochimaru's transformed body clearly sensed the breath of a third person from inside the building.

As for who it was and where it came from, Danzo had no idea. His breath detection senses were not sharp enough.

After Danzo's initial judgment, he could only guess whether it was the inhuman thing from the Akatsuki organization!

Black Zetsu!

The Third Generation was old after all. If he were at the peak of his strength, even Hatake Sakumo would not be able to squat in front of him for such a long time without being discovered by him.

The intuition of the strong sometimes turns into metaphysics. The sixth sense says that there is someone, and usually he can guess it to be almost correct.

After being told by Danzo, the Third Generation also realized that Konoha Village would not be a good place to talk.

Before Akatsuki, when Black Zetsu and Obito showed up, they brought him great uneasiness..

Because it was the clones who were in charge, the Third Generation and Danzo didn't care too much.

Nowadays, even the killer moves of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization have been shattered one by one by Uchiha Manye. It is impossible for the two to have too much hope for that guy of unknown origin.

In the final analysis, people still have to rely on themselves.

Uchiha Manye will not let go, and Danzo still has him.

The Third Generation needs to think of the final countermeasures before Manye finishes dealing with Nagato. He and Danzo glanced at each other, and they both formed a mark to dissolve the shadow clones at the same time.

The two puffs of smoke dissipated, and Hatake Sakumo, who was squatting on the roof, couldn't help but sighed a pity.

The brilliant starlight shone on his body, but unfortunately Hatake Sakumo was not in a very good mood now. Hatake Sakumo was not very clear about the whereabouts of the Third Generation Danzo. It is true that the Hatake family is good at infiltration, but all his points in this life have been added to the dark. Kill the leader.

Intelligence eavesdropping has never been Hatake Sakumo's strongest point.

Finally, the Bull Head looked towards the center of the fight between Uchiha Manye and Nagato, at which towering mountain peak quietly appeared with a momentum that soared into the sky. If it weren't for Nagato's Super Shinra Tensei that cleared the sea of clouds above Konoha, the top of the mountain should have been shrouded in mist.

Hatake Sakumo never considered Manye's safety. If even Uchiha Manye had to deal with a powerful enemy, he would have been defeated instead of just rushing over to die. Hatake Sakumo would only think about how to preserve the remaining forces of the Uchiha clan to the greatest extent.

Uchiha is Manye, the thing that has involved him the most in this life. From family to clan members, from Uchiha to the present, Manye has never given up on anyone except for those completely hopeless guys. No matter how weak a person is, he has his own unique strength. The difference is how to use them. This is the principle of dealing with things that Hatake Sakumo learned from Uchiha Manye.

Although it is a bit strange to learn how to deal with people from a child who is not sure how old he is, it is always right to learn more knowledge. Maybe it will be useful at some time.

Outside Konoha.

After taking the corpse of Tendou Pain, Uchiha Manye walked out directly.

The shadow clone left behind one, and at the same time added a side prison reflection, just in case Black Zetsu had some evil thoughts about his clone.

The shadow clone went home, first to report to Fugaku and Yukito and others that he was safe, and secondly, it was a deliberate bait. I just don't know if Black Zetsu will take the bait.

Uchiha Manye is not going to expose the snake ring that detects the movement of the ground veins for the time being. People always have to keep some cards, and of course the more cards they can play, the better.

The departure of the shadow clone did indicate that Black Zetsu had some evil thoughts underground. Now Xiaonan is in the hands of Uchiha Manye, and the destination of his original body is clearly to go to Nagato.

As for the purpose of looking for him, it goes without saying that it could only be Samsara Eye!

Uchiha Manye already has a pair of eyes. If he gets the pair in Nagato's body, where in the world can Black Zetsu get a third pair?

The Infinite Tsukuyomi plan is the best way to hang Obito and Madara. Without this empty promise, their villain alliance will go bankrupt in a minute, and die suddenly.

Black Zetsu would never have the courage to touch Uchiha Manye's body, but the clone is a shadow clone!

Black Zetsu is actually quite tempted.

