Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 684 I am much more handsome than Ao Bing!

In Ao Bing's world, Ao Bing who entered the chat group is the villain, and Nezha is the protagonist. The group friends have known about this for a long time, and they also know that the two of them have some friendship.

This is nothing. The old man Xiongba is still the master of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, but he is still not a villain yet. Look at which one of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun is close to him?

So, if he hadn't joined the group, if he hadn't gotten help from the group leader, he would have been on the street a long time ago.

It can be seen from this that even if there is friendship, the protagonist is still the protagonist and the villain is still the villain. These are basically two opposing people.


This scene being broadcast live, of two little guys, Ao Bing and Nezha, who are only three years old, cherish each other and can't help but look at each other, really refreshed the three views of the group friends.

Based on the performance of these two people, would you say they are opposite protagonists and villains? This is just a husband, ahem, we are basically a die-hard brother!

What's going on.

Could it be that Ao Bing, who is usually low-key and gentle, has learned the essence of villain survival, took the protagonist Nezha into his pocket, cultivated a rock-like relationship with him, and successfully changed his fate against the odds?

Many group friends began to think this way in their hearts.

At this time, on the live broadcast screen, Nezha made another move.

He held the gift box given to him by Ao Bing in both hands, and with a flash of expectation in his eyes, he looked up and asked: "Ao Bing, can I open it now?"

"Of course, I prepared it for you." Ao Bing smiled at Nezha.

Li Jing and his wife, Taiyi Zhenren, and the Chentangguan people who were begged by Li Jing to come to the banquet all looked at each other in shock.

Who is this child named Ao Bing? Judging from the situation, it seems that he is a friend of the devil Zha'er. However, where did the devil Zha'er make such a friend?

It has to be said that after Ye Shiqiu cast a spell to remove the dragon horns on his head and the spirit bead mark on his forehead, Ao Bing looked completely human at this time, so he would not be disgusted by the people who fear and hate monsters. , coupled with Ao Bing's good looks and noble and elegant temperament, almost everyone in the venue concluded that this was a very good child.

It doesn't match at all with Nezha, who has dark circles under his eyes and a devilish look on his face.


Li Jing and his wife would not think like this. In their eyes, Nezha is their child, not a devil boy. It is a great thing for him to make friends, so the look he looked at Ao Bing became... Much friendlier.

Not knowing what everyone around him was thinking, after getting Ao Bing's consent, Nezha grinned happily at him, and then quickly opened the gift box, revealing the gifts inside.

All I saw was that it was an ordinary crystal doll.

Crystal doll?

I'm not a child, so what's the use of this thing?

Reaching out to take this second-generation Silly Girl mobile phone in his hand, Nezha looked at it carefully with his left eye, then looked at it carefully with his right eye, and finally concluded that this was an ordinary crystal doll.

Then, he looked at his close friend in front of him with a slightly speechless look.

Ao Bing, I'm very grateful that you came to celebrate my birthday and gave me a gift, but you really don't know how to choose a gift. Crystals are precious, but this crystal doll has no appeal to me at all.

Receiving Nezha's funny look, Ao Bing put his fist in front of his mouth and couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Then he put his palm on Nezha's shoulder and explained to him: "This is not ordinary. Crystal doll, as long as you enter the correct password, she will transform, and she also has many magical abilities."

"Oh, is that so?" After hearing Ao Bing's words, Nezha immediately became interested.

Transformation, many magical abilities, I can’t wait to see them.

Li Jing on the side heard Ao Bing's words and subconsciously glanced at the extremely baby-fat Taiyi Zhenren next to him.

Three years ago, he also took out a lotus platform with many passwords. However, the fat man had forgotten the password because he drank too much, which shocked himself. Fortunately, he finally remembered that he could use his fingerprint to unlock it. .

However, what's the use of unlocking it? My son was originally the reincarnation of the Lingzhu, but now he has become a magic pill, alas!

Thinking of this, Li Jing couldn't help but sigh heavily in his heart.

Then, he cheered up and looked at the crystal doll in Nezha's hand. Today was his son's birthday party. Let's forget about those sad things for the time being and try to spend a happy birthday with Nezha'er.

So, Li Jing began to work hard to show a happy and interested expression.

Under the watchful eyes of him and the surrounding spectators such as Master Taiyi, Ao Bing nodded to Nezha, then leaned over and said to the crystal doll in Nezha's hand: "Turn on the phone."

"Ding!" After saying that, the crystal doll in Nezha's hand, which is the second-generation Sha Niu mobile phone invented by Big Wolf in batches, bloomed with a green light, and numbers visible to the naked eye were swimming inside it. Then, it She also made a very nice female voice.

Big Big Wolf's trump card, the second generation mobile phone, Sha Niu is at your service, please enter the power-on password.

Nezha: ""

Li Jing and his wife: ""

Master Taiyi: ""

Many people who were forced to come here: ""

The crystal doll became a sperm?

Ignoring the confused looks of those people, Ao Bing continued to say to the second-generation silly girl in Nezha's hand: "Happy birthday to Nezha."

The password is correct, please choose human mode or mobile mode.

Ao Bing: "Live action mode."

Please choose one of the following expressions: happy, angry, sad

Ao Bing: "Be good."

"Whoosh!" Under Ao Bing's series of fluent operations, Nezha watched blankly as the crystal doll in his hand suddenly turned into a beam of green light and flew out. Then the green light fell to the ground and turned into a figure wearing a red leather jacket. A beautiful sister wearing leather pants and exposing her belly button.

"Ao, Ao Bing, what's going on?" Nezha stared at the silly girl in front of him in shock. Nezha blinked several times, finally found his voice, and quickly turned to ask Ao Bing. road.

"Ha, she is the crystal doll you were holding just now. In fact, she is a mobile phone with many abilities." Ao Bing explained to Nezha with a smile.

"Mobile phone? What abilities does she have?" He didn't understand what mobile phone meant, but it was just a name. Nezha didn't bother to ask, and directly asked what he was most interested in.

Hearing this question, Li Jing and his wife, Taiyi Zhenren, and the common people eating watermelon who were also confused next to them all looked at Ao Bing curiously, waiting for his answer.

"She has many abilities. The most basic one is talking, followed by flying, invisibility, lie detection, etc." Ao Bing said to Nezha.

Originally, Sha Niu also had the ability to travel through time and space, but Ao Bing had tried it before. In his world, the second-generation Sha Niu's time and space travel function could not be used at all, so there was no need to tell Nezha about this.

"It sounds like it's very powerful. Let me give it a try." Nezha rubbed his hands and walked towards Silly Girl with interest. Then, with a grin, he said, "I'm much more handsome than Ao Bing." .”

The next second.

"I'm lying, I'm lying, I'm lying," Nezha said while nodding his head as Silly Girl massaged and pounded him crazily.

Ao Bing: ""

Friends who are watching the live broadcast: ""

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