Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 697 Jin Guangyao was humiliated again

Text Chapter 697 Jin Guangyao is humiliated again (please subscribe, please subscribe)

Bibi Dong was confused for a moment when she heard the loud shout. Then, looking at the sword light that was shooting towards her rapidly, she knew, good guy, this is about her.

Before I entered the God Realm, I was the Pope of the Spirit Hall. After my ascension, I became the Rakshasa God, a first-level god in the God Realm. How could I become a monster so smoothly? Who is it, who is it, who dares to slander me like this?

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong raised her arm, then opened and closed her fingers to grab the sword light.

After being grasped, the sword light immediately dissipated, revealing the figure it enveloped, an immortal sword, or a sword weapon for immortal cultivators.

Looking at the long sword with the tip only one centimeter away from her nose, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with disdain and she whispered: "Trash."

Then, with force of his fingers, he directly crushed the long sword that made Jin Guangyao's heart beat to pieces! Well, different people look at the same thing in different ways.

Back to the subject, after Bibi Dong crushed the long sword that suddenly attacked her, several more sword lights struck, but this time they did not attack Bibi Dong, but played a carrying role, because these sword lights There are still people standing on top of them. Obviously, this is a commonly used method in the world of immortality - flying with a sword.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!..."

These sword rays hit the ground, and then, several young men wearing beige robes appeared in front of Bibi Dong and others. After they landed, they did not immediately attack Bibi Dong, but they held their respective swords, pointed them directly at Bibi Dong, and asked: "Who are you, the monster? Why are you trespassing in my Shaoyang? Are you Tianxu?" A spy from the church?"

"Haha, haha." Bibi Dong sneered when she heard someone calling herself a monster again.

Although she finally defeated the Shrek Seven Devils and ascended to the divine realm, she was no longer the innocent and kind-hearted woman after experiencing that incident. Now she has a cold heart, and with the Rakshasa status This makes her even more bad-tempered and bad-hearted. If they dare to say that to her face, these ants are looking for death!

"And you two." These Shaoyang Sect disciples still didn't know that they had caused a big disaster. After questioning Bibi Dong, they turned their swords and pointed at Runyu and Jin Guangyao: "I see you You should be dressed like a member of a famous family? Why are you hanging out with this evildoer? Have you already degenerated to the point where you want to associate with evildoers? "

Runyu: "..."

Jin Guangyao: "..."

Runyu and Jin Guangyao looked at each other. One of them was the Emperor of Heaven, and the other was the leader of hundreds of immortal families. Why did they inexplicably take such a blame?

Then, they all turned their heads to look at Bibi Dong, whose face was ashen, and nodded secretly.

Sure enough, is it thanks to Bibi Dong's group of friends?

"Enough, a bunch of ants? Don't bother me!" Hearing these Shaoyang Sect disciples questioning Runyu and Jin Guangyao, and then noticing the eyes of the two group members looking at him, Bibi Dong's mouth twitched slightly After a moment? Then? With a wave of his arm, the Rakshasa Magic Scythe appeared out of thin air, emitting a dazzling purple light. The purple light shone on these Shaoyang disciples, and in an instant, they disappeared into the air without even having time to shout.

"This... Friends of Bibi Dong, can we actually explain to them? Tell them that you are actually from God, so that we don't have to go to war, and we can also let them lead the way for us, enter the Shaoyang Sect peacefully, and see us smoothly The reincarnation of the soul of Luohu's friends, Chu Xuanji." Seeing Bibi Dong take action, all the young people who claimed to be disciples of the Shaoyang Sect were dead. Runyu was fine, but Jin Guangyao's pupils suddenly shrank. , secretly said, "So strong", and then, after hesitating for a while, he stepped forward and said to Bibi Dong, smiling and cupping his hands.

"Does this Shaoyang Sect only have these few disciples? If you kill them, you will naturally encounter them again later.

"Bibi Dong glanced at Jin Guangyao in front of him and said casually.