Flying out of Konoha, Uchiha Manye walked into the forest, with full perception, mainly using his own mental power, and supplemented by his observation Haki, to scan the place where Nagato appeared.

The chakra energy released by Samsara Tensei was too huge, causing the nearby trees to carry some of Nagato's breath.

Now that his body's power is extremely weakened, it is not as good as those outside, so it is understandable that the vegetation breath rendered by Samsara Tensei has a sense of justice.

The only Black Zetsu who could be noble was now being dragged to Konoha Village by Uchiha Manye's shadow clone.

Obito would make Uchiha Manye beat him half to death. He would be useless in a short time. He didn't have the time or ability to run to Nagato to snatch the Samsara Eye.

The remaining members of the Akatsuki organization were injured or dead. The most important thing was that each of them knew where Nagato was hiding.

Jumping down the hole, the body fell and rubbed against the air, constantly generating a series of piercing wind roars.

The strong wind blew on his body, and a few strands of hair on Uchiha Manye's forehead flew away with the wind.


In the deep cavity of the ground, Uchiha Manye saw the stump of the sacred tree again.

The last time he saw it behind Madara, it could only be said to be the huge stump behind Nagato, a projection, which would naturally dissipate after Madara's death.

But the one in front of him was different. Although it had not yet been filled with the power of the tailed beast, it had absorbed the natural energy of the ninja world for so many years, and the stump of the sacred tree now had a share, and it had a considerable momentum.

Through the Rinnegan, Uchiha Manye could also sense the occasional call from the roots of the sacred tree.

This unruly tree was coveting Manye's tender and juicy body.

Nagato didn't need to go through the trouble of identifying who was coming.

The call of the sacred tree and the resonance of the Rinnegan in his eyes were all highlighting the fact that the person coming was Uchiha Manye.

If there was anyone in the world who could deceive the sacred tree and the ability of the Rinnegan, Nagato would think he had been deceived.

""Here I come."

Nagato struggled to stand up and greeted Uchiha Manye. He didn't want to die lying in the wheelchair that had accompanied him for most of his life.

"Do you have any last words to say?"

Uchiha Manye asked. Today, Uchiha Obito was beaten to a cripple by him and had no time to come out and cause trouble. Black Zetsu had Bian Yu's reflection watching him, so he was quite free now.

"No more, just take good care of Xiaonan!"

Nagato sighed

"I don’t want to know what I will do to this world in the future?"

"Is it meaningful? I am already a dying person. The good and bad of the world are meaningless to me.……"

Nagato pretended to be carefree. How could he let go of Yahiko's expectations so easily?

He just couldn't let go. What could Itachi do? He was dying. No matter what Uchiha Manye was going to do next, he couldn't stop it.

Instead of worrying about it, it's better to go with an open mind.


Uchiha Manye could guess what Nagato was thinking by just looking at him. The thoughts of this middle school boy were too easy to guess.

He said it was for Yahiko's ideal, but if Nagato himself hadn't been moved, he wouldn't have been able to persist until now.

The world changes, and it's never a matter of a day or a night. The Rain Country has been transformed by Nagato for so many years, and it hasn't changed much from the beginning.

Despite the national strength, the people of the Rain Country are indeed moving towards the beautiful future that Nagato wants every day, although the pace is very slow.

"What else?" Nagato looked up at the sky, but unfortunately the ground vein and rock wall above his head blocked his view.

"Don't worry, I will make the world a better place. The power of ninja should not be used in war from the beginning!"

"Your idea is good, but unfortunately, there is a problem with the pace. You need to transform not only the people of the Rain Country, but also the ninjas."

Uchiha Manye said a little about Nagato's achievements in his life.

"You know this too?!" Nagato was surprised and happy.

He was surprised that Uchiha Manye had discovered his past so clearly, and he was happy because he was assured of Konan's safety. With this guy around, who in the world could pose a danger to Konan?

"I know far more than you can guess." He didn't elaborate on this point. Nagato is not his relative. In this world where even the dead can't keep secrets, Uchiha Manye would be crazy to open up to him.

