Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 678 Ye Shiqiu and 0 Renxue’s Genes

Are angels good?

Most of them should be, but a kind person doesn't mean that he won't make mistakes and won't scheme against others.

In a world where sweet honey is as heavy as ashes and frost is like frost, the fire god Xufeng, who is still imprisoned by Runyu in the whirling prison, is also very kind, but he has not risked the disapproval of the world and repeatedly seduced his eldest brother's fiancée. Super Seminary So it is with the angels of the world.

In the original plot, Kesha used a series of methods to bring together Angel Yan and Ge Xiaolun, Angel Zhixin and Zhao Xin. Is it really just because their genes are the most compatible?

How to determine genetic matching and what are the criteria?

Sure enough, it still depends on the potential and the other party's development space.

So to put it bluntly, she just believed that Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin had good genes and would become great talents in the future, so she arranged for her left and right bodyguards.

Letting Angel Yan and Ge Xiaolun go to Fraser to cultivate their relationship is a means to achieve this goal.

If this isn't considered calculation, then Ye Shiqiu really doesn't know what the word calculation means.

By association, we can see that angels are definitely not as holy and pure as children think. They all have their own thoughts.

And now, Angel Yan, the left-wing guard of Holy Kesha, risked being destroyed by Morgana to come here to see him, and even blew into her ears, making such an ambiguous move, Who would believe that they are angels without ulterior motives?

Ye Shiqiu is not arrogant enough to think that his charm is strong enough to make Angel Yan, who has nothing to do with him, fall in love at first sight. He would rather risk death to seduce him and see if he can hook up with her. The point of success.

After all, although Angel Yan is a seven-thousand-year-old virgin who has never tasted the taste of a handsome man, she has seen a lot of them over the years, right?

Wait, handsome man?

Suddenly, Ye Shiqiu realized something.

When Morgana first joined the group, he watched the video of her original fate. In her thirty thousand years of life, it seemed that she had never seen any handsome man.

In terms of appearance alone, it seems that except for Karl and Sumary, all the other men look...

I understand everything!

Even the 30,000-year-old Morgana has never seen any handsome man.

Not to mention the 7,000-year-old Angel Yan. Thinking about it, maybe she was attracted by his 'beauty', so she came here to seduce him?

Although there is an ulterior motive, it is not that kind of use, but to satisfy her own desires.

Well, having said that I am not arrogant, Ye Shiqiu still came up with this possibility in the end. It seemed to be a slightly arrogant guess.

As a result, the corners of his mouth raised, and his mood gradually became better.

However, at this moment, Angel Yan raised her head that was close to Ye Shiqiu's ear, stood up straight, took a step back, stretched, and said to him very casually: "Okay , I’m not kidding you anymore, he’s really not a cute kid at all. To tell you the truth, I came to you because Angel has a deal he wants to make with you. What, are you interested? If you agree, you can get Angel friendship."

As he spoke, Angel Yan winked seductively at Ye Shiqiu.

However, after she finished speaking, the face of the 'little boy' in front of her darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. This made Angel Yandai frown, feeling puzzled and a little uneasy at the same time.

She came back here at the risk of being killed by Morgana. She really had a deal to make with Ye Shiqiu. If he didn't agree, then it would be better if she could go back safely. If Morgana found out, she would kill her easily. , then their angel civilization will suffer a big loss.

After all, the left wing guard is no cabbage.

"Sorry, Miss Angel, I have no interest in making any more deals with you angels. You can leave." After being slapped in the face, Ye Shiqiu was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly turned around and walked away. At the same time, he said Angel Yan said.


Looking at Ye Shiqiu's back that turned around and left, Angel Yan was stunned.

Why don't you listen to what I say about the deal before making a decision? You're making it very difficult for me!

"Damn, as expected, these women have ulterior motives. These women are really realistic. Can't they be simple and purely moved by the beauty of men, so they crazily want to do certain things? They have to use seducing people as a means to achieve other goals. , It's really... people's hearts are not old!" Ye Shiqiu, who was slapped in the face, thought in his heart as he walked.

"Hey, kid, wait a minute, listen to me." At this time, the confused Angel Yan reacted, hurriedly raised his hand and chased Ye Shiqiu.

Then, after catching up with him, she walked forward with him and said to him: "Child, we don't know the detailed identities of you and your companions, but Queen Kesha knows you through the treasure house of sacred knowledge. After a detailed analysis of your behavior, the Holy Knowledge Treasure House finally gave the answer, which positioned you as a 'materialist with a higher Kamigawa moral level', so Queen Keisha believes that there is a certain basis for cooperation between us. "


Ye Shiqiu stopped abruptly, turned his head and looked at the beautiful female angel in front of him, with exquisite facial features that could not be faulted at all, and confirmed: "A mercenary with a high moral level in Kamigawa?"

"Yes, that's what the Treasure House of Sacred Knowledge says." Angel Yan nodded.

"Oh, I'm speechless, but I don't think there is a basis for cooperation between us. If I want to say something that may offend you, it's enough for us to have Morgana here. Angel... can bring us In terms of benefits, it's not much better than the devil." Ye Shiqiu shrugged, then stopped, pointed his arm in the direction where he came from, and said, "So, please go back."

"No, civilizations are different, and the focus of technology is also different. We don't know to what extent the cooperation between you and Morgana has reached, but there is a technology that you will definitely be interested in. Angel Civilization, the Manufacturing of the Sacred Body Technology, what, kid, do you want it?" Perhaps seeing that Ye Shiqiu really didn't intend to discuss the transaction with him in detail, Angel Yan ignored his farewell gesture and hurriedly gave her offer. come out.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Ye Shiqiu's eyes suddenly jumped twice uncontrollably.

A sacred body, this is an incredible thing. In the known universe, except Karl, perhaps no one can crack this kind of physique.

People with divine bodies can still quickly return to their original shape even if their bodies are bombarded to the size of atoms. In addition, people with divine bodies in this world can rely on energy to sustain life. Therefore, people with divine bodies can To a certain extent, it can be regarded as reaching the level of immortality.

Of course, that's relative, but it's intriguing enough on its own.

Regarding the manufacturing technology of the sacred body, Ye Shiqiu is naturally... slightly interested.

So, he lowered his raised arm, coughed slightly, and said calmly: "Tell me, what deal do you angels want to make with me?"

"Ha." Seeing that Ye Shiqiu was as interested in the manufacturing technology of the sacred body as his queen expected, Angel Yan smiled happily, and then his expression gradually became serious and said: "We hope you can provide us with something. A copy of your genes, and in addition, provide us with a copy of Miss Qian Renxue’s genes. In return, the manufacturing technology of the sacred body is given by angels with both hands!"

Ye Shiqiu: "..."

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