Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 692 The group leader takes action and Shen Gongbao falls!

Text Chapter 692: The group leader takes action and Shen Gongbao falls! (Please subscribe, please subscribe)

The world of Demon Boy Nezha, Chentangguan.

Looking at the terrifying thunder in the sky and the Wanlong Armor thrown by Ao Bing that was about to be shattered by the thunder, the fat Taiyi Zhenren admitted that he panicked.

Although he had known for a long time that the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Curse cast by his master was extraordinary, but when he saw it with his own eyes, Master Taiyi still couldn't help but tremble. It was... so terrifying. Should I say it is worthy of my master's handiwork?

"Hey, fat man, the Seven-Colored Lotus is in your crotch, right?" Just as Master Taiyi was trembling, suddenly, an unhappy voice sounded behind him.

"Yeah, what happened?" Taiyi Zhenren, whose reaction was half a beat slower than ordinary people, said without looking back.


"Weird, who is talking to me?" Realizing his reaction, Master Taiyi hurriedly turned around and said. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, a fist as big as a sandbag hit him on the head, and then, bang With a sound, Taiyi Zhenren felt that there were many stars around him, and his body swayed unsteadily.

Then, Taiyi Zhenren, who claimed to have some baby fat but was actually extremely fat, fell backwards, fell to the ground, and fell into a coma.

"Humph, you damn fat man, with his oily face, it makes me sick to death." Ye Shiqiu, who traveled here, took out a handkerchief from the ring, wiped his hand that hit someone, and looked down at the unconscious man lying on the ground. Taiyi Zhenren said.

"You, who are you? A real person!"



He waved his sleeves and waved out two mysterious lights, which instantly immobilized Li Jing and his wife. Then, Ye Shiqiu waved his sleeves at Taiyi Zhenren on the ground. In an instant, his belt was loosened. , many magic weapons floated out from his crotch.

There are the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, gold bricks, and of course the most precious pictures of mountains and rivers and the country and the seven-color lotus.

"Tsk, this fat man is really rich. No wonder Shen Gongbao is so jealous." Looking at the many magic weapons floating in front of his eyes, Ye Shiqiu smacked his mouth and thought to himself.

"The Map of Mountains and Rivers and the State! Mine, this is mine!"

Just when Ye Shiqiu was thinking about Shen Gongbao, it was a coincidence. Suddenly, a crazy voice came from a position of 45 degrees in the southeast. Following the sound, he saw a black figure breaking through the sky. Flying here, the speed is so fast.

"Shen Gongbao?" I saw this guy in Ao Bing's live broadcast just now. He secretly took away the Qiankun Circle, so he must be Shen Gongbao. This guy saw Master Taiyi knocked unconscious by him, and Shanhe Sheji The map has been exposed to the air again, so do you want to snatch the map of mountains and rivers? It is true that people die for money and birds die for food.

With this thought in his mind, he immediately looked at Shen Gongbao who came to him very quickly, holding a map of the mountains and rivers and the country in his hand, and then greedily used the other hand to take the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, Ye Shiqiu shook his head. He shook his head and said calmly: "You are not afraid of pushing yourself to death."

As he finished speaking, two purple rays shot out from his eyes. Under Shen Gongbao's frightened gaze with suddenly dilated pupils, they penetrated his body in an instant. Then, the mastermind behind this world, Eunuch Shen, ah, it was Shen Gongbao, turned into a piece of Ashes to dust, sadly passed away.

After killing Shen Gongbao who wanted to snatch away the Shanhe Sheji Map and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, Ye Shiqiu passed over like a ghost in an instant and took the seven-color lotus in his hand.

However, as soon as his palm touched Pauline, he felt a very powerful force resisting him. Is this?

Yes, this scene appeared in Ao Bing's original destiny. Shen Gongbao wanted to steal the treasure lotus, but failed because Yuanshi Tianzun cast a spell and only Taiyi Zhenren could take it. No wonder Shen Gongbao was there just now. After getting the map of mountains and rivers with his right hand, he did not use his left hand to grab the seven-color lotus, but went to get the second-class Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield. It turned out that the guy still remembered this.


"I am not Shen Gongbao,

Yuanshi Tianzun, can the restrictions you set up prevent me? "Ye Shiqiu thought in his heart, and immediately, a powerful force of magic overflowed from his palm, constantly hitting the restrictions on the seven-color lotus. A few seconds later, a horrifying scene appeared.

A layer of turquoise light appeared on the surface of this seven-color treasure lotus. Under the impact of the third level of magic power of Ye Shiqiu Immortal Realm, this light curtain set off a ripple, and then, in the sky, there was a roar. There was a loud noise, and the moment Ao Bing's Wanlong Armor was shattered by the thunder, this layer of green light also shattered.

Well, the ban is gone.

"Seven-Colored Lotus, go!" Hearing the movement above his head, Ye Shiqiu did not waste any time. After breaking the restriction set by Yuanshi Tianzun, he used his arms hard and threw the Seven-Colored Lotus into the air with a swish. past.

The magic power remaining on the seven-color lotus controlled it to fly rapidly. In almost two breaths, it came in front of Ao Bing who showed a surprised expression. Then, it opened the lotus petals and wrapped him and the Immortal Umbrella together. stand up.

Then, the sky thunder kept hitting Ao...well, Ao Bing who was blocking Li Jing, one after another. The sound made people's scalp numb.

In the chat group.

Wei Wuxian: "The group leader has taken action. @Ye Shiqiu, group leader, will brother A Bing be okay?"

Although he had been hit before, Wei Wuxian, who had been watching the live broadcast, looked at the screen that was completely covered by thunder and could not see what was going on inside, and said to Ye Shiqiu Aite.

"No, at least there is no problem in keeping the soul." Ye Shiqiu replied to him casually.

Wei Wuxian: "Oh, that's good! Huh? Wait, no, group leader, brother A Bing kept his soul in his original destiny path. Now that you have taken action, he is still... This doesn't make sense, right?" "

Ye Shiqiu: "Is there anything you can't say? I suggest you study your Chinese language and find out what the word 'at least' means."

After sending this message, Ye Shiqiu, who was watching the situation in the air, used the authority of the group leader to perform an operation.

[Ding, group member Wei Wuxian was banned by the group leader for five minutes. 】

Wei Wuxian, who still wanted to send a message and continue asking, looked confused.

The world of Demon Boy Nezha, a few minutes later.

The thunder finally ended, and the Li family was reduced to ruins. However, Nezha, Taiyi Zhenren, and Li Jing and his wife were all fine because Ye Shiqiu used the barrier in time, but Ao Bing...

Looking at the green light falling rapidly from the sky, Ye Shiqiu Jian frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking. The next second, the scene in front of him was distorted like never before, and the whole person disappeared from the place in the blink of an eye. , the green light also disappeared from its previous trajectory.

So, where did they go?

Turn on the God's perspective and see, good guys, it turns out that they gathered together and all appeared next to the frozen Nezha.

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