"That's good, Uchiha Manye, you are a smart man. The Uchiha clan can come to this day under your leadership, and the rest of the world will also usher in a brand new future under your guidance. That's enough!"Nagato didn't have any special wishes. The only two things he was concerned about were entrusted to Uchiha Manye, and he had no regrets in this life. What you don't bring with you when you are born, you can't take with you when you die!

It's time for him to set off.

"Xiaonan, I'm counting on you. Take this with you, and my glasses.……"

As he spoke, all the life force in Nagato's body was lost. He fell on the stump of the sacred tree behind him before he could finish his last words.

Regardless of whether Uchiha Manye was deliberately deceiving him, at least Nagato died peacefully. He had finally found someone he could entrust his life's work to. Now that the burden was off his shoulders, Nagato felt his soul sublimated.

Following Nagato's last wish, Uchiha Manye took out the Rinnegan from his eyes, sealed it and kept it away. He then took out the scroll containing Yahiko's body and placed Nagato's body and him in the same scroll. He still had to give this thing to Konan, and where they would be buried would be decided by her, his last friend. After getting to know the man, all that was left was this big tree stump.

The original form of the sacred tree and the predecessor of the Ten-Tails, what should Uchiha Manye do with this thing?

Manye wanted to uproot this thing and drag it away, but at the moment, he no longer had the energy to do so.

"Oh, Orochimaru!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Manye thought of someone. Orochimaru had a lot of strange things, and the existence of the sacred tree was unique in the whole ninja world, so he couldn't help but be tempted.

What means can scientists use and whether they can shake the sacred tree is left to Orochimaru to worry about. Uchiha Manye did not consider stuffing this broken tree stump into his body to become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki. What will happen to the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki ?

Uchiha Manye really didn't want to become a tool in Black Zetsu's plan to save his mother.

As for Kaguya Otsutsuki, it's better for her to stay in the moon in the sky.

With the seal in place, she couldn't feel the passage of time. Whether she came out or stayed in the moon, for her, a homebody, it was nothing more than a new place to stay.

Uchiha Manye would not give up the power of the sacred tree. As a receiver of amplified natural energy, how to develop her own Sage Mode was a key boundary for Manye.

The relationship between natural energy and chakra is very strange. Those who practice or feel the imbalance of natural energy, once they fail to control it, the final result is that the world will be completely assimilated.

Outside the Fire Country.

The third generation came, and The shadow clone arrived at the location agreed upon by Danzo without stopping at all, turning into a ruthless traveler, and arrived at the scene without wasting time.

But after the third generation arrived, he looked around for a long time, but did not see the figure of Danzo.

The third generation agreed to reserve a place, but he was gone when the third generation arrived.

However, after so many years, the third generation has become more confident and self-disciplined. If he was young, he would have walked away if Danzo dared to stand him up.

As for waiting? It is not in the third generation's life dictionary at all. In the deserted valley, the shadow clone of the third generation hid in the tree canopy, waiting left and right. They waited but there was no sign of Danzo.

Little did they know that Danzo had already arrived, just a little bit later than the Third Hokage.

He was also dispatched as a shadow clone. It was probably impossible for his original body to be alive and walking around in the ninja world before Uchiha Manya's death.

After arriving at the valley, Danzo, like the Third Hokage, thought that the other party had not arrived yet, so they also began a long wait, with the shadow clone hiding in the dark. They kept killing time and scolded the other party.

Finally, the Third Hokage couldn't stand it anymore and jumped off the tree canopy, intending to leave a letter for Danzo, scolding this guy to vent his hatred.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen! Why don't you come over now that you're here!"

Just as the Third Hokage was carving the words, Danzo, who noticed the movement in the valley, reacted and rushed over.

"Isn't it the same for you, old man?"

The Third Hokage looked at Danzo, and was stunned at first, but then realized that they both made the same mistake, that is, they did not leave a sign before setting off. So much time was wasted in vain, and there was not much chakra left in the shadow clones. They did not have time to mess up.

The idea of dealing with the other party had to be done after destroying Uchiha Manye.

"Forget it, I came to you tonight because I need your help!"