"Oh, that's right. Then, should you change your appearance first? Otherwise, if there is another conflict later, it will not be so easy for us to enter Shaoyang smoothly. After all, Shaoyang Palm The daughter of the sect, who is also the reincarnation of the soul of Luo Hu's group of friends, I'm afraid... her strength is not something we can deal with, right?" Jin Guangyao bit the bullet and continued to smile at Bibi Dong.

He assured the group leader that he could do it and took over the organizing task of this group activity, so he still had to say what needed to be said!

After hearing what Jin Guangyao said, Bibi Dong began to look at him more seriously, her eyes narrowed, and she carefully looked at the group member in front of her who was often scolded by Wei Wuxian in the group.

He has a fair complexion, a little cinnabar between his eyebrows, clear black and white eyes, flexible but not frivolous, and a very clean and intelligent face. He is 70% handsome, 30% alert, and always has a slight smile on the corners of his mouth and eyebrows. At first glance, he is a smart and obedient person.

Such a face is absolutely enough to please women, but it will not make men feel disgusted or wary. Older people find him cute, and younger people will also find him amiable. Even if they don't like him, they won't dislike him. It can be said that his appearance is really impeccable.

But, where is his heart?

The next second, Bibi Dong made a move that shocked Jin Guangyao.

She put her palm on Jin Guangyao's chest, and then, with a gentle grasp, a bloody heart appeared in her hand.

"You..." Seeing this scene, Jin Guangyao's eyes widened instantly, and he quickly looked down at his chest. It was intact, and even his clothes were not torn. But, where did that heart come from?

Immediately, he raised his hand and touched his chest, and then he was horrified to find that he had no heartbeat!

So, that heart... really belongs to him?

Jin Guangyao suddenly felt like the world was falling apart!

Runyu on the side watched this scene quietly without speaking.

"Well, the outside is bright red and full of flesh and blood, but half of the inside is as black as ink. Boy, you are really not a good person! This is not a fault. After all, most of our group are not good people, but you, boy, are not good people. Your character has been exposed by Wei Wuxian. Why are you still showing your fake smile in front of me now? Do you want to deceive me? Humph!" Bibi Dong observed the thing in her hand with the eyes of God. Heartbroken, after a few seconds, he commented aloud. After finishing her evaluation, she snorted coldly at Jin Guangyao in front of her, then opened her palm, and in an instant, the heart disappeared from her palm.

At the same time, Jin Guangyao's palm touching his chest suddenly felt his heartbeat again.

"Boy, it's your business to be hypocritical, but don't show that hypocritical smile to me again. Otherwise, even if there are group rules and restrictions, I can't kill you, but I can still find ways to make you unable to move in the group! Listen carefully. Are you done?" Jin Guangyao's hypocrisy reminded Bibi Dong of her teacher Qian Xunji, and she frowned and said coldly to Jin Guangyao.

"Damn it!" Jin Guangyao gritted his teeth and shouted with grief and anger in his heart.

However, he did not dare to show any anger on his face. After a while, he took a deep breath and wanted to show Bibi Dong a smile that said he was not angry, but he suddenly thought of the woman in front of him. I didn't want to see my fake smile, so with a straight face, I cupped my hands at Bibidong and said stiffly: "I heard you clearly, kid, please forgive me!"

"Hmph!" Bibi Dong snorted without responding to Jin Guangyao's words, turned around, took a few steps forward, and then closed her eyes, seemingly waiting for something.

Obviously, she came from Qian Renxue in another world and had no intention of doing what Jin Guangyao said. What kind of change? As her divine power increases, it becomes increasingly difficult for her to change her appearance. Now she can no longer change her appearance at all. She can only look like this. This guy wants her to change into a ghost!

Looking at Bibi Dong's figure with her back turned to him, for some reason, at this moment, Jin Guangyao suddenly thought of someone - his father, Jin Guangshan!

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