In the Hokage's office,

Uchiha Shisui stood respectfully in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen

""Sir, this is what happened!"

Uchiha Shisui said respectfully.

He hesitated for a day before deciding to report everything that happened at the Uchiha clan meeting to the Third Hokage.

"Shisui, you did a good job this time! Remember to continue to observe Uchiha Manye's movements, you can leave first!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen patted Shisui's shoulder gently and said with relief.

At this moment, the coldness in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart has reached an unprecedented level. He did not expect that the Uchiha clan would be so bold that the whole clan supported Uchiha Manye in not calling out the two-tail.

After hearing this, Uchiha Shisui did not stay too long, bowed, and turned away.

"Is it Uchiha? Looks like we need to settle this account carefully."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the beautiful scenery of Konoha outside the window, gloomy face, and whispered to himself.

An hour later, Uchiha Shisui hurried back to the Hokage's office.

"Hokage, Uchiha Manye and the Two-Tails are missing! They seem to have gone to the Land of Lightning"


On the other side, Uchiha Manye and the Two-Tails Yukito were rushing non-stop towards the Land of Lightning.

Since Yukito's speed was not very fast, Uchiha Manye had to slow down. It took a full day and a half to step into the border of the Land of Lightning this time.

After entering the Land of Lightning, Yukito led the way, and Uchiha Manye followed closely behind.

Yukito led Uchiha Manye through the Land of Lightning, through nearly ten winding paths, before arriving at the Hidden Cloud Village.

There were dozens of mountains nearly a thousand meters high all around, and near the top of each mountain, there was a huge steel foundation, and on the foundation, there were a large number of wooden buildings.

"Is this the Hidden Cloud Village?"

Uchiha Manye looked at the buildings on the top of the mountains and asked Yukito in surprise.

"Yes, that's Manye, this is the Hidden Cloud Village!"

Yumu Ren looked at the Hidden Cloud Village in the sky and said with a sigh.

""Is that the foundation of the Raikage Building?"

Uchiha Manye asked, looking at the dazzling array of buildings with a puzzled look.

""Yes, that one, the one in the center that's hanging in the air!"

The wooden man pointed to the purple multi-circular building in the center of the mountain that was supported by an iron frame.

"Yeah! I understand!"

Uchiha Manye pulled Yumu Ren's hand and ran towards the mountain with the iron frame.

In just a moment, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"Climb up from here and you will reach the Hidden Cloud Village!"

The wooden man pointed to the steel ladder embedded in the rock in front of him and said,

"It seems that the people of the Hidden Cloud Village should not be afraid of heights!"

Uchiha Manye took a look at the ladder that went straight to the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

This is living thousands of meters high all year round. If you have a fear of heights, wouldn't you be scared to death long ago?

"What is acrophobia?"

Yu Muren asked curiously.

"Well, it's probably because of the fear of heights!"

Uchiha Manye stroked Yukito's soft hair and explained gently.

"Hate it, you must be lying to me again, how can there be such a strange disease?"

Yu Mu Ren felt his hair being played with, and scolded Manye.

Uchiha Manye leaned down and gently kissed Yu Mu Ren's forehead.

Yu Mu Ren's body suddenly froze, and the whole person was like a pink steam engine.

"Okay, wait for me here for a while, I'll go up first!"

Uchiha Manye said gently, and then he stepped forward and walked straight towards the 90-degree mountain. Uchiha

Manye's feet stepped on the mountain, and a blue chakra emerged, and the whole person was perpendicular to the mountain.

"I won't, I want to go with you!"

As the wooden man spoke, he also stepped onto the mountain and stood horizontally on it.

"Alas! Let's go!"

Yukito, who was beside Uchiha Manye, shook his head and sighed.

Uchiha Manye was afraid that Yukito would not want to go back after seeing his hometown. After the close contact in the past few days, he still had some feelings for his first woman, Yukito.

By then, I am afraid that he would not want to take Yukito away by force.

However, Uchiha Manye has also decided that if Yukito insists on staying in the Land of Lightning, he will no longer stop her after this incident.

The two stepped on the mountain and ran from the bottom to the top towards the building on the top of the mountain.

However, in just a few minutes, Uchiha Manye and Yukito crossed a thousand meters high and stood upside down under the huge steel foundation.

"What should we do now? Manye!"

Yukito looked at the Raikage Building less than 500 meters ahead and asked worriedly.

"What else can I do? Send a letter of challenge to the Raikage!"

Uchiha Manye pulled out a wrinkled paper with handwriting on it from his arms, smoothed it out, and folded it a few times. In an instant, the paper was folded into less than half the size of a palm.

A stream of blue chakra instantly wrapped it.

Uchiha Manye activated his observation Haki, felt the breath of the Raikage, and exerted a little force on his fingertips, and the paper instantly popped out.


The paper flew in the air like a tiny blue lightning, heading towards the window of the Raikage Building.

"Let's go!"

Uchiha Manye didn't even look at him, and after calling out to Yumu Ren, he prepared to go down the mountain.


Yumu Ren said without any lingering feelings towards the Raikage Building, and followed Uchiha Manye down.

In the Raikage Office of the Raikage Building

"Damn Konoha, damn Konoha!"

The fourth Raikage Ai kept roaring in the room.

A few days ago, he sent people to Konoha to convey the message that Konoha should hand over the two-tail, but in the past few days, Konoha seemed to be unaware of it and did not even say a word in response.

"I want to start a war!"

The fourth generation Raikage Ai slammed the desk angrily and yelled at his secretary Ma Buyi beside him.

"Lord Raikage, I understand your feelings, but the Land of Lightning can no longer go to war. The villagers are already complaining!" Ma

Buyi, who was holding a book, tried to dissuade him.

"Damn it!"

The Fourth Raikage said angrily. It was because he knew this truth that he only asked. Otherwise, he would have run to the gate of Konoha Village and started fighting.

At this moment, a blue lightning flashed on the transparent glass of the Raikage Building.


The blue lightning instantly penetrated the glass, leaving a tiny crack on the thick glass.

Then the blue lightning shot straight to the desk of the Fourth Raikage and deeply penetrated it.

The Fourth Raikage just felt a blue light flash across his pupils, and then heard a hurried voice in his ear.

"Enemy attack!"

The fourth Raikage regained his sight and looked around. He instantly saw the folded letter on the stone table.

"Awesome Chakra!?"

The Fourth Raikage looked at the paper inserted one centimeter into the stone table and couldn't help but sigh. Then he picked up the paper on the table and opened it.

"Good, good, good, it's really like there's no way out, but there's always a way out!"

The Fourth Raikage carefully observed the contents on the paper for a long time and said happily

"What does Lord Raikage write on it?"

Mabui asked the Fourth Raikage curiously.

"It's just a challenge from Konoha. He captured the Two-Tails, and he wants me to fight him one-on-one to decide who will take over the Two-Tails! Hahaha!"

The Raikage said at the end, and began to laugh.

"Is it a trick?"

Ma Bu still asked

"It's possible, but since they are here on our territory, we naturally have no reason to be afraid. Gather the people and go down the mountain!"

The Fourth Raikage also felt that what Mabui said made sense, and immediately gave the order:..................................................................................................................................................................

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