Danzo suppressed his anger and put the overall situation first. If he fought with the Third Generation now, the only one who would benefit would be Uchiha Manye. He kept persuading himself, and the anger in Danzo's heart dissipated quickly.

""To deal with Uchiha Manye?"

The Third Generation needed a clear answer. After seeing Nagato's strength and failing to completely defeat Uchiha Manye, he had actually given up the idea of returning to Konoha.

At the moment, the Third Generation just wanted to run as far as possible.

If Danzo hadn't tempted him with a way to deal with Nagato, the Third Generation would not have appeared here tonight.


"How strong is the leader of Akatsuki? You were there at the time, so I won't waste words. Don't keep us in suspense, Danzo. After seeing the fight between him and Uchiha Manye, who do you think can be his opponent?"

The ninja world is huge, the third generation admitted, but it was a miracle to have Nagato. If it weren't for the Samsara Eye, the third generation wouldn't believe that Nagato could have such strength.

But facts speak louder than words. Super Shinra Tensei, plus the destructive power of Chibaku Tensei, if it weren't for Uchiha Manye in the front, Konoha would have been wiped out from the map of the ninja world today.

"There are indeed no living people, but what about the dead people?"

Danzo answered confidently.

"You mean……"(To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novels!)

Soon the Third Hokage also thought of someone.

The founder of Konoha, the Senju and even the ninja world, the undisputed god of the world. The only one who can be compared with him is Uchiha Madara, who was also defeated by him.

Senju Hashirama!

The first Hokage of Konoha has been dead for some years.

"You want to use the Impure World Reincarnation to disturb the Heroic Spirits of Konoha!"

The Third Generation habitually said with reserve.

"Otherwise, who between you and me can deal with Uchiha Manye?"

How could Danzo not know the hypocritical nature of the Third Generation, and the indifference to him? Anyway, he came to the Third Generation just to use him as a tool.

If it weren't for the theft of Akatsuki a few years ago, and the remains of Senju Hashirama were lost, Danzo would not have come to the Third Generation for help.

Back then, after the Senju clan was driven out of the village, it was Danzo and the Third Generation who got the biggest benefits, and the body of Senju Hashirama was among them.

I don't know how long Hashirama's powerful secret has been spied on, and he finally died, how could the people below give up?

"Impure World Reincarnation technique, Danzo, you don’t have it, do you?"

It is precisely because he knows what happened in the past that the third generation is confused now.

At that time, Danzo got no less good things than the third generation, and the corpse of Hashirama Senju was the biggest one.

The third generation did not need to learn Impure World Reincarnation, but he still knew something about this technique that disturbs the dead.

Danzo had solved the two biggest difficulties of the technique and the summoner's body organization, so he would not be unable to get a little bit of Impure World!

So, what exactly did he want to do by looking for him?

The third generation was full of thoughts.

Looking at his old friend with a constantly changing expression on his face, how could Danzo not know the third generation's doubts ?

"The body of the first generation in my hand was stolen five years ago!"

Helpless, Danzo had to reveal his own shortcomings in order to dispel the concerns of the third generation.

"The day when the roots were burned by fire?"

The third generation has a good memory, and locked the time of the incident in a blink of an eye.

The Great Fire Dragon Song Technique is undoubtedly one of Uchiha Manye's signature skills. The three generations of old men are not so old that they can't see clearly the noise caused by two consecutive fire dragons burning rivers and boiling seas.

But now, what can they do if they know the truth of that year? They have lost the opportunity to ask for punishment, whether it is absolute strength or Danzo's crazy operation of inviting a wolf into the house. It has undoubtedly aroused the anger of the entire village of ninjas. How can the movement of the Super Shinra Tensei released by Nagato be concealed?

After walking through the hands of the God of Death once, who can guarantee that they will not go through it a second time.

Danzo, a traitor, brought a wolf as big as Nagato into Konoha, just because he wants them to die quickly!

"That's right!"Danzo was not in a good mood after revealing his wounds, but now was not the time to talk about this. He had to hurry up and summon Hashirama. This was the key.

"I have stored the body of the first generation in Konoha. If you want to get it, you and I must go back!"

