Uchiha Manye said nothing, but just looked at the six of them calmly.

"Now the Root has issued an urgent order! Uchiha Manye asks you to hand over the two-tail to us for handling!"

The tall and thin Root said to Uchiha Manye in a tough tone.


Uchiha Manye sneered.

So he wanted to steal the credit.

"Uchiha Manye, please call out the Two-Tails now, otherwise we will take compulsory measures."

The tall and thin Genbu saw that Uchiha Manye was slow to act.

He said impatiently

"Want the Two-Tails?"

Uchiha Manye first said a few words to the six people.

Then he gently placed the scroll in his left hand on the ground.

He also gently placed the Two-Tails on his shoulder on the ground with a wooden figure.

With a cold face, he said to the people in front of him,

"I dare to give, do you dare to take it?"


Seeing Uchiha Manye's actions, the people in the Root could no longer sit still.

They looked at the two-tailed Yukito with greed in their eyes.

Then the six of them looked at each other.


One person stared at Uchiha Manye to prevent him from taking action.

The other five people all grabbed the two-tailed wooden man on the ground.

Five arms quickly reached out to the two-tailed wooden man on the ground.

Seeing this, Uchiha Manye's face became even colder.

His right hand gradually touched the knife handle at his waist.

""Not good!"

Uchiha Uchiha Shisui saw Manye's action.

He thought to himself that it was not good.

He immediately reached out to pull out the long sword behind him. Just when the palms of the five people were about to touch the two-tailed wooden man,


A silver blade flashed.

Five arms fell to the ground at the same time.


A lot of blood flowed out from the broken arms of the five people.

Seeing this, Uchiha Manye stretched out his left hand towards the two-tailed wooden man and scroll on the ground.

The wooden man and the scroll flew towards Uchiha Manye from the ground.

Just avoiding the gushing blood,

Uchiha Manye resisted the two-tailed wooden man with one hand.


The scroll fell on the empty ground.


The five people suddenly screamed.

They looked at their arms on the ground in disbelief.

Uchiha Manye flashed and came in front of the five people in an instant.

Before they could react, he raised his long knife and slashed at their necks one by one.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Five heads fell to the ground at the same time.


Countless blood gushed out from the broken necks of the five people.

It seemed that a bloody rain formed on Uchiha Manye's head.

Uchiha Manye's figure flashed and left the area covered by the bloody rain in an instant.

"Uchiha Manye, what are you doing?"

Uchiha Uchiha Shisui asked angrily.

When Uchiha Manye just cut off the arms of five Konoha ninjas,

Uchiha Uchiha Shisui was already stunned.

He was still thinking about why Uchiha Manye did this.

But he didn't expect that in the short moment he was thinking,

Uchiha Manye actually killed all five people.

Uchiha Manye just looked at Uchiha Uchiha Shisui coldly.

Then he turned and rushed towards the last Konoha ninja.

Uchiha Uchiha Shisui did not hesitate.

Chasing Uchiha Manye


The last masked root saw Manye rushing towards him. He instantly bent his knees and knelt down towards Uchiha Manye.

""Don't kill me! I'm a ninja from Konoha!"

The Root Ninja's face suddenly changed and he yelled at Uchiha Manye.

He never thought that

Uchiha Manye would have such a terrifying strength. He killed his five companions in just a blink of an eye.

His begging for mercy did not work at all.

In an instant, Uchiha Manye's long sword had already swung towards his neck.

Uchiha Uchiha Shisui rushed up at the moment Manye swung his sword.

He quickly swung the katana in his hand and swung it fiercely towards Uchiha Manye's long sword.

Seeing this, Uchiha Manye did not change the movement of his hands at all.

"Armament Haki hardens!"

Uchiha Manye's long sword suddenly turned pitch black.


Uchiha Uchiha Shisui

's sword that was swinging down broke instantly. Uchiha Manye's long sword did not feel the slightest pause.

It cut across the neck of the Root Ninja kneeling on the ground.

Uchiha Manye removed the Armament Haki from the long sword.

Slowly put the long sword into the scabbard at his waist.

The Root Ninja opened his eyes wide at this moment.

His hands fell to the ground weakly.

There seemed to be no wound on his body.

But if you look closely at his neck, you will find a thin red line on his neck.


A large amount of blood gushed out.

Suddenly, his head flew into the sky.

Uchiha Manye dodged the gushing blood and came to the two-tailed wooden man and the scroll.

He first carried the two-tailed wooden man on his shoulders.

Then he sucked up the scroll with the Wanxiang Tianyin.

"How is it possible that Uchiha Manye actually...So strong?"

Uchiha Uchiha Shisui stared at the broken sword in his hand. He kept saying it.

He couldn't believe that Uchiha Manye, who was ordinary in the family, actually had such a strong strength.

"Uchiha Manye, why did you kill these Konoha ninjas? Aren't you afraid that you will be charged with murdering your companions when you return?"

Uchiha Shisui came to his senses.

He held the broken sword and walked up to Uchiha Manye with a sullen face and asked

"I don't know what companions are. Are these people Konoha's ninjas?"

Uchiha Manye looked confused.

He asked Uchiha Shisui despite knowing the answer.

"Aren't these people Konoha's ninjas?"

Uchiha Shisui pointed at the six headless corpses on the ground. He angrily asked Uchiha Manye

"Hum, you said these people are Konoha's ninjas, then may I ask what evidence do they have to prove that they are Konoha's ninjas?"

Uchiha Manye snorted coldly.

Then he asked Uchiha Shisui in return.

He knew that Uchiha Shisui could not produce any evidence.

Because when the Root went out on a mission, they would not wear any items related to Konoha.


After hearing Manye's words, he looked down at the six dead people.

Uchiha Uchiha Shisui suddenly choked again.

"Humph, if it weren't for the feelings of our kind and your desire to help me just now, you should have been the same as these people a long time ago, but did you say that I absolutely dare not kill you?"

Uchiha Manye said at the end, a mysterious light flashed in his eyes.

His body was suddenly covered with a thick blue chakra. The vast and majestic momentum instantly pressed towards Uchiha Uchiha Shisui...................................................................................................................................................................

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