Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 690 Tianlei went to Nezha’s father

Text Chapter 690 Tianlei went to Nezha’s father (please subscribe, please subscribe)

Shocking the mountains and the earth, this is one of the thirty-six transformations of Tiangang, that is, the first transformation. Its specific power... Well, you should be able to tell it from the name.

The power that was enough to shake the mountains and shake the earth was exerted by Ao Bing and condensed on the pair of big ice hammers in his hands. Then, he took the pair of ice hammers and violently smashed them towards Nezha. It seemed that he was against Nezha. Zha really hates it to the core.

However, is this possible?

It's completely impossible, okay? Hate it so much? You want to say that love is not enough.

As for being aroused by the black commander, that's impossible. Don't say that little sentence. In the original plot, Nezha used a fire-tip gun to explode Ao Bing's anus twice. Ao Bing was very angry at the time. , that is reasonable, but does he really hate Nezha for that kind of thing?

No, if there were, I would not live and die with him when the thunder comes.

Ao Bing didn't hold a grudge even after being done like that twice, and was willing to live and die with Nezha. What's more, Ao Bing didn't take it seriously when Marshal Hei tried to squeeze him out. Even if he felt uncomfortable, it was only for Hei Dashuai, not Nezha.

The reason why he chose to accept Marshal Hei's 'unintentional' suggestion was not because he changed his mind and wanted to kill Nezha, but because he believed that Marshal Hei's words still made some sense. His villain, Nezha is the protagonist. If he is merciless during the battle, let alone win, he may lose.

Moreover, the group leader also said before that Nezha was trying his best!

Although this shocking change may hurt Nezha, it is also the most effective way to subdue him.

As for Nezha's injuries afterwards, well, although I felt very distressed and didn't want to hurt him, there was nothing I could do about it. Fortunately, I had healing medicine on me. After subduing him, I tied him up first and then gave him the medicine in time. medicine, which would minimize his pain.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Ao Bing thought this in his heart.

In the chat group.

Marshal Hei: "Oh oh oh, have you finally used your ultimate move? Okay, use all your strength to kill the protagonist!"

Wei Wuxian: "Hey, that's not it. Watching a fight scene makes you so excited that you can't distinguish between reality and fiction? This is not a fight between the protagonist and the villain. Ao Bing took action to subdue Nezha to prevent him from killing his parents. Commander He will regret it in the future, not because he wanted to kill him, but to kill him as you said, that is completely impossible."

Yin Susu: "Young Master Wei is right. This is not in line with Young Master Ao Bing's original intention. He will not do this."

"Humph, of course my boss has not forgotten this incident. We are just watching the fight, so we have to do this, so that there is atmosphere, right? Why do you care so much!" Seeing the messages Wei Wuxian and Yin Susu sent one after another, Marshal Hei curled his lips somewhat unhappily, and then continued to speak.

Wei Wuxian: “Okay, you are black enough, and you are reasonable.”

Marshal Hei: "...This boss thinks your words are not a good thing."

Wei Wuxian: “You feel wrong.”

The world of Demon Boy Nezha.

Seeing the conversations between those annoying guys in the live broadcast room in his mind, Ao Bing's brows trembled and he didn't speak. He just subconsciously tightened his grip on the big ice hammer in his hands.



The big ice hammer containing the power of the Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang collided with Nezha's fire-tip spear, which hurriedly raised his hands to resist the attack. A more shocking sound broke out than before. Almost instantly, Nezha's feet The ground shattered, and the entire Chentangguan was shaken violently. Li Jing and his wife, as well as Master Taiyi, who had not come up with any good ideas until now, were all blown away. It flew four to five meters, but flew out of the Li family square in one breath.

From this we can see how intense the collision between the two of them was this time.

A few minutes later, Ao Bing, who was still suspended in mid-air, used a hammer to hit the back of the fire-pointed spear in Nezha's hand. Then he landed on his feet and looked quietly at the sky in front of him. He raised his hands and raised the fire. Nezha, the pointed gunman, said loudly: "Nezha, I'm sorry."

"Bang!" As soon as he finished speaking, Nezha in front of him suddenly fell backwards and fell to the ground with a thud.

Well, facing Ao Bing who used his ultimate move, Nezha was not his opponent yet.

Without wasting any time, Ao Bing quickly stepped forward and leaned down, stretched out his hand and tapped Nezha's body several times, sealing several key points around his body, making him unable to move.

Then, Ao Bing quickly took out the elixir he had purchased from the mall before from Najie and fed it to Nezha to help him recover from his injuries.

Although Nezha did not vomit blood under his shocking blow, Ao Bing knew clearly from the touching of his body during the acupuncture that Nezha had suffered serious internal injuries. He did not He was vomiting blood, but his body was already bleeding and he needed to be treated quickly.

"Huh!" After taking the elixir for Nezha, Ao Bing breathed a sigh of relief. Then, with his eyelids twitching as if he was about to wake up, Ao Bing helped Nezha up and further healed him. Suddenly, Chen There was a loud noise in the sky above Tangguan.


Hearing this voice, Ao Bing paused and at the same time, his body trembled slightly.

He slowly raised his chin and looked at the situation in the sky. He saw an extremely huge thundercloud appearing in the sky above Chentangguan. The thunder and lightning inside was ready to strike, and it looked very dangerous.

"Is this... the thunder that is coming? The Heavenly Tribulation Curse set by Yuanshi Tianzun..." Looking at the thunder cloud, Ao Bing frowned and murmured with an ugly face.

Chat group.

Fire Cloud Evil God: "The curtain is about to be staged. Boy, you have to hold on."

Qi King Li Maozhen: "Little brother Ao Bing, otherwise you should leave that Nezha behind. This sky thunder looks really dangerous. Although your cultivation is strong and your body is helped by the Galaxy Power gene, you have to bear it." This level of thunder, in my opinion, is probably... a bit reluctant."

Gao Yao: "His Royal Highness King Qi is absolutely right, the real dragon god, this thunder, I can't help but fight with my legs just from watching it on the screen, you'd better not take this risk, What if...that would be a serious problem."

Through the live broadcast, many friends who also saw the thundercloud that appeared over Chentangguan invariably sent messages to Ao Bing in the live broadcast room.

Seeing that so many people were caring about him (whether it was sincerely or just for an occasion), Ao Bing said that he was touched, but would it be possible to ask him to give up Nezha?

No way.


Ao Bing: "Thank you all for your concern, but Ao Bing has made up his mind. Nezha has saved my life. No matter how strong the thunder is, I will do my best to save him."

After sending this message, Ao Bing changed his previous behavior of doing exercises to heal Nezha and protected him in his arms. At the same time, he tried his best to mobilize all the spiritual power in his body, trying to create a powerful barrier and use all his strength. Resist the attack of thunder.

However, after a few seconds, he froze, and a look of confusion appeared on his face.

Why is there something wrong with the direction of the thunder? It doesn't look like it's coming towards Nezha. That direction... seems to be the location of Nezha's father, Mr. Li?

what happened?

Ao Bing was puzzled. At the same time, Ye Shiqiu suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten an important link.

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