The third generation's face became extremely ugly. Before the plan even started, a huge flaw had already appeared.

At this juncture, going back to the village would put himself in the hands of Uchiha Manye.


Danzo asked desperately. If possible, he certainly didn't want to see Uchiha Manye.

Unfortunately, there is no if in life. In this world, fate is so wonderful.

How did he try so hard to escape from Konoha? Now he has to find ways to get back.

The delay between the valleys has greatly delayed the success of the plan of the third generation and Danzo.

"What do you think?"The third generation frowned and frantically thought about countermeasures.

"Damn it!" Danzo punched the tree branch nearby, but he obviously forgot that he was a shadow clone!

The previous battle of wits and courage with the third generation and the air had consumed a lot of the shadow clone's chakra reserves. Coupled with the effect of rushing on the road, the shadow clone was already at the end of its strength.

It broke at the touch!

Danzo's sudden change made the third generation stunned!

You ran away without discussing the matter, Danzo, you are not thinking about going to heaven!

The empty valley, after Danzo disappeared, only the third generation was left.

Somewhere underground.

After the shadow clone's memory was transmitted back, Danzo was furious. He never thought that he could do such a stupid thing. This time he was finished.

Without the body tissue of Hashirama, what could he do even if he learned the Impure World Reincarnation? Without the body tissue as a medium, he could never find the soul of the first generation.

Without the first generation, all Danzo's hopes would be in vain.


With a long sigh, Danzo's one eye showed regret. After all the scheming, how could he accept such a result?


Taking Nagato's body, Uchiha Manye left Orochimaru without looking back after leaving a mark on him.

Uchiha Manye was not sure whether Black Zetsu would target Orochimaru.

But even if he did, it would not matter. Five years had passed, and Orochimaru's experimental bases had already spread all over the Land of Fire.

The underground world was basically���Avoid the low-end with many roots and stems of plants and trees.

Black Zetsu has long known about Orochimaru's existence. It's not that it hasn't tempted Orochimaru before, but no one would pay attention to it.

What can Nagato do with the Samsara Eye?

Can he be put on the dissection table and sliced for research?

If not, he'd better die as soon as possible. It

's not like Orochimaru hasn't seen the Samsara Eye before. Not only has he seen it, he has also personally obtained a drop of blood from the owner of the Samsara Eye. Can you, Black Zetsu, do this?

No, Orochimaru looks down on Black Zetsu's pie in the sky, but this empty check has already been eaten by Uchiha Manye. He has nothing to do, abandoned his family, and worked hard with you, a poor Akatsuki, because of his brain problem.

Orochimaru is a mad scientist, but he is not brainless.

It is said that if you use a hoe well, there is no corner that cannot be dug, but you, Black Zetsu, don't even have a hoe handle, and you are trying to dig into Uchiha Manye's corner.

Rely on your mouth?

With the help of Uchiha Manye, Orochimaru developed a bunch of biological weapons against Black Zetsu's Mayfly Technique, such as Paraquat and Thousand Miles Zetsu. With just one drop of this stuff, a few acres of land will be barren. If it weren't for the side effect of destroying the nutrients in the earth's soil, Uchiha Manye would have taken this stuff out and promoted it nationwide.

Black Zetsu's body is pure grass root condensation. In theory, this paraquat should also be effective against it, and it might even be a special medicine!

Uchiha clan land


The first thing Uchiha Manye saw when he got home was Fugaku, who had been waiting at the edge of the shelter.

"Manye, are you okay? Are you not hurt anywhere?"

Seeing Uchiha Manye coming back, Fugaku jumped up and rushed to his brother, starting to attack him and checking his injuries.

"Don't worry, big brother, I'm safe and sound. The leader of Akatsuki is still my opponent!"

Manye showed his strength openly. Now, except for the half-dead Obito, all the backup left by Madara in the Ninja World have been eliminated by Manye.

As for Black Zetsu, if Madara didn't make trouble behind him, even if he was given 100,000 years, it is not certain that Black Zetsu could dig out the moon in the sky and rescue his mother.

