Boss Chat Group of the Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 708 Don’t interfere in this matter!

Text Chapter 708: Don’t interfere in this matter! (Please subscribe, please subscribe)

To be fair, if it were myself, no, how could I compare myself to myself? It should be compared to the Emperor of Heaven, let's take group member Runyu's father Taiwei, the poor guy who died tragically in his own hands and was turned into a puppet by himself.

Insert an app: a perfect replica of the old version of the book-chasing artifact and replaceable source app - Mimi Reading.

He is also the Emperor of Heaven. If someone breaks into his secluded place, he will definitely kill him without saying a word.

Not only him, but the Jade Emperor from the Lotus Lantern World will probably do the same.

But this Emperor of Heaven...

"Haha, should I say that he is worthy of being the mastermind behind the scenes? This kind of magnanimity is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people!" Ye Shiqiu thought about it, chuckled, and said in his heart.

Then, he nodded to Taibai Jinxing with a smile and said politely: "Thank you."

After saying that, Ye Shiqiu put away the energy that overflowed from his palms, and continued to move forward with his hands behind his back, towards the top of the mountain.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency." Taibai Jinxing smiled apologetically at Ye Shiqiu, who happened to be passing by him.

Although he did not fight against Ye Shiqiu, Taibai Jinxing knew from the words of the ten witches of Kunlun who had been rescued that this was a ruthless character who could kill the ten witches of Kunlun instantly with one sleeve. His magic power was very powerful. Such a person, Since the Emperor of Heaven also specifically explained this, he naturally had to be polite and a little more polite.

After Ye Shiqiu passed by his group, Taibaijinxing looked at his back, waved, and then, with these heavenly soldiers and generals, followed him and walked back to the top of the mountain together.

Ye Shiqiu did not fly in the air, but continued to walk a hundred meters at a time, taking in the surrounding scenery. Such a forward speed allowed him to reach the top of Kunlun Mountain in two or three minutes.




As soon as he reached the top of the mountain, a burst of cries of different creatures suddenly reached his ears. After a quick glance, Ye Shiqiu's eyes couldn't help but a flash of surprise, and he thought to himself: "This is indeed a treasure land!"

is not that right?

Those flying around among the flowers should be the legendary colorful bees, right?

And the cow has three horns, its body is covered with silver scales, and the aura it emits is extremely strong. It has reached the level of the Immortal Realm. It is definitely a very rare beast in this world!

And the tiger over there that is taking a nap on the stone? It's all white? Could it be the white tiger, one of the four holy beasts?

No, that's not right. The White Tiger God should be in the heaven at this time? Even if he is not in the heaven? He will not appear here because he is under the control of Emperor Bai Lin? So... is he a relative of the White Tiger?

Thinking about it, Ye Shiqiu nodded, finally understanding why the Emperor of Heaven was so tolerant and willing to live in seclusion here for thousands of years? He allowed Emperor Bai Lin to control the power of Heaven.

In this perfect holy land with beautiful mountains and clear waters, chirping birds and fragrant flowers, abundant spiritual energy, and many mythical beasts, let alone him, even he can resist the desire in his heart and live in seclusion for a period of time!

"Your Excellency, the Emperor of Heaven is right in front, please!" Following Ye Shiqiu, after Ye Shiqiu glanced around the characteristic scenery on the top of the mountain, Taibai Jinxing stretched out an arm to him and said with a smile.

"Ha, you are more anxious than me." Ye Shiqiu glanced sideways at Taibai Jinxing and smiled at him with a sunny face.

Seeing this smile, Taibai Jinxing's expression suddenly changed. He quickly lowered his head and said with a sneer: "I don't dare, I don't dare. I'm just pointing out the direction for you. I never dare to rush you."

"You don't have to be so respectful to me, and you don't have to be so afraid. My temper... is not as bad as you think!" Looking at Taibai Jinxing who looked frightened in front of him, Ye Shiqiu said to him calmly. After finishing his words, his whole body It turned into a beam of purple light and shot toward the chessboard where the Emperor of Heaven was.

