Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 570 The Yin Tiger Talisman appears!

"Okay." Seeing that he who came from another world was so confident, he looked at the many ferocious corpses in the square confronting the monks from various families who had reunited after being separated, and felt that he could indeed be so confident with his strength. Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling, shook his head and said.

Then, he stepped forward, walked to the front of the roof of Yangyan Palace, and shouted to Jin Guangshan and others below: "Didn't you say that you want to attack me and be at odds with me? I, Wei Wuxian, am here, you If you have any tricks, just use them!"

Wei Wuxian's arrogant attitude angered many of the monks below, but most of them dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out. After all, there were many vicious corpses not far in front of them looking at them, but not everyone was scared. Don't dare to say a word, such as the heads of the four major families.

"Wei Wuxian, how dare you barge into the swearing-in ceremony held by our family? You don't take the heroes of the world seriously!" Wei Wuxian was repeatedly humiliated by the demon master world and was even called an old dog. , Jin Guangshan's heart was already filled with anger, and he immediately pulled out the sword in his hand, pointed it at Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling in this world, and shouted at him angrily.

"You don't take the world's heroes seriously? Master Jin, you really like to criticize others. When did I, Wei Wuxian, not take the world's heroes seriously? I have always respected heroes very much. But, are there any heroes here? When I looked around, I only saw a group of villains and idiots, and no trace of heroes at all." As he spoke, Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling, spread out his hands and made a helpless gesture. expression.

Jin Guangshan: "You..."

"Also, Sect Master Jin, it's not just a day or two since you like Smelly. I also know this, and even many people in the Xianmen Bai family know it. But I trouble you, can you have a little self-awareness? Who doesn't? I know your virtues. An old stallion who, apart from mating, only knows how to frame people and rake up garbage, actually has the courage to represent the heroes of the world. Your shamelessness is really beyond my imagination." Before Jin Guangshan could finish his words, , Yiling ancestor Wei Wuxian continued to curse at him.

He had seen the memory of Wei Wuxian, the founder of the demonic world, and knew the scenes in the video of his original fate, and knew what would happen next, so he did not argue with these people as he originally planned. On the contrary, he planned to break the The jar broke and he started scolding this group of people. The first person to scold was Jin Guangshan, the leader.

Hearing Wei Wuxian scolding him for being an old stallion who only knows how to mate, Jin Guangshan was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. His face turned green and yellow. It seemed that he really wanted to mess up Wei Wuxian at every turn. The boy who told the truth was bitten to death.

In addition, the monks from various schools in the square, as well as Nie Mingying, Lan Xichen and others who were standing next to Jin Guangshan, also frowned when they heard Wei Wuxian's words.

Wei Wuxian's words were certainly unpleasant, but...they couldn't refute them. Sect Master Jin's personal life was indeed somewhat irregular.

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But Jin Guangyao, who thought it was some kind of evil magic, concentrated on not thinking about it, and inadvertently stayed offline. When he heard the words of Yiling ancestor Wei Wuxian, he suddenly felt a feeling of confidant in his heart.

Yes, my father was an out-and-out old stallion, and he had ruined his and his mother's lives.

Also, the two men who helped Wei Wuxian, weren't they the same two people who had appeared in his mind? What was going on? By the way, that evil spell was so weird that Wei Wuxian would definitely not be able to perform it alone. They must have joined forces to use the evil spell to invade his brain, so that their looks would appear in his mind.

Thinking about it, Jin Guangyao nodded, and then took a few steps back to avoid being accidentally injured in the fight later.

"That's enough, Wei Wuxian, don't stop confusing right and wrong here. We are gathered here today to punish you who has done so many evil things. You have killed so many people, and you have already made people angry, but you still dare to talk so shamelessly here! If you know what you are doing, I will kill you immediately. Hand over the Yin Tiger Talisman, put down your plea, and surrender. Otherwise, we, the righteous-minded Immortal monks, will be rude to you!" Seeing that many people around me began to whisper about themselves. It’s a private matter, Jin Guangshan gritted his teeth and shouted loudly to Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling.

"Ha, if I tell the truth, I am turning the truth upside down. You have many more lives in your hands than me, but you have the nerve to say that I am murderous. Sect Master Jin, oh no, Jin Guangshan, your shame is beyond my imagination once again. .” Wei Wuxian shook his head and sneered.

"Hmph, Jin killed all those who deserved to be harmed by nature and justice, but you killed my Jin family's children in Qiongqidao, and then allowed Wen Ning to go on a killing spree on my Jinlin platform, killing many people. Disciples of various schools, tell me, don’t you do many evil things like this?” Jin Guangshan snorted to Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling.

In response, Yiling Patriarch looked at him disdainfully and said, "No."

Jin Guangshan: "..."

"On the one hand, your Lanling Jin clan invited me to Jin Ling's full moon banquet, but on the other hand, you set up an ambush on Qiongqi Road to intercept and kill me. Do you do this and don't allow me to resist? If you are killed, you can only say You deserve it! As for Jin Lintai, hey, Jin Guangshan, you really like to beat me up. I was in the mass grave at the time, how could I control Wen Ning thousands of miles away? Although Wen Ning had emotions, he couldn't control him when he left me. , that is a weapon. You, the Lanling Jin clan, kept saying that you wanted me to hand over him and Wenqing, and then the matter was dropped. As a result, you got the weapon but could not control it, and you accidentally killed it in your own territory. You monks from various schools, if you don’t reflect on yourselves for this matter, you blame me instead. I, Wei Wuxian, have never seen such a shameless person like you in all my life!” As he said this, Elder Yiling Zu Wei Wuxian nodded heavily at Jin Guangshan.

"Wei Wuxian, you..."

"Goodbye, oh my, I've said enough about you old stallion. What a riddled curse, in my opinion, this is simply a play directed and acted by your Lanling Jin clan, just for the sake of Find an excuse to seize the Yin Tiger Talisman from me and dominate the Immortal Sect. Do you think I don’t know what you are thinking? You are thinking that now that the Qishan Wen Sect is gone, your Lanling Jin Sect can take its place, right? Let me tell you, in your dreams, if I, Wei Wuxian, are here for a day, your Lanling Jin Sect will never be able to claim hegemony!"

"And you, a bunch of hypocrites and idiots! You are here to respond to the so-called swearing-in meeting, but do you really know the truth of the matter? You think Jin Zixun was riddled with curses by me, but do you have evidence? No. , you are just suspicious, and you can convict people just based on suspicion, then can I also suspect that you and the Lanling Jin family are colluding together to harm me and seize my Yinhu Talisman, and then in order to protect myself, I There is nothing wrong with killing you all, right? These are just idiots and hypocrites. Do you really want justice? No, you think that my existence, Wei Wuxian, threatens your status and safety, so you If you come here, forget it, it’s human nature, but you still act like you’re doing justice for heaven, it’s really shameful!”

"Who are you? You are worthy of acting on behalf of Heaven. If you want to do this, destroy yourself first because you have insulted Heaven!"

"Wei Wuxian, you..."

"Jiang Cheng, stop talking and take the disciples of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect aside. These people are not hypocrites or idiots. Since they all want to be at odds with me, then I will help them and send them all away so that this The Immortal Sect has also become cleaner!" Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling, shouted to him, interrupting what Jiang Cheng was about to say.

After saying that, under the looks of shame, anger, or fear from the three thousand monks below, he took out a black iron stone from his sleeve, which was the most powerful treasure of the Immortal Sect in this world - the Yin Tiger Talisman.

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