White Zetsu, as well as the cells of the sacred tree and the products of studying Hashirama's cells, began to give Black Zetsu some strength and successfully made him realize that only science can save his mother.

Ninjas are all pigs, few of them have brains. It's not easy for them to fool Uchiha Madara and let Hashirama deal with him.

The most depressed person will only be Black Zetsu.

""Yes, yes, yes!"

Fugaku was so excited that he said yes three times in a row.

The members of Akatsuki passed through the Konoha barrier unscathed and killed the Uchiha clan before they were discovered. It was obvious that there was a traitor.

As for who it was, it was easy to tell.

If it wasn't for the remaining prestige of Nagato and Fugaku's concern for the safety of Uchiha Manye, the Hokage building would probably be blocked by these Konoha's wealthy families and the ninjas of the big clans.

They needed an explanation. Did the Third Hokage know what Danzo did?

���Do you two really know what you have done?

"As long as you come back safely, we Uchiha should find Danzo and the Third Generation to seek justice!"

Uchiha Fugaku said this with murderous intent in his eyes.

Outside the Uchiha clan, there were piles of Sarutobi clan warriors and Danzo's Root ninjas, piled up like a mountain of walls, tightly pressed on the edge of the clan.

Through the words of Uchiha Manye Shadow Clone, Fugaku already knew what happened tonight.

The Third Generation Danzo joined forces to destroy the Uchiha.

Although they had been thinking about this idea for more than a day or two, all the big clans in Konoha knew about this plan in their hearts.

But no one could have imagined that the Third Generation Danzo was really crazy, and he was willing to sacrifice Konoha and not hurt the enemy at all in order to completely wipe out the Uchiha clan. Except.

In order to target Uchiha Manye, they did not hesitate to join forces with foreign enemies. The enemy was so powerful that they almost destroyed the entire Konoha.

If Nagato really succeeded, how could the Third Generation wash away this sin. If there was no Uchiha Manye, Konoha would probably disappear from the historical stage of the ninja world tonight.

After Uchiha Manye returned to the village, the news of each tribe spread quickly.

The tribesmen moved out of the shelter one after another.

The guard team regrouped, and the heads of various departments led the ninjas to the shelter outside the village to avoid losses.

People can't go back, and they have to live in the shelter for more than a week at least.

Destroyed by Nagato The residential buildings will take time to repair.

And the huge mountain formed by the Chibaku Tensei explosion and the fall of the mountain to Konoha is also a problem.

Countless earth-style ninjas visited, and after performing their techniques, they found that their chakra was suppressed by the mountain. All the techniques released became extremely weak under the remaining seal of the Chibaku Tensei. It is impossible to move this mountain at all.

Ordinary people who are near this mountain will lose their minds very quickly, and the physical exertion from working is much greater than usual.

The Chibaku Tensei debris has many other characteristics of the sealed mountain that the guard ninjas have not been able to test.

People living nearby It was impossible for people to live there, so the settlement had to be relocated, and the fields needed to be re-cultivated, all of which took time to accumulate.

There were also disputes over interests among the top leaders of each clan, so there was plenty of time for them to argue.

After a busy night, the next day arrived.

The Uchiha clan had not been able to evacuate all the people from the shelter in the first place, let alone the villagers of Konoha.

The ninjas all went to the war zone to carry out the future changes in the residential areas and the construction of houses.

The clan members left one by one, and soon it was the turn of Naruto and Sasuke, who had slept in the shelter for a night. Behind them followed Uchiha Mikoto and Sasuke's beloved brother Uchiha Itachi.

"Manye!"Uchiha Mikoto exclaimed in surprise. She didn't expect Manye to come pick them up today.

Fugaku and he were both busy people. Such a big incident happened in Konoha last night.���It is not easy to squeeze out time to pick myself and others up home.

"Sister-in-law, did you have a good rest last night? Uchiha Manye returned the greeting.

"((Thanks to you!) Fugaku briefly told her some details of last night, so Uchiha Mikoto knew exactly what Manye had experienced last night.

Uchiha Manye smiled, and then said,"We are a family, there is no need to be like this."

