Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 686 Nezha unlocks the circle of heaven and earth

Li Jing was the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, a great merchant. Naturally, he had been to Chaoge before, so he had some impressions of the Kong Mansion on Dongmen Street. He vaguely remembered that it was the residence of Kong Xuan, the guard at the east gate of Chaoge City.

As for Kong Xuan himself, Li Jing had never seen him.

After all, he was the general guarding one side for Dashang, so how could he have friendship with a small city gate guard? It would be nice to know that such a number one person existed.

Hearing Ao Bing's lie under the guidance of the group leader, Li Jing frowned without revealing any trace, thinking to himself: "After Zha'er's birthday party is over, I will repair my book and go to Chaoge to ask Kong Xuan. Is there really a child named Ao Bing in his family? Judging from the clothes of this child, he should not be the son of an ordinary servant. If he did not lie, then he should be a relative of Kong Xuan's nephew. If Kong Xuan didn't know With a person like Ao Bing, then... hmph, he must be lying and deceiving, and he must have evil intentions!"

Li Jing deserves to be the father of the protagonist, he is suspicious, oh no, he is so cautious to the point of being so cautious.

However, not to mention how long it takes to send a message from Chentangguan to Chaoge and back, the question is, will Kong Xuan pay attention to him?

Yes, Kong Xuan is still just a city gate guard of Dashang. In terms of official position, he is far different from Li Jing, the general. But the problem is that Kong Xuan doesn’t care about official position at all. In his eyes, let alone the city gate. There is no difference between a guard general and a general soldier, even a small soldier and a grand master.

He was working as a gatekeeper for King Zhou in Chaoge, not for fame and fortune, but to do his part to keep the big merchants alive.

As the saying goes, the mysterious bird of destiny descends to give birth to Shang!

The Phoenix clan and Dashang share their luck. If Dashang is destroyed, the Phoenix clan's luck will be greatly reduced, and may even suffer severe backlash. Therefore, as the son of Zu Feng, Kong Xuan, after sensing that the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, Then he hesitated again and again, and finally stood up resolutely and tried his best to protect Dashang.

He won't take it seriously, the commander-in-chief. You know, he is the number one person below the saint!

As the current leader of the Phoenix clan, he has to take care of the affairs within the clan and worry about the affairs of Dashang. How can he have the leisure and leisure to pay attention to Li Jing?

To put it another way, what if he really replied to Li Jing?

Who said that the Kong Mansion on Dongmen Street was Kong Xuan’s home, and couldn’t it be an ordinary family?

To put it another ten thousand steps back, by the time Li Jing found out about this, this catastrophe had long passed. Even if Li Jing knew that Ao Bing would lie to him again, he didn't know that Ao Bing was from the Dragon Clan, and he didn't know that Ao Bing was from the Dragon Clan. Lingzhu reincarnated, just because someone lied to him once, what can he do?

So, don’t panic, don’t panic.

"Ao Bing, thank you. I like this gift very much." He didn't know that there were so many calculations hidden in the conversation between Ao Bing and his father just now. Nezha took his hand away from Sha Niu's thigh with some lingering thoughts. He turned to Ao Bing and thanked him happily.

Although he might not be able to hold on to this gift for long, it would be a worthwhile life for him to have such an interesting gift before he dies, probably.

"Nezha, you don't have to be so polite. Today is your birthday." He was worried that Li Jing would be suspicious and continued to ask himself questions. Suddenly Nezha came over to talk to him. Ao Bing was naturally happy and immediately smiled at Nezha. road.

Seeing that Ao Bing was chatting with his Zha'er again, and the relationship between the two seemed really good, Li Jing hesitated, and finally relaxed his slightly frowning brows.

"That's all, let's entertain him well first." Li Jing thought in his heart.


He asked Nezha to step onto the high platform, and invited Ao Bing to join him. He changed his position and sat closer to him, oh no, closer to Nezha.

"Everyone, today is the birthday party for my son's third birthday. Li would like to thank all the folks for coming to celebrate my son's birthday. I would like to thank Li for doing it first!" After boarding the high platform area belonging to the main house, Li Jing picked up a glass of wine and He said loudly to the many people in the audience.

However, no one paid any attention to him, and they all had sad faces.

Li Jing suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and Nezha was so angry that he gritted his teeth. However, Li Jing quickly recovered, drank the wine in the glass with a smile, then turned to Nezha next to him and said: "Nezha, dad Your master and I have also prepared a gift for you, which you will definitely like."

"Oh." Nezha replied listlessly.

The joy brought by Ao Bing's arrival and the magical gift that Ao Bing gave him had almost disappeared in Nezha's heart at this moment. Without him, because he knew the secret, he understood that tonight, The calamity will come, and you will die by then.

What's the use of loving a gift that you can't keep for a long time?

Seeing Nezha's lack of interest, Li Jing was not discouraged and gave him the gifts they prepared for Nezha with Master Taiyi.

There's nothing special about Li Jing's gift. The talisman that replaced the object of the catastrophe was actually Taiyi Zhenren. He actually gave the pig that he used as a mount to Nezha. The pig would change according to the owner's characteristics. In Nezha, it becomes a hot wheel.

In response, Li Jing's housekeeper asked him curiously, "How come it became a pig in your place?"

As soon as this question came up, Master Taiyi's expression changed instantly.

This scene really made many people watching the live broadcast burst into laughter.

This plump Taiyi Zhenren is really the source of joy for this live broadcast. In addition, Ao Bing actually gave the protagonist Nezha a second-generation Sha Niu mobile phone. Such generosity, it seems that their relationship is really true. Great.

So the question is, does he still remember that he is the villain, and Nezha is the protagonist who would defeat him and step on him to get the upper hand in his original destiny?

What he did was really confusing. starter

Most people cannot understand the love entanglement between the protagonist and the villain. They only think that the two parties should be sworn friends. They continue to watch this video with curiosity and inquiry.

The scene kept changing, and finally, after Nezha accepted the Fire Spear, Hun Tian Ling, and Hot Wheels given to him by Master Taiyi, the big scene unfolded.

Nezha looked at his parents in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and told the truth he knew from Shen Gongbao, and questioned Li Jing about it.

Deceiving him, saying he was a spiritual bead, and trapping him in the Mountains and Rivers State Map, did you want to trap him until death so that he could have an explanation to the people below and preserve his reputation as a commander-in-chief?

Hearing this, the expressions of Li Jing, his wife, and Master Taiyi suddenly changed, as did Ao Bing, who couldn't figure out where Nezha knew this secret. New 81 Chinese website is the fastest updated computer version:

Li Jing and his wife and Master Taiyi quickly tried to comfort Nezha, but unfortunately, it was of no use. The more he thought about it, the more angry Nezha became. He lowered his head, and after brewing his emotions for a while, he still made the same decision as Ao Bing's original fate. That amazing move.

He recited a spell and untied the Qiankun circle around his neck to suppress his demonic nature.

Then, a raging fire burst out, knocking Li Jing and others back several steps. In the fire, the short Nezha gradually grew bigger...

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