He has already seen the scenery here,

Don't walk the rest of the way, just go straight through.

"Huh!" After Ye Shiqiu flew out, Taibai Jinxing raised his head, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and exhaled heavily.

It is difficult to deal with these people with strong magic power. I am afraid that they will do something to me when they are angry. I am a veteran, but my magic power is a bit weak. Why do I have to bear this kind of psychological pressure?

Is weakness the original sin?

No, I am weak and I have not provoked anyone. This world is really making life difficult for God!

Also, your temper is not that bad, why do you have the nerve to say such things?

The ten witches of Kunlun were defeated by you just because they called you a monster, and they all conquered Biting Lake. You just scolded you, and you beat them to serious injuries and turned them into drowned rats. This temper... I'm sorry. The old man's eyesight is dull and he can't see any improvement.

After complaining a few words in his heart, Taibai Jinxing shook his head and said to the heavenly soldiers and generals behind him: "Let's go, follow me to defend the Emperor."

"Yes, Lord Xing." The heavenly soldiers and generals following Taibai Jinxing responded in unison, and then walked with him in the direction where Ye Shiqiu flew towards.

After walking to a place a hundred meters away, he glanced at Ye Shiqiu, who was looking at each other with the Emperor of Heaven, but neither of them spoke. Taibai Jinxing made a gesture. The heavenly soldiers and generals understood and turned around one after another. Come forward, with your back to the two of them, guard here.

Besides, in front of the divine light chessboard.

After Ye Shiqiu flew over, he landed on his feet and looked at each other with the Emperor of Heaven, who was waiting for him with a smile on his face. Feeling the fluctuations of the laws of heaven flowing on his body, Ye Shiqiu couldn't help but frown.

This Emperor of Heaven...maybe a little more powerful than he imagined!

Even if he is not in Zhongtian Palace, he can still use a lot of law power. Thanks to these laws, I couldn't sense the aura on his body, and I didn't know what his cultivation level was.

After a while, the silence was finally broken, and someone spoke.

The Emperor of Heaven waved his hand and transformed into a stone table and two stone benches. On the stone table were placed many precious delicacies from the heaven, which were full of color, fragrance and taste. He pointed at the pair of Ye Shiqiu and smiled and said: "There are many precious delicacies in the world. As the saying goes, 'Friends come from afar.' Today, my fellow Taoist from Kunlun has come, so naturally I should have some fun. Fellow Taoist, please sit down and allow me to show my friendship as a landlord."

Glancing at the delicacies on the stone table, Ye Shiqiu raised his hands, cupped his hands with the kind-hearted Emperor in front of him, and said, "The Emperor is polite, but I am not here just to rub off on the Emperor." A meal.”

"I didn't expect to be able to deal with fellow Taoist with just one meal. It's just fellow Taoist. I have been cultivating the Tao of Wuwei for many years, and I have long ignored the affairs of the three realms. Although I don't know why you are here, but... I can vaguely guess the Tao. My friend must have brought something that makes me feel very embarrassed. So, can you, Taoist friend, share this meal with me first and wait for a while before speaking again?" The smile on the Emperor's face remained unchanged and he said to Ye Shi Qiuhe Qi Dao.

"After a while?" Hearing the Emperor's question, Ye Shiqiu squinted his eyes and replied: "That's okay. But Emperor, if something happens in the three realms during this period of time, for example, Luo Hou Ji is regained Freedom, attack the heaven, defeat Emperor Bai Lin, and will occupy the heaven. By then, the emperor who cultivates Wuwei Dao, you can't leave me, go out of Kunlun, and spend time to intervene in this matter."

"Huh?" After hearing Ye Shiqiu's words, the Emperor of Heaven's expression suddenly changed with a smile on his face.

Who is he and what does he know?

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