"Uncle, good morning."Itachi stepped forward and greeted him.

"Good morning, Itachi." Manye nodded.

""Hey, uncle, you look pretty good. What good things happened to you last night?" Naruto asked excitedly. The noise at night scared him a lot.

Although he didn't see anything, the arrogant fox in Naruto's body also lowered its head and tried to reduce its breath as much as possible, which showed how dangerous it was last night.

"I can't tell you even if there's good news!" Manye grabbed him in his hand and poked Naruto hard. He inherited his father's golden hair.

""Stingy!" Naruto puffed up his cheeks in anger, and the more he looked at her, the more he wanted someone to poke his head.

"Oh, you idiot who doesn't know how much you are worth, don't embarrass yourself here. With your strength, what can you do even if you know it!" Sasuke rolled his eyes at the celebrity!

"Hey, I don't know who it was that last night, he was curled up in his mother's arms, not even daring to raise his head! Coward! You still have the nerve to say that to me!"Naruto shook his head and retorted

"You big idiot, as if you are good enough, you asked Sister Yukito to hug you all night, and you haven't hugged enough?"Sasuke was almost looking down on Naruto.

Looking at the two bickering little guys, Uchiha Manye looked at Yukito, who was the last one to come over carrying the sleepy Konan on his back, and asked:

"There is such a thing?"

"It's no big deal if a kid is afraid of loud noises." Yukito smiled and looked down at Naruto, whose face was red from Sasuke's anger.

"Is she okay?"Seeing that everyone was fine, Manye was relieved. Finally, he asked about Xiaonan's time bomb.

Nagato was almost dead in the hands of Uchiha Manye. It was unknown whether Nagato's backup plan could stop Xiaonan.

With Manye's current strength, unless he wanted to die, no one in the world could hurt him.

"She was sleeping soundly, and the chakra in her body couldn't break through the illusion seal you left behind."Yokito replied

"That's good"

"What are you going to do with her?"

After Uchiha Mikoto and Itachi and his men walked away, Yukito asked.

Manye had never thought about this. Although he agreed that Nagato would take care of Konan, how could Konan accept the fact that he killed his best friend and took care of him?

"Take him home first. I will consider it after I solve these things in the village."

Helpless, I can only delay. Although delaying cannot solve the problem, it can make the problem no longer bother me.

As for when to solve it, I will talk about it when I can't delay it any longer!

Happy to make a decision, he threw the trouble at Yukito, and Uchiha Manye ran away.

Looking at his back, Yukito also sighed. It can be seen that Uchiha Manye does not want Konan to die, otherwise why would he be so awkward, and I don’t know what benefits Nagato gave him. It’s unexpected that he is so concerned about the friend of an enemy.

In the past, except for a few people who could not be killed by Uchiha Manye, the grass on the graves of the enemies who fell into Uchiha Manye’s hands is now almost three feet high. Hokage


The main position is now vacant, and the third generation has disappeared until now. I don’t know where he went.

Shimura Danzo also disappeared.

Good friends walk together for a lifetime, and they even run away in such a coordinated manner.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen is nowhere to be seen, what are you going to do?"

A clan leader stood up.

Of the ninja clans in the Hokage building, there were still two clan leaders who had not arrived. They were still the powerful clans of Konoha, the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan.

In the past, at this time, most of the lackeys of the third generation would jump out and put on a show to bully the people present, squeezing the Uchiha clan.

But after last night, they no longer had the courage to do so.

Today, they all tucked their tails between their legs and behaved like human beings, without even breathing, and huddled in a corner, praying that God would open his eyes and let them get through today safely.

"Of course we have to find him. There must be an explanation for what happened in Konoha last night. As the head of a village, he colluded with outsiders and murdered his fellow villagers. This is something a Hokage can do!"

"That’s right, there’s also Danzo Shimura, who has been in cahoots with Sarutobi Hiruzen all his life and murdered countless villagers. He was probably behind Orochimaru’s human experiments!"

"Sarutobi Hiruzen is really amazing. He gave up on his student and was unwilling to let go of Shimura Danzo's